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Scott Brown says he was sexually abused by a camp counselor when he was 10

The National Journal reports on what he'll say in his new book and in a 60 Minutes interview this Sunday.

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Republicans don't consider this sort of thing "real" rape.

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Wow. That's way over the top.

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Over the top would be telling a 13 year old girl, pregnant with her father's child, that she can't have an abortion because a bunch of rich white guys in Washington said she was kinda raped.

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That makes it okay to perpetuate abuse of victims who don't happen to be a member of your team/club/party?


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I think it's more along the lines of calling Republicans out for hypocrisy.

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unless John Boehner SAYS so.

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1. Don't tar all Republicans with a single stinky brush
2. Just because he is a Republican doesn't mean that a) he wasn't molested and b)minimizing ANYBODY'S sexual abuse experience is EVER acceptable.

Ever occur to you that maybe he's going public to shame his own party "leadership"?

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shame the party "leadership". However, IMO, that argument is seriously weakened by the fact that, as Boston.com is quick to point out in the first paragraph of their "necessary breaking news" story, this information was released in advance of both his new book and his pending 60 Minutes interview.

If Brown really wanted this revelation to shock the Republican leadership, don't you think he would have kept silent about it until the interview actually aired?

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Agreed. I don't like Brown at all politically but he should be respected for this and treated with compassion for what he went through.

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1. If Republicans keep lying to me and saying they're all about the jobs, then all they keep trying to do is limit abortions, then they get painted with that brush, because I don't see any of them mentioning that little fact to the leadership. Especially Scott Brown.

2. I would never try to minimize anyone's sexual assault. Unless of course they reveal it on the eve of their book coming out. Maybe I'm a little screwed up, but that sort of drops the sympathy level a few notches in my book.

Ever occur to you that most politicians have no shame?

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Brown votes pro-choice. And got Jessica's Law passed here.

But he doesn't deserve sympathy. Who does he think he is - a perpetrator like Jim Marzilli?

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209 out of 240 republicans co-sponsored that bill (ten democrats did.)

See also: http://www.votesmart.org/issue_keyvote_member.php?...

You vote, support, or endorse a republican? You do so for a party which overwhelmingly is against a woman's right to choose what to do with her body AND for injecting religious doctrine into our lives.

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See 2b, above.

It is NEVER acceptable to bully or belittle somebody for reporting harassment, rape, or molestation.


Count your own blessings and leave the victim shaming out of it.

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the GOP wants to treat with neglect. Scott Brown is a past victim and we should not assume how he will vote on HR.3 But if he votes for it, I'll join you in lambasting him.

Despite his 86% GOP party line voting, one area he has voted with Dems is on social issues like DADT repeal.

It's quite conceivable his personal experiences made him more sensitive to other people's hardships. We'll see.

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I think it's positive when anyone in the public eye shares these personal stories. It may give victims the courage to come forward and fight back.

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I think you're wrong. We should use anything available to win political pissing contests on internet message boards - including child molestation. After all, he is a Republican.

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Back to troll school for you!

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...and nothing more.

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I think you now have 3 feet in it - one for each comment.

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the all too familiar trap of giving free publicity to both one of their competitors (CBS) and to Mr. Brown's book. Simply because the MSM can't bring themselves to acknowledge that not everything is "instant breaking news", especially when it was going to be revealed in a few days anyway and involves events that, if true, happened decades ago.

In one word - pathetic.

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Ya... That damn Republican. He deserves to be sexually assulted and then hung up on a pole.

We need less of Scott Brown and more of James Marzilli. At least he knows how to dish it out.

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Through incompetence or malice, you're putting words in my mouth.

The accusation was that he's a hypocrite and playing possible abuse (let's keep in mind he's simply SAID he was, there's no evidence presented as such yet) for financial and political gain.

Nobody has said he deserved to be molested because of political actions and affiliations decades later...

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You're doing a fine job of malice all by yourself.

Why don't you produce a shred of evidence that Scott Brown supports the proposed change of the definition of rape (hint: there is none). You can apologize after that.

You are just as bad as any birther or any other nutjob on the right.

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It's okay to hate when you hate on the other team! Not about truth or justice - it's all about scoring points!

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This may explain Brown's long history of being anti-gay. It is too bad that he was not able to differentiate between someone who is gay and two people who were predators. (And who knows if they actually were gay - but perhaps in his mind they were.)

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Shame on you folks. Tasteless.

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I'm a raging liberal too, and I think the only relevant comment is: "It's a shame that happens to anyone" and maybe "I hope SB uses his position to protect/support others in that position."

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Can't bother reading more than a couple comments into a thread, can you?

Like a typical wingnut, you can't read what's right in front of you if it isn't what you want to believe.

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Brown has been quite the actor and self-promoter from when he became known outside of Wrentham. The well-off guy using a pickup to lug his tack and feed for his privileged daughter's horse...and then turning the truck into some prop to feign his common-man persona was bad enough. Then it was hopping into the Senate and trying to hold up bills affecting the commonweal of millions of American...apparently to show his importance.

So, when the juicy bits of a memoir emerge, we wonder about accuracy, presentation and timing.

Compared to friends I know who were sexually abused, he doesn't have much to talk or complain about. Yet, the physical abuse from stepdads sounds horrific.

I long ago lost patience with or tolerance for anyone who says kids need or deserve beatings, that they got them and it never hurt them. Like hell it didn't. It turned them into abusers themselves. Alternately, some do not hurt their kids but remain sufferers from their experience.

We can hope there'll be some sort of effort to tweak people's minds and behaviors...and not just aggrandize Scott Brown.

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If a female Democrat had made the same claims of abuse on 60 minutes, whether it was or wasn't prior to a book coming out, and she was called a liar and other names, you people would be up in arms. The hypocrisy, even amongst some of the loonies on this site, is shocking.

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And I like to revel in my own personal looniness. To quote Foghorn Leghorn.."Oh doggie, you're gonna get some lumps..ohh doggie, you're gonna get some bumps...."

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No proof of Lara Logan's assault either. Let's see how people react.

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If you're going to make inflammatory statements like that, at least have the balls to say who you are. Now you're just looking to start trouble and to use the sexual assault of a woman by a MOB to get people incensed only shows me that you are nothing but an attention seeking coward.

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yes, because dvdoff is your legal name as well.

p.s. not the original anon.

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all they have to do is send me a PM and ask.

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At least the Globe had the good sense to not allow comments in their report so that people like the POS in #1 couldn't pollute their site with their "wisdom".

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yesterday afternoon, they were allowing comments. Until somebody (not me) played the political bias card in questioning why the Glob(e) was allowing comments about Brown's admission, but weren't allowing comments about the North Andover wrestling coach.

Shortly afterwards, I inadvertently clicked on the Brown story again while looking for another one, and found that all the comments had been removed.

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and because he wrote the book he put in the traumatic experiences and how they shaped his life, which is to do expected in a memoir/autobiography.

The narrative is impossible to fact-check. If you read it, keep in mind Bush got elected because Rove suggested he'd be more fun to have a beer with. Remember when you found out Bush was a dry drunk?

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Anonymous, do you always evaluate a rape victim's claim on whether or not you can "fact-check" it? I know he is a big scary republican, but you look a lot less intelligent when you are bringing Carl Rove and George Bush into this discussion. I realize that tea partiers are not well liked on this site, and I understand why. They are considered illogical, uncaring, extreme right wing wingnuts. Based upon some of these posts I would have to say that same labels apply to many of the commentators on this site (intercahnging "left" with "right").

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Anonymous, do you always evaluate a rape victim's claim on whether or not you can "fact-check" it?

No, nor did I this time. I was referring to the story of his life not the part about being sexually assaulted.

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The Globe reports:

Senator Scott Brown, describing a childhood of family violence and strife, reveals in his new autobiography that he was sexually assaulted as a 10-year-old by a summer camp counselor on Cape Cod and suffered beatings at the hands of abusive step-fathers.

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There will be revelations of marital infidelity in the coming months. The abuse will be used to explain away the behavior.


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Adam Gaffin cheats on his wife. How is that statement any more or less credible than the one regarding Brown's supposed infidelity. This is why the so called new media is not taken seriously.

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interesting theory. (Or, along the same lines, maybe a future revelation about him hitting someone in his family and then, realizing his error... went to therapy ...is all better now.)

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