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You'll never guess what a Massachusetts Republican honcho came down with after attending a Chanukah party at the White House

The Jewish Journal interviews Tom Mountain of Newton, vice chairman of both the Massachusetts Republican Party and the Massachusetts Republican Jewish Committee, a day after his release from Brigham and Women's, where he was hospitalized with Covid-19 after flying down to Washington for a Dec. 9 Chanukah celebration at the White House.

“I wore a mask, to a point,” Mountain said. “Not all the time. I admit it …” “Most people were not.”

The party was about a month after Mountain declared he did not believe Joe Biden had actually been elected. Last year, he declared that if US Rep. Ayanna Pressley and the other three "Squad" members don't leave the USA, they should be indicted.



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“My mother-in-law had to go in for treatment in a snowstorm,” he said. “It was awful. She’s 85. It’s terrible … I feel terrible about it.

You should feel terrible about it, asshole, IT’S ENTIRELY YOUR FAULT.

I have had it with these f’ing reality-denying morons. Newsflash - it’s idiots like you keeping this whole thing going, and it is most definitely T****’s last Hanukkah in the White House.

People like this guy are a f’ing public menace.

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Bad enough this guy wants to overturn the election, denying the will of the people and subverting democracy. Then he goes to one of Trump's circle-jerks - the one where Covid Donald pretends that he doesn't actually hate Jews - and brings the Trump virus back here to infect unknown numbers of Massachusetts residents.

Screw him.

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Now where is my mini violin? He recklessly endangered the lives of others

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He can go the way NH's GOP leader went.

Stupid is as stupid does.

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Newsflash,:COVID is a virus. Remember that science thingy?

It doesn't matter what level of Trump Derangement Syndrome you adhere to. Just ask Rachel Maddow's partner. Pretty sure she wasn't attending any WH events before being stricken.

All you people who are quietly approving (and this includes you Adam) casualties based on political leanings are pretty damned weak.

Grow up, will you?

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More like you're at a circus and there's a lion there. Do you put your head in the lion's mouth? This guy did.

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Trump derangement syndrome mainly affects trump cultists....oops...guess I meant trump, “supporters.”

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Grow up, will you?

Are you talking to your mirror?

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“I wore a mask, to a point,” is a funny way of saying "I know what is right, and I did it until I stopped doing it."

I wore a condom, to a point. I wore my seat belt, to a point. I assumed guns were always loaded when I picked them up, to a point.

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"that I'm now inconvenienced by a sick relative and have to deal with the public knowing im a selfish shmuck."

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Did you see this from the daily MASSterlist email this morning?

"It’s almost impossible to outdo a Universal Hub headline once Adam Gaffin is on a roll, so why even try?"

They basically just used your headline before providing the link...

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before and again after the WH event, there is no way to tell if that is where he contracted covid. There is no way to tell for certain where anyone contracted covid.

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if we had a competent contact-tracing program running at a federal level, like, oh, say, every other first-world nation has had since March. Yet for some reason we're still leaving it up to the states, and don't have easy ways for state agencies to share data. It's almost as though some group of people in power at the federal level have actively obstructed attempts to create that. I wonder why that could be.

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This is a bit off-topic; but does anyone know why MA health department hasn’t enabled iOS/Android exposure notifications for the state?

Sure there are privacy questions; but it’s opt-in, so if people want to enable it, I don’t see why MA should stand in the way. I’m sure they could hire some MIT kid to put together a barebones state app or something.

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Can a person be a shanda? I thought it's more a term for someone's actions.

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from 2018: Trump’s Jews Are A Shonda For Di Goyim

[Trump's lawyer Michael] Cohen ... is what you might call a high-profile shanda. But he was not the only one to shame his people last week. He was joined by other high-profile shandas Eric Greitens and Elliott Broidy

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He isn't a shanda.

He's a kapo.

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He's been a menace for decades, and gets what he deserves. I hope his mother is okay.

The only kind of question I have is … Tom Mountain is the most goyishe name this side of Chris Christopherson.

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Thanks Ron. I knew there had to be a word in Yiddish to describe these folks. (I would have been surprised if there wasn't one)

I just call them self-hating. Because they obviously hate themselves.

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