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By adamg - 5/14/24 - 10:00 am
Truck with its roof sheared off

Roving UHub photographer Jake Kassen reports that, after years of seeing the aftermath of storrowings, he watched his first roof actually get sheared off, around 9:10 a.m. inbound, by the Silber footbridge. Read more.

By adamg - 5/13/24 - 10:03 pm

The MBTA reports all that work on the Red Line between Park and JFK/UMass means it's eliminated 13 more slow zones on the line. But all that work can still be for nought if trains keep dying on those zippy tracks, as happened tonight when the T reported delays of up to 20 minutes due to a train gasping its last at Broadway.

By adamg - 5/13/24 - 9:30 pm

A man who lives on the fourth floor of a Martha Road apartment building was arrested today on charges he aimed a green laser pointer at a Coast Guard helicopter whose pilot was trying to land at the neighboring Massachusetts General Hospital last September. Read more.

By adamg - 5/13/24 - 3:30 pm
Rendering of proposed 112 Queensberry St.

Rendering by Embarc.

The Fenway Community Development Corp. has filed plans for a six-story, 24-unit apartment building to replace a vacant laundromat at 112 Queensberry St. in the Fenway. Read more.

By adamg - 5/13/24 - 2:58 pm

Mayor Wu and family and two BPS students are at the Vatican this week for a climate summit hosted by the Pope. Read more.

By adamg - 5/13/24 - 2:16 pm

Fresh off its victory over the sleeping peeps of Allston, Taco Bell is going to try to build another wee-hours taco-like emporium in Boston, this time at 1084 Boylston St., near Mass. Ave., where presumably starving (musical) artists from Berklee will quieren Taco Bell at the end of a long night. Read more.

By adamg - 5/13/24 - 10:50 am

At 9:49 a.m., the MBTA reported delays on the Green Line Extension between East Somerville as workers went into Officer Mike mode and escorted some baby ducks off the tracks.

Aw, shucks: More ducks.

By adamg - 5/13/24 - 9:08 am
Car on the Green Line tracks at Fuller Street

Transit Police report that around 3 this morning, somebody in a 2015 Hyundai drove onto the inbound Green Line tracks at Packards Corner, and then, realizing he couldn't escape the clutches of the sarlacc pit there, got out with a pal and ran away. "TPD Detectives to follow up," police say. "Vehicle towed from scene, no damage to tracks."

By adamg - 5/13/24 - 8:47 am

Remember when the T said the cure for the old, wheezing Orange Line cars was to buy new ones? The T reported, at 6:26 a.m., delays on the Orange Line because of a dead train at Wellington.

By adamg - 5/13/24 - 8:42 am

At 7:49 a.m., the MBTA reported that the Red Line, after part of it took a refreshing week off, had delays because of signal issues near Broadway. Fortunately, they didn't last long - the T updated at 8:01 that the signals were once again working. But the MBTA slow zone map still shows slow zones between Park and JFK/UMass.

By adamg - 5/12/24 - 5:10 pm

Boston Police report arresting four people on gun charges after somebody reported them looking into windows on Beachview Road in East Boston around 2 p.m. on May 7. Read more.

By adamg - 5/12/24 - 1:41 pm
Guster on stage as crowd parts for ambulance

Guster on the porch as crowd slowly parts for ambulance.

Yes, Guster played on somebody's porch on Aberdeen Road in Somerville and a ton of people showed up and one guy maybe downed too many High Noons, and as roving UHub Guster fan Dapeaz shows us, just five songs in, the crowd had to part like some human Red Sea to let the ambulance in. He adds: Read more.

By adamg - 5/11/24 - 11:54 pm

Boston firefighters responded to Downtown Crossing around 10:40 p.m. on a report of smoke that turned out to be from a small fire on the inbound tracks between Chinatown and Downtown Crossing.

Once the power was shut off, firefighters quickly doused the fire, located between the two "running rails" rather than along the third rail, with a fire extinguisher.

By adamg - 5/11/24 - 8:20 pm

So far, the auroras we've seen have been a fun phenomenon but haven't caused any problems on earth. A series of auroras over several days in 1859, though, was so powerful they knocked out telegraph service across North American and Europe - and even started small fires in some telegraph offices, including in Springfield. Read more.

By adamg - 5/11/24 - 4:46 pm

Henry Santoro reports that Jasper White, 69, has died.

White, born in New Jersey, became known for his seafood at Jasper's, which he opened in 1983, and Summer Shack. He closed Jasper's in 1995 to spend more time with his family - then opened the first Summer Shack across from the Alewife T stop. White, who also authored cookbooks, sold Summer Shack in 2017.

By adamg - 5/11/24 - 12:39 pm
Turkey and a Duck Boat near Science Park

Roving UHub photographer Hope Cole spotted this turkey, no doubt hoping she can catch up with the Duck Boat at its next stop, near Science Park yesterday.

By adamg - 5/11/24 - 11:31 am
Robert Street Dog

Alert dog yesterday afternoon.

For the longest time, the residents of a house on Robert Street in Roslindale had been dressing up the dog statue on the wall in front of their house to match the times: Sox gear in the summer, Bruins gear in the winter and the like (except around Christmas when he donned some Santa gear, and during the pandemic, when he celebrated nurses) . Then, a few weeks ago, some assholes smashed the dog to bits. He returned this week, alert as ever, awaiting his next outfit.

By adamg - 5/11/24 - 1:12 am
Aurora over Needham radio and TV towers

Kevin Jordan shows us the lights over the Needham towers - just a month after he watched the total eclipse.

"I’m not even sure how to wrap my mind around this," he says. Read more.

By adamg - 5/10/24 - 10:38 pm

Boston Police responded to Circuit Street between Washington and Regent streets on a report of several shots fired shortly before 10 p.m. Officers found at least one shell casing near the park there.