By adamg on Sun., 1/6/2008 - 11:05 pm
Joseph N. Clarke, 23, of Dorchester, found shot in the head at the intersection of Norton and Bowdoin streets shortly before 2 this morning.
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More details
By adamg
Mon, 01/07/2008 - 10:43am
The Globe reports all the sad facts behind his life and death - he called his mother an hour before he died to wish her a happy birthday; he was a gentle man who liked Magic 106.7.
...he was a gentle man who
By anon
Mon, 01/07/2008 - 3:25pm
...he was a gentle man who liked Magic 106.7.
I hope you are being facetious. That is the typical crap they print after someone, who is turning their life around, gets killed. There apparently is a serial killer on the loose killing people the moment they turn their lives around.
That's what the story said
By adamg
Mon, 01/07/2008 - 3:30pm
And it's the sort of thing that sticks out - who listens to Magic 106.7 so much that it's something a relative would tell a reporter about after his murder?
That puzzled me, too
By Ron Newman
Mon, 01/07/2008 - 3:52pm
Not sure why anyone's choice of radio station would make a statement about how "gentle" he was or wasn't. I might make an exception if his favorite station was WJIB.
Have you listened to Magic 106.7?
By adamg
Mon, 01/07/2008 - 4:36pm
Violent people don't tend to listen to that.
Well ...
Back in the day, one of my favorite movies was this weird film noir/black comedy sorta La Femme Nikita-ish French movie (only without La Femme Nikita) involving a simple bike messenger guy who somehow makes a recording of an American opera diva who refuses to have recordings made of her voice and the tape gets mixed up with a tape implicating a police chief of something bad and he's pursued by hitment hired by some mobster who watches his jailbait Vietnamese girlfriend roller skate around his place. One of the thugs has an earpiece and you think he's getting radio instructions on it, but at the end of the movie he dies horribly at the bottom of an elevator shaft and the earbud (except they didn't call them that back then) falls out and we get to hear what he was listening to and it was:
Magic 106.7. Or the Parisian equivalent. So I suppose it's possible.
And damn, what was the name of the movie?
By adamg
Mon, 01/07/2008 - 4:42pm
Of course.
Violent people instead listen to ....
By Ron Newman
Mon, 01/07/2008 - 4:46pm
Howie Carr, or Rush Limbaugh, or Michael Graham, or Jay Severin
That's the Fan Club
By SwirlyGrrl Not ...
Mon, 01/07/2008 - 5:08pm
These guys and their listeners don't have the guts to actually engage in actual violence. Just look at their (lack of) military records!
They just talk about it all the time,that's all! They rahrah and cheer the idea of others taking those risks like it was some sort of football game, then run away run away run away when there is any prospect of actual participation in a physical conflict.
Joe listeneing to 106.7 part 2
By steve aka shaws...
Sun, 01/20/2008 - 9:43am
Adam if u didn't read part 1 then you might have to scroll down.
Ok to finish off the whole joe listening to 106.7 thing. Although joe was born in boston which i doubt but am not sure, joe's heritage is jamaica. Joe listened to some reggae although he always was a fan of Lloyd Banks from the G-Unit family and the Lox aka "D-Block". All in all joe loved music. Joe often was amazed at the origination of beats and or phrases in a song. Everyone knows that many song's beats are sampled from old songs. Beat are hardly ever invented nower days. Parts are taken from old school soft rock songs or noises in a movie. Then these noises or parts commonly known as samples or loops are added to other beats or loops to complete a beat. Joe loved to hear that. I don't know if u listen to reggae adam but all the young slow jam reggae artists usually just remake an american love son or old school soft rock song and put it to a reggae beat. Sometimes th song ends up mesmerizing people and other times it sounds horrible. I guess it depends on the listener's ears.
dont let dat puzzle you.
By Anonymous
Mon, 01/07/2008 - 7:47pm
dont let dat puzzle you. stop judging you are not god. thats my friend. stop it. he loved da damn station.
I knew this person
By Anonymous
Tue, 01/08/2008 - 12:12pm
I knew this person personally he was a very nice innocent person. However, you can't control neither predict when jealousy will rear it's ugly head. Please speak on what you know! Also, when a gang banger get killed it rarely makes news.I from the area so, I do know. Police will check the DOA's background as part of an investigation so, they know if the person "lived the life".
these are the facts
By von
Tue, 01/08/2008 - 1:00pm
he wasnt turning his life around. his life was a good one. he was good person. he lead a life that was sincere. he was caring, dedicated and hard working. its not fair to say that you hope these are the facts. i agree that the papers do say that someone was a good person and they were turning their life around. ive said it myself about some people. however knowing him personally and being with him, i know that he was indeed a reall good person who would do anything for anyone.
What a tragedy. My heart
By Anonymous
Wed, 01/16/2008 - 11:36pm
What a tragedy. My heart goes out to his family and friends.
The commenters who didn't know the victim should be ashamed of themselves for making disparaging comments behind the mask of anonymity. Being on the internet doesn't mean that your words aren't heard by anyone, and you have no right -- no right! -- to make the comments you made.
He was a gentleman who listened to 106.7
By steve aka shaws...
Sun, 01/20/2008 - 9:27am
Let me give you some insight behind the joe and the 106.7 thing. Joe was a kind person. Joe was alot different then most young men you know or have known. Joe was a loving man who wasn't afraid to voice his feelings, concerns, comments, etc. So that is part of the reason why joe liked and listened to 106.7. It is relevant to me because that fact sets joe a part from the rest. Joe listened to 106.7 because he had love in his heart. JOE HAD SO MUCH LOVE IN HIS HEART THAT WHEN FRIENDS OF JOE WANTED TO VIOLENTLY HARM rayon OR EVEN MURDER HIM JOE TOLD THEM THAT HE DIDN'T WANT TO DEAL WITH THE SITUATION THAT WAY. This is coming from someone who really know joe and really knows many of the facts.
By Anonymous
Mon, 01/07/2008 - 7:44pm
this im my friend you ppl talking about, yes he like magic so wat. stop being assh**es you didn't know him i did. stop making dumb ass comments like you know who you talking about. when i was pissed first person i called was him he would make me laugh. if he was still he would telll you he loved magic to so ge da f*** off it. sh*t
It is appalling to me that
By Anonymous
Mon, 01/07/2008 - 8:55pm
It is appalling to me that my dear friend tragically lost his life and you insensitive jerks are on here making comments about him liking magic 106.7. Furthermore, you should refrain from making comments that suggest he was a violent person because I'm positive you don't know him....cuz he wasn't. He was the funniest, down to earth, deep, honest, loving and caring person. I agree with the individual who made a comment before me you all are a**holes. Maybe you should take heed to the following advice...If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. Instead of writing an intelligent comment on the increasing violence in the community or something of significance your bringing up trivial sh!t. Get a life! Just be mindful least act like you have some conscience and simple common sense.
RIP Joe that mf will never know how many hearts he broke and how many smiles and days of laughter he took away from us. But we gonna keep on smiling for you boo! I love you always! Bless
Its typical that an
By Anonymous
Mon, 01/07/2008 - 9:11pm
Its typical that an insensitive bastard like you would comment on what their family said about this sweet man. The thing is that my friend, my childhood friend was a cliche, he was the sweetest man a anyone would love to know, he had manners and was always smiling, even when he was mad. So all u rude as unconscious mothe%fu&*ers shut up and let the people who love him say what they want and mourn without ur comments. If u have nothing good to say, shut up yuh mouth.
I did not know Joe as
By Anonymous
Tue, 01/08/2008 - 12:23pm
I did not know Joe as personally as some of these people have commented, but I did know people who worked with him, and have met Joe a number of times. I agree: it's rather insensitive to talk about what kind of music one listens to rather than the issue at hand. maybe it's easy to think that way because we don't want to think about the crime and the sadness it causes. also, because he was someone from dorchester or that he was african-american does not mean he was trying to turn his life around, as someone commented earlier. he was living his life, being in his life, being the kindest, friendliest, hard-working, sociable, handsome man he could ever be. he did not need to turn his life around because his life was moving forward and moving up.
we all know what it is like to have that friend or that coworker or that cousin who is the first person you think to call when times are tough, or when you need a good laugh. this was joe to a lot of people. i know he is definitely missed.
Thompson Middle School Alum
By Chanelle Thomas
Wed, 01/09/2008 - 9:01am
I am trying to find out if this is the same Joseph Clarke that went to middle school with me. Joseph was an Alumni of the Frank V. Thompson Middle school in Dorchester Ma, class of 98. I have yet been able to find out if this is the same Joseph Clark. It hurts to know someone who I grew up with is now dead. After reading some comments regarding his love for Magic 106.7, really lets me know that Bostonians have no respect for the dead, as well for a young Black man who liked a different kind of music. It makes no sense to have half a page regarding how a man like soft rock station. Get over it!! Serioiusly! On anothre note, I went Joseph's memorial site, and the weird thing that threw me off was that there was no pic of him. If anyone knows how I can find out on his funeral services, or obituary please let me know. otherwise, I just want to def send my condolences to the Richards and Clarke family. My hearts def hurts for you and the friends of Joseph. RIP joseph
Clarke/Richards Family
By Anonymous
Fri, 01/11/2008 - 7:34am
To the person who wanted to know if joe went to thompson middleschool.... I believe that this is the person you said you once knew. The names u mention is the family.
Joe wasn't trying to turn his life around
By steve aka shaws...
Sun, 01/20/2008 - 9:12am
Exactly! Joe wasn't trying to tirn his life around because was never bad. Joe never had a rap sheet and that wasn't because joe just wasn't caught like alot of other people in this city or even world. Joe had a job and mayne young people in joe's age bracket don't have a job. Most of joe's family and friend's in joe's age bracket don't have a job. That doesn't make them bad and i am not downing them because they are all my peeps that i see on a daily basis. Joe spent alot of time with his friends and family and i know first hand how hard it is to go to work when you have other influeneces in your way. I work at night and there are many days when i am chilling with my peeps which is joe's peeps too and family also and i am having so much fun laughing joking that i don't even wann go to work and i am 6 years older than joe. Well let me rephrase that because tuesday January 15th was joes birthday so that no make me 5 years older than him. So what i am really trying to say is joe wasn't turning his life around because joe's life wasn't out of his perspective. Joe has always been on track. Before joe had a job, he had gotten a settlement one time. When he was anticipating and planning he was gonna do with that settlement me and joe had a conversation. Joe's plans was to buy a car and he also planned to pay his insurance off for the year. Every other young man rides around with an unregistered and un insured vehicle. Do you get what i am trying to say to you fools now?
Arrest made
By adamg
Fri, 01/11/2008 - 9:14am
Rayon Gillespie charged with murder.
Rayon was a coward and a damn fool!
By steve aka shaws...
Sun, 01/20/2008 - 8:59am
Rayon is a coward because like every young man nower days he wouldn't fight joe with his hands like a man because he feared that he wouldn't win that fight. Rayon is a fool because he didn't take the time to know joe. If he would have talked to joe he would've realized the peron joseph really is. At one time me and joseph were together everyday. Well we all used to chill together as a group where joseph previoulsy lived and i knew joseph like he was part of my family. Joseph liked to talk things out and joseph rarely swore. I swear like a sailor, so did all of us but joseph just wasn't that type of person. He found other ways to get his point across. If rayon would've called joe or even had the girl that was stuck between them express his feelings of concern to him this whole tradegy probably wouldn't have taken place and i wouldn't be so heart broken!!!!!!!!
Tue, 01/15/2008 - 10:03am