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Maybe she needs to look in her other bras?

Dianne Wilkerson can't find enough money to pay her lawyer, wants federal tax-payers to pick up the tab.

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She always seems to have her hands open ready for cash to fall into them. She makes me sick. Please let there be actual justice and send her to jail where she belongs. She is an embarrassment to all of Massachusetts, black, white or whatever!

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...if she is broke (it wouldn't surprise me- maybe that's part of the reason she was on the take, nevermind all the other financial problems she's had) then we don't have a choice.

If you were broke and arrested for a crime, would you want free access to legal representation? I sure as hell would.

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That's what a court-appointed lawyer is for. I do admit my first reaction was "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no" but if she is really broke, then so be it. She may be quite a work, but she's entitled to the same legal rights that every citizen has.

But you know, after all that's gone down, I'm discovering it is very difficult for me to find it in my heart to believe that she's telling the truth here.

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Should she ask a law student? Or does this lawyer have to pass the bra exam first?

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...some money left over in her campaign chest.

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It sounds like she's really busted.

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She must still have some support.

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holding out a cup and asking for donations

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She may be strapped for cash, but that's no reason to let her off the hook.

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She might as well sell all of her bras on e-bay :)

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Max Stern was reported as her lawyer, but seeing where things were going, he probably asked for a high retainer.
There's no glory in plea bargaining.

There's also no value in paying someone to take you to a place you already know you're going to. She's a lawyer and can read the Federal Sentencing Guidelines herself, so why squander her fortune on a private lawyer. Federal Defenders and appointed lawyers can do a good job, too . . .

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But I thought she was a lawyer! Or did they already disbar her?

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The wheels were already turning on efforts to get her disbarred for allegedly lying during a court case involving a relative when she got indicted.

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That's what they were trying to do, but they got disbra by mistake.

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