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Wilkerson now claiming black ministers were out to get her

The Dorchester Reporter gets the scoop on a Dec. 17 meeting in Roxbury at which the former state senator accused the Black Ministerial Alliance of Greater Boston and the Boston Ten-Point Coalition of essentially conspiring to oust her from office.

Conspiracy? Wilkerson? Why does that sound familiar? It'll come to me. ...

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What I see here is, unfortunately, one of the expected consequences of the state government and churches becoming too entangled with each other. The block-grant-funded programs may be worthwhile, but they should be administered by non-religious organizations.

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For once she may have an ounce of proof (although it comes with tons of BS) the BMA was very upset with her over the gay marriage issue, and I wouldnt put it past them to attempt to undermine her when they got the chance for pushing it so hard. That being said, even if they somehow got involved in all this, she still took the money and most likely has been for years. It may turn out that the BMA was somehow involved in the unearthing of this scandal (while not fully plausible its possible) but that doesnt make what she did right.

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Wilkerson and Turner should get together and write a script - grand consipracies of Church and State and Press against two otherwise unknown and unremarkable second string (third, fourth?) politicians. Why is everyone picking on them for getting caught doing what their colleagues are doing?

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