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No on wine, yes on coffee
By adamg on Tue, 11/07/2006 - 9:37am
Poll worker at the Putterham Library in Brookline displays the two essential tools of election-day campaigning: A sign and a large regulah.
Kerry Healey arrives to vote in Beverly.
Was that brandy Ian tasted in the cream puff he bought from one of the little old ladies selling baked goods at his polling place?
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Adam - First, its a "LAHGE"
Adam - First, its a "LAHGE" regulah, not "large." Second, vote "No" on the question about sellin' likkah in auwah schools.
Yeah, but ...
I'm thinking you won't hear too many people with Boston accents in south Brookline.
Try "lodge." As the sign at the concession stand of the late, lamented Orson Welles Theatre used to say, "Lodge Budded Pupcorn."
How do we know that's coffee in there, hmmmm?