Anti-Semite finds home on
By adamg on Sun, 04/15/2007 - 1:18pm
Update: All his posts have been taken down.
Joachim Martillo, who hates Jews in general, and Ashkenazic Jews in particular, has taken to posting his screeds on, "the interactive guide to the South End that you can edit." For example, in this post Martillo says Jews only care about Darfur as a way to supress Palestinians and to cover up their own fundamental racism.
The site's Last Changes page makes it easy to see what he's written - just look for anything by his online pseudonym, Thors Pavoni.
Adios, señor Martillo?
One of your links goes to a 404-Not Found page, and the other to an empty list. Perhaps didn't care much for these jeremiads?
Until it's purged from Google's cache
You can see a copy of the Darfur post here - if you must.
His wife still has a post in the last 10
The Passion of Roxbury
Hmmm...I wonder who she thinks is doing the crucifying?
Psychotic Anti- Anti-Semitism and Anti- Anti-Zionism
Don't worry, Ron! All the pages and more will be back by the end of the day. I am hardly daunted by bigots and racists that fling the accusation of anti-Semitism whenever they don't like the facts.
I have been attending activities of the American Anti-Slavery Group, the David Project, and the various Save Darfur advocacy groups for years. I am hardly the only one questioning the motives of these organizations.
Thanks to
the effectiveness of such accusations is diminishing rapidly and the investigations of criminal subversion will begin, for the Roxbury Mosque conflict will develop into the most important civil rights case of the 21st century.
You can find the web pages that I have put back at:
Check them out and let me know whether the hyperlinks work.
Here is a bonus web page that I added.
The Roxbury Mosque issue, which I have tracked since 1989, is the only subject that I have been studying longer than the misuse of fraudulent human rights activisim by Zionist organizations
Because of the international ramifications of such perfidious human rights activism, the red herring of the Save Darfur movement will probably have even larger blowback than the Roxbury Mosque conflict will on American Jews or ethnic Ashkenazi Americans according to the more precise terminology that I prefer to use.
Subverting both the US Constitution and the concepts of human rights are inherently important in South Boston, Boston as a whole, Massachusetts, the USA and the world. The discussion has already started. It will only get nastier until racist Ashkenazi Americans and Zionists started answering the questions that concerned patriotic Americans are raising.
Patriotic Jewish Americans have a duty to take a stand against the racists, who try to shield themselves from scrutiny by a specious form Jewish solidarity.
Patriotic Jewish-Americans
Have a duty to take a stand against anti-semitic demagogues like Joachim Martillo Ajami (more on his crackpot Darfur theories).
Open letter to Michael Capuano, MA Representative to Congress
Dear Representative Capuano:
I have been attending many Darfur-related events and meetings in the Boston area. Because I have found that much of the leadership the Save Darfur movement has associations with the David Project or the American Anti-Slavery Group, which were both founded by Charles Jacobs (, I am concerned about hate-mongering and anti-Arab or anti-Muslim incitement that can only have negative implications for homeland security within the Bay State and for the whole country.
I have put together an article about Darfur activism that includes three news reports of local Darfur meetings and the complete text of a statement that I read in abridged form to the Massachusetts Public Service Committee during a joint hearing to collect testimony with regard to pending Sudan divestment legislation (S1474). You can find the article at
I hypothesize
The organized Jewish community with guidance from Neocon leaders is making a show of political force as well as trying to control human rights and genocide discourse by means of the Sudan issue.
[Note that the phrase organized Jewish community refers to the network of Jewish communal organizations to which professional Jews belong. Professional Jews are people like Abraham Foxman of the ADL or David Harris of the AJC. I do not mean Jewish doctors or Jewish lawyers, whom I would call Jewish professionals.]
If you do not have the time to read my article, here is the punch-line from the first news report.
When hatred of Jews means genocide
Great, just great, Joaquie: Let the janjaweed massacre thousands of innocent people and then, when they get bored, ride into neighboring countries and kill even more people.
It must be nice to have such moral certitude that everything is the fault of the Jews. Makes life so much easier.
URL corrected in open letter to Michael Capuano
This paragraph contains the correct URL for the article on S1474 and the importance of Darfur to the Jewish Community.
And here's more on the genocide in Darfur
Darfur: A Genocide We can Stop.
Speaking of stopping, I'm using my site owner's perogrative to close this discussion. Points have been made, sites have been linked and if people want to learn more about or discuss Darfur, there are far better places than a Boston-centric site such as this. Plus, I'll be honest: I don't feel any inclination to give a platform to a racist who hates me because of my religion and the corner of the world my ancestors came from.