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Financial District

By adamg - 3/23/12 - 4:14 pm
Downtown coyote

Downtown wildlife.

Maggie O'Neil photographed this coyote on Summer Street today.

The Animal Rescue League reports it captured the coyote in Chinatown, after a chase that included a brief foray through the mouth of the Ted Williams Tunnel. The League adds:

By adamg - 2/8/12 - 11:25 am


Workers at the Panera on High Street downtown are all wearing Giants Super Bowl shirts today to settle a bet their manager made with his counterpart at a Panera in New York.

"That's got to suck," I told the guy who took my order. "Yeah, I'm a loyal Patriots fan," he allowed.

By adamg - 2/3/12 - 4:56 pm

The Boston Licensing Board yesterday approved requests from Red Lantern in the Back Bay, Kennedy's Midtown downtown and Down Ultra Lounge in the Financial District to let groups of customers drink from a bottle of liquor right on their table.

But bowing to the city's general distaste for bottle service, all three said customers would not actually be able to buy an entire bottle of liquor for the night.

By adamg - 2/3/12 - 9:22 am

Anali reports Federal Street is getting a Crumbs Bake Shop, which apparently is all the rage in the big cities that have them.

By adamg - 1/25/12 - 1:04 pm

Window washers downtown

A couple of window washers were up near the top of that glass tower on Congress Street by State this morning.

By adamg - 1/15/12 - 12:30 pm

Adam Gendreau, co-owner and co-operator of the Staff Meal food truck, has penned an open letter to city officials about Boston's nascent food-truck efforts:

Despite the media portrayal that the food truck industry in Boston is thriving, the reality is that the city hasn’t implemented a system that will allow food trucks to succeed.

By adamg - 1/14/12 - 10:42 pm

Don't even think of driving into the Financial District, Mike advises. Brian D'Amico reports the flooding extends from Atlantic to at least India - and that the Blue Line might be affected as well.

By adamg - 1/12/12 - 7:29 am


Greg MacKay spotted this disgruntled stick figure on the side of a building on the Greenway near Dewey Square.

By adamg - 12/29/11 - 12:19 pm

Robber The FBI's Bank Robbery Task Force is looking for a man who held up a Financial District bank at gunpoint Tuesday afternoon.

By adamg - 10/24/11 - 8:20 am

With what appears to be pro-Occupy Boston graffiti? WBUR reports.

By adamg - 10/12/11 - 7:23 am


Carice Pingenot, who forwards this photo of the 99% Quartet from Dewey Square yesterday, reports:

The playing was lovely and attracted quite a crowd.

The Globe explains why some protesters arrested early Tuesday decided to fight charges, rather than pay a fine and talks to Menino and protesters about the crackdown. The Outraged Liberal explains what Occupy Boston is fighting for. The Phoenix posts photos from Tuesday morning. The Awl shows how democracy works at Occupy Boston, via its sometimes drawn out "general assemblies."

By adamg - 10/6/11 - 7:45 am

Protester in Downtown CrossingOn march through Downtown Crossing. Photo by Jeff Tamagini. More.

By adamg - 10/5/11 - 10:54 am

NorthEndWaterfront.com posts video from a Greenway Conservancy board meeting at which board members discussed the Occupy Boston encampment at Dewey Square.

Meanwhile, it looks like Occupy Boston might be putting down some roots in Copley Square.

By adamg - 10/4/11 - 2:42 pm

The Suffolk County District Attorney's office today dropped misdemeanor trespassing charges against 24 people who tried to stage a sit-in at Bank of America's Massachusetts headquarters as a protest against its lending and foreclosure policies on Friday.

"The Commonwealth makes this recommendation based on the peaceful nature of the protest and the non-confrontational manner of their interactions with police," Assistant District Attorney Susan Terrey said in Boston Municipal Court today.

By adamg - 10/4/11 - 7:11 am

Dennis Fox has been spending several hours a day at the Occupy Boston encampment in Dewey Square:

By adamg - 10/1/11 - 12:01 am

Protest at the Fed. Photo by Georgy Cohen.Protest at the Fed. Photo by Georgy Cohen.

Several hundred protesters, mostly young, turned the Greenway at Dewey Square into an impromptu protest village tonight, then marched toward Faneuil Hall - and across the street to the Federal Reserve Bank.

Occupy Boston, organized just over the last few days, seeks to protest what it says is subversion of the American economy and politics by Wall Street. Although some of the protesters came from an earlier demonstration outside the Bank of America building on Federal Street, the two events were planned by different groups.

By adamg - 9/30/11 - 6:09 pm

BPD Supt. William Evans made one of the first arrests.BPD Supt. William Evans made one of the first arrests.

The protesters were taken away from the bank's Federal Street building when they attempted a sit-in as a protest against the bank's lending and foreclosure policies.

The six who I saw arrested at the bank's front entrance went peacefully when police asked them to stand and hag plastic restraints put on. The six had taken up position in groups of two at the doors. Boston Police Superintendent William Evans made the first arrest.

Some 1,500 people participated in the protest, organizers of Take Back Boston say.

Mystery Pill took this video:

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