By adamg - Wed, 04/23/2008 - 8:15pm

Paul Levy photographs some detritus from the Icelandic-owned BostonNow: A box dumped by the Green Line tracks at Longwood:

... Too bad, too, that they couldn't at least have picked up their trash before they folded.

By adamg - Tue, 04/15/2008 - 10:05am

There's a fun mini-battle in the comments section of the We're Dead story on BostonNow. A post urging salespeople to contact the HR person at the Quincy Patriot-Ledger is followed by:

Attention Sales Staff. Why join another Daily we all know they are dying. The Bulletin Newspapers, Inc. is looking for sales people to join our weekly newspaper group. Contact Paul DiModica ...

Meanwhile, at least one BostonNow blogger plans to keep blogging, although somewhere else.

By adamg - Mon, 04/14/2008 - 12:26pm

Associated Press gets the scoop: BostonNow is kaput.

Some 52 full-time and 100 part-time employees now out of work. Hmm, I wonder what happens to all the blogs on their site?

By adamg - Wed, 03/12/2008 - 7:28pm

The Missus explains why. Jeans are involved.

By adamg - Thu, 02/21/2008 - 2:51pm

Boston Mag staffers are unanimous: A BostonNow soduku puzzle today starts out with a swastika. However, they are not willing to assign malicious intent because of the paper's glorious, albeit short, history of missing the obvious.

By adamg - Tue, 02/19/2008 - 7:12pm

Jon Milkman limns the BostonNow hawker at Porter Square who clearly takes pride in his work, even to the point of coming up with a catchphrase:

... [T]o me as i bolted through the porter T entrance late to work and aimed myself at the escalator: "alright, on the run, here we go!!!" (holding out a paper to me like he was passing off a baton in a relay race)

he's kind of awesome.

By adamg - Mon, 02/11/2008 - 11:08am

Apparently, at BostonNow, not much.

Also, check out Yelp reviews of BostonNow, especially the one from the guy who tries to give a copy of the paper back to a hawker at Copley.

By adamg - Wed, 02/06/2008 - 10:02am

It's good the Globe has a transportation reporter again, maybe they'll stop getting scooped by BostonNow by a month. Compare today's Globe story on how Dan Grabauskas says the T is broke with BostonNow's Jan. 9 story on how Dan Grabauskas says the T is broke.

But speaking of our bankrupt transportation authority, the Outraged Liberal says it's time to stick a fork in Grabauskas. TJIC doesn't express much sympathy for him, either.

By adamg - Wed, 01/23/2008 - 1:36pm

Amy Derjue poses the question after reading a report on a 600% (!) increase in Massachusetts since 2005 and then following that up with a BostonNow repo

By adamg - Wed, 01/09/2008 - 12:11pm

BostonNow is the Daily Show of Boston newspapers: It's put to bed too early in the day to get actual election results, so they just make stuff up. Or, as Jason Feifer remarks on today's cover story: Dewey defeats Clinton:

What?!? class=

Somehow, Boston Metro was able to get the real story in print.

By adamg - Thu, 12/06/2007 - 3:47pm

The Outraged Liberal wonders how the editors of a paper called BostonNow decided to lead with the Omaha shooting rather than the fireball that incinerated an Everett rotary:

... Memo to staff: Everett is a working class community in the Boston area. Omaha is in Nebraska. Nebraska is not Massachusetts. ...

BostonNow editors did discuss the Everett story at their Wednesday story conference, at least.

QUICK: Which paper is from Boston?

By adamg - Fri, 11/09/2007 - 12:44pm

Props to the Nowians for moving their site to Drupal, which is a great community and publishing platform (I will admit to being biased - I use it both here and at