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By adamg - 9/19/22 - 9:25 pm

A federal judge ruled today that a law originally originally designed to protect people's VHS viewing habits might also apply to people looking at online videos and so tossed the Boston Globe's request he simply dismiss a California man's lawsuit over trackers on bostonglobe.com he claims were sending his video viewing habits to Facebook. Read more.

By adamg - 5/20/17 - 10:34 am

Chris Wysopal reports the Globe has closed the incognito/privacy mode loophole that used to let people read unlimited numbers of articles online without a subscription.

By adamg - 9/27/11 - 3:47 pm

Not Darrow

The Globe today ran an op-ed piece by John Farrell arguing against Republican efforts to privatize Social Security and Medicare by highlighting the experience of Clarence Darrow, a noted smart guy who still lost everything in the Depression. The version on boston.com has an illustration that actually shows the bobbing head of William Jennings Bryan, Darrow's legal opponent in the Scopes Monkey Trial (photo of the two men). BostonGlobe.com readers, however, got a version illustrated with a photo of Darrow.


Tip o' the chilled monkey brains to the alert UHub reader who actually looks at both versions of Globe stuff.

By adamg - 9/12/11 - 8:16 am

My first impression: Nice. No more eye strain, no more need to kill all those zombie popups, no more waiting forever while the site builds all those popups. Huzzah!

It's a much more leisurely approach to the news; the kind of thing that harkens back to the old days, when people actually settled down with a cup of coffee and the morning paper. The kind of thing you'd expect to see in an ad for a iPad, if those ads showed people reading the iGlobe on the way to work on the iRed Line.

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