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By adamg - 3/31/21 - 11:14 am

MIT News reports have created synthetic mucins - the key ingredient of mucus - which could lead to new antibacterial treatments, because it turns out that, more than just being messy, mucus can help fend off the microorganisms. Read more.

By adamg - 3/24/21 - 10:08 pm

Richard "RMS" Stallman announced he's back on the board of directors of the Free Software Foundation, 18 months after he resigned in a hailstorm of controversy over comments suggesting Jeffrey Epstein's underage victims were "entirely willing." Read more.

By adamg - 3/16/21 - 5:27 pm

The T has issued a statement on the derailment in the area where workers were supposedly making track improvements at Wellington today: Read more.

By adamg - 3/2/21 - 11:26 am

MIT reports some of its researchers have figured out how to use X rays to virtually unravel and even read centuries-old letters that were carefully folded and "locked" in the days before envelopes were invented and offered some measure of privacy. Read more.

By adamg - 2/22/21 - 8:49 pm
321 Harrison Ave. rendering

Rendering of 321 Harrison Ave.

A Kendall Square company that builds life-sciences labs has an agreement to buy an existing office building at 1000 Washington St. and a second office building under construction next door at 321 Harrison Ave., across from the Ink Block in the South End, and is seeking BPDA approval to convert the eight new floors of space for use as life-sciences labs. Read more.

By adamg - 2/8/21 - 5:12 pm

Researchers at MIT report they've discovered that two sheets of graphene - an incredibly thin carbon hexagonal lattice - one layered atop the other, create an unusual "ferroelectric" property that could lead to "neuromorphic computing," which "could usher in new, faster information-processing paradigms." Read more.

By adamg - 2/5/21 - 10:38 am

Winthrop School Superintendent Lisa Howard says state and federal investigators have joined local police in looking at who might be attacking Winthrop's Internet provider and making it difficult for students to participate in remote learning in recent days. In e-mail to parents yesterday afternoon, she wrote: Read more.

By adamg - 2/2/21 - 9:50 pm

First, a programming note: Tomorrow at noon, the City Council holds a regular Wednesday meeting - at which councilors may decide whether to try to bypass a special election for mayor should Marty Walsh decamp for Washington before March 5. Read more.

By adamg - 1/5/21 - 9:30 am

MIT News reports on efforts at the Institute to study the human microbiome - all the zillions of microorganisms that cohabit in your body - to see if there are ways to improve human health. One example: Microorganisms living in the digestive tract have been linked to several diseases, including Type 2 diabetes, several cancers and Alzheimer's.

By adamg - 1/1/21 - 5:25 pm

BEST Boston Dynamics Robots dance

Maybe they're just happy souls who love to dance.

Nah, who are we kidding? Read more.

By adamg - 12/29/20 - 11:53 pm

Do You Love Me?

The robots at Waltham's Boston Dynamics get their grooves on.

By adamg - 12/18/20 - 10:22 pm

The FDA today approved a second Covid-19 vaccine, made by Moderna in a plant in Norwood. The vaccine, which can be stored in a regular freezer, should start rolling out to providers this weekend.

Why Norwood? Moderna explains.

By adamg - 12/11/20 - 9:11 am

A scientist's curiosity about an odd RNA discovery at MIT in the 1970s led to him winning a Nobel Prize and laid the foundation for the work that led to today's Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for Covid-19. MIT News interviews Phillip Sharp about what happened after he read a report that one virus's RNA was longer inside the nucleus of a cell it had invaded than it was in the rest of the cell and he wondered why.

By adamg - 11/20/20 - 9:29 pm

An association of auto manufacturers today filed suit against Massachusetts to block the access to computerized vehicle information that voters just this month decided the companies have to provide. Read more.

By adamg - 8/30/20 - 12:42 pm

Which'll teach you to get on the Internet at 7 a.m. on a Sunday, but in any case, the issue was a routing misconfiguration at Level 3, one of the larger Internet backbone providers (i.e., they provide the giant pipes that connect your Internet provider to Web sites' Internet providers).

A technical explanation from Pair Networks (UHub's Web hosting service): Read more.

By adamg - 8/26/20 - 2:34 pm

A federal judge today told a wireless company to do a better job of filling out applications the next time it wants to install some of those utility poles/wireless transmitters in Cambridge. Read more.

By adamg - 7/23/20 - 2:53 pm

Above the Law reports Boston-based Ropes & Gray recently told associates to remove TikTok from their phones - even their personal phones, if they use those to connect to the firm's e-mail and case systems. Seems the firm is concerned that the app could phone home with at least some of the contents of the phones - including potentially sensitive client information.

By adamg - 7/2/20 - 9:24 am

Manifest Boston, which organized the annual fall HubWeek and year-round forums with the Globe, Harvard, Mass. General and MIT, announced today it's throwing in the towel, because Covid-19 just proved too big a challenge for events that involve lots of people getting together in conference rooms. Read more.

By adamg - 6/24/20 - 12:41 pm

The City Council today voted unanimously to bar police and other city agencies from using facial-surveillance software except for specific criminal investigations - and even then only if the data is not generated by city-owned cameras. Read more.

By adamg - 6/3/20 - 10:43 am

The Massachusetts Appeals Court today overturned a man's conviction for disobeying an order not to contact a former girlfriend, saying prosecutors failed to prove that he actually sent her an Instagram message that had his account name linked on it. Read more.

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