Meals for Mom
By servings on Thu, 05/01/2008 - 3:23pm
Mother’s Day is May 11th! This year, give your Mom a gift that helps others by making a contribution to Community Servings through Meals for Moms. With every $25 you give in honor of the special women in your life, Community Servings will feed a mother struggling with HIV/AIDS, cancer and other critical illnesses for one week. Your honoree will receive a card that notes the gift you made in her name and how it will help feed mothers in need. For $50, she will also receive a box of delicious Fastachi chocolates. Order by Wednesday, May 7 at:
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Love this! But where can I
Love this! But where can I sign up? I don't see anything on the Community Servings website.
There's a little tiny "BUY
There's a little tiny "BUY NOW" link under the first paragraph, above the picture of the hen & chicks.