In Dorchester, giant fruit is local fruit and local fruit is fresh
By adamg on Sun, 06/05/2011 - 7:01pm
The Dorchester Day Parade wended its way up Dot. Ave. today, spanning the globe from Vietnamese dragon dancers to people promoting the local food co-op.
Do you think Gretchen said yes?
There were some big costumes:
And little kids:
Plenty of politicians, too, but only state Rep. Carlos Henriquez provided pony rides:
This kid asked City Councilor Charles Yancey for his autograph - but Yancey shouldn't feel special; kid was asking all the elected officials for their signatures:
Dog rides in style:
Just wouldn't be a Dorchester Day parade without a walking donut:
Free tagging:
Dot's a lot more interesting
Dot's a lot more interesting than when I was growing up there.
I wish I caught the parade.
Gretchen did say yes.
Gretchen did say yes.
The doughnut looks a little unsavory
for a family event.