Rush Radio 1200 has rebranded itself as Talk 1200. Don't worry screed fans: They're still carrying Limbaugh, Hannity and Beck.
Via Bob Nelson.
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Ad:Rush Radio 1200 has rebranded itself as Talk 1200. Don't worry screed fans: They're still carrying Limbaugh, Hannity and Beck.
Via Bob Nelson.
Like the job UHub is doing? Consider a contribution. Thanks!
By John-W
Tue, 03/01/2011 - 9:00am
And here I was thinking it was All Canadian Prog-Rock, All the Time!!
Take off!
Don't worry scared fans -- is
By anon
Tue, 03/01/2011 - 9:12am
Don't worry scared fans -- is there any other kind?
Beck Wreck
By massmarrier
Tue, 03/01/2011 - 9:21am
Plus, as the FT reports, Glenn Beck's ratings are down as even wingers can't pretend to accept his craziness. His main stations in NYC and Philly have also dropped him. Bad news abounds for evil clowns.
oh no
By John-W
Tue, 03/01/2011 - 9:28am
whatever will the Juggalos do?
By JPSouth
Tue, 03/01/2011 - 9:33am
Fuckin' magnets...
How do they work?
By Katia
Wed, 03/02/2011 - 9:26am
How do they work?
And apparently most of his
By anon
Tue, 03/01/2011 - 12:01pm
And apparently most of his advertisers have bailed too. He's apparently a money loser for Fox but they're afraid to dump him for ideological reasons.
Rush will never do as poorly
By anon
Tue, 03/01/2011 - 10:16am
Rush will never do as poorly as Air America did. Talk radio is a business and if a show has poor ratings it will not make money. There are very few left wing talk radio hosts in the country and even less in "progressive" Massachusetts. Can anyone explain that?
Not as many left leaning wing nuts
By HenryAlan
Tue, 03/01/2011 - 11:07am
Effective talk radio requires entertaining disinformation. Only wingnuts can stand to listen.
By Anon²
Tue, 03/01/2011 - 1:00pm
NPR is a major provider of actual news and information, and has to both be subsidized by the government and go on air once a month to beg for money / donations.
News doesn't sell, lying infotainment does, and the juicer the gossip and lies, the more the derp crowd will tune in.
Unfortunately, that does nothing for them. I've had to steer my older father from the morning blowhards to NPR to show him the err of his ways. He was repeating some rather crazy stuff listening to howie, that he'd never mentioned before.
You are arguing against
By anon
Tue, 03/01/2011 - 1:46pm
You are arguing against yourself. If there were even a few people out there who are even as intelligent as you think you are then NPR wouldn't have to be subsidized, nor would they have to beg for money as you put it.
Who says
By Anon²
Tue, 03/01/2011 - 3:49pm
intelligence and fact = profitable? I'd never say so, not in our current culture at least.
Take one look at the infomercial crowd on TV or the litany of history of the PR and advertising fields. Low information and misdirected consumers are good for business buddy, and promoted by every facet of our consumerist culture.
What they are not good for is liberal Democracy, which is built on the idea of people making rational, self serving decisions based in the factual world.
Hell even political polling is showing us the problems we face in a educated public.
Over 50% of the population thinks the HCR bill has been repealed since the last election!? WTF is wrong with people?
I would actually agree with
By anon
Tue, 03/01/2011 - 7:15pm
I would actually agree with some of what you are saying, but I am distracted by my astonishment over how arrogant and elitist you are. Also, I am a pretty down the middle moderate and try and see the value in both limousine liberal trust funded hippy democrats and the fox news watching tea bagging republicans, but your statement that liberal democracy is built on rationality and facts is ridiculous. If you said its built on respect, empathy and respect for others I would agree, but I don't associate liberal democrat with rational facts.
By Anon²
Tue, 03/01/2011 - 8:58pm
I don't think it's arrogant or elitist to think education and critical thinking matters.
Neither did my blue collar parents, who worked their butts off and made sure I got an education, or their parents that did the same for that matter.
So don't give me that talking point crap buddy.
Dumb and stupid is no way to go through life son, and it's not elitist to point that out, or to point out when you're getting played.
Anyways, nice trolling. Our Liberal democracy has nothing to do with the Democrats btw.
>. . . your statement that
By avjudge
Wed, 03/02/2011 - 10:37am
>. . . your statement that liberal democracy is built on rationality and
>facts is ridiculous. . . I don't associate liberal democrat with rational facts.
You do know the difference between a liberal democracy and liberal Democrats, right? Just checking, because it doesn't sound like you're getting it in your message. One's a type of governmental system and the other's a subset of one of our two main political parties. And yes, it's generally accepted that a functioning democracy requires an educated (and by extension rational) citizenry.
librull jew-run media?
By pierce
Tue, 03/01/2011 - 12:13pm
librull jew-run media?
And yet it is important enuf
By anon
Tue, 03/01/2011 - 10:18am
for you to mention, and the mouth-breathers to launch their- typical- intolerant, invective about. (I thought you folks were all about respecting and embracing diversity? That's what you always bleat... I guess that only includes people who think just like you... and I'm not even a Limbaugh fan.)
I'm waiting for UHub to post an item about Teddy Kennedy seeking to rent a brothel! Why not, Adam? It's as newsworthy as a low-watt AM station changing it's branding.
Gotta Love...
By anon
Tue, 03/01/2011 - 11:14am
The argument that someone doesn't buy conservative crackpot-ism because they're intolerant. It's like the Pope calling Galileo mean for saying the earth revolves around the sun.
Pot, meet kettle
By anon
Tue, 03/01/2011 - 11:54am
You don't even see your intolerance, do you? You can't even conceive that views other than yours can ever have any relevence, do you? Sadly typical of the type of boast of their "inclusiveness" and "commitment to diversity."
It's not about whether one agrees or not w/ Limbaugh, (the late)Air America, et al. It's about respecting others, disagreeing w/out being disagreeable. You folks claim Right Wingers do not do this; you Left Wingers need to take a good, long look in the mirror.
By anon
Tue, 03/01/2011 - 12:24pm
the Earth does revolve around the Sun.
By Anon²
Tue, 03/01/2011 - 3:43pm
The Earth is ~5.1 billion years old
It's enough
By anon
Tue, 03/01/2011 - 11:17am
Fifty years ago, a dead rich man engaged in bad behavior, or at least that's what his political enemies said in a report they typed.
It's enough to make you think he'll never be president.
Or about as interesting...
By JPSouth
Tue, 03/01/2011 - 11:37am
as the content that could only make it to a low-watt AM radio station here in town. As the owner of a 1947 Truetone console radio, I'd much rather see the talk format scrapped entirely for a jazz or big band station.
(No subject)
By Dave
Tue, 03/01/2011 - 12:33pm
(No subject)
By Anon²
Tue, 03/01/2011 - 1:04pm
yeah, A false meme
By Dave
Tue, 03/01/2011 - 4:06pm
A false meme intentionally spread around the D-bagosphere is equivalent to some FBI files that have been kept under wraps for 50 years.
A false meme intentionally
By pierce
Tue, 03/01/2011 - 5:33pm
don't diss it, Beck's built a career around that
The FBI has kept lots of stuff under wraps for decades: Roswell research, testimony towards a faked lunar landing, and probably hundreds of potential Kennedy assassins. This was likely in a file not too far from those... enjoy!
Thank you
By Anon²
Tue, 03/01/2011 - 7:20pm
If it's good enough for Beck, it's good enough for me to repeat.
It's also not a lie, but a fact. So if you have an issue with it, take it up with the man himself.
By MR88
Tue, 03/01/2011 - 1:59pm
Who cares? It isn't really news (IMO) if it happened so many years ago.
And if you're so unhappy with the coverage at UH, why are you visiting the site? I happen to think Adam does a great job covering local news/events.
It's like you wingers
By anon
Wed, 03/02/2011 - 6:32am
criticizing Limbaugh, Fox News, et al. If you are so unhappy w/ their coverage, commentary, etc... why do listen/watch enuf to know what they are coverign, commenting, etc...
(Of course, methinks many of you have never actually listened to Limabaugh, Beck, etc... or Fox News- you simply rely on the stereotypes of the lamestream media and cultural elitists to "inform" your views.)
"lamestream media"
By JPSouth
Wed, 03/02/2011 - 10:02am
Sarah, shouldn't you be misspelling McKinley somewhere...
By anon
Wed, 03/02/2011 - 12:52pm
Troll alert!!!
By MR88
Wed, 03/02/2011 - 11:55am
I actually do watch both Beck and O'Reilly quite often, even though I disagree with them a lot of the time. I'm not really sure why I do, it's just sort of entertaining... Though I wouldn't be upset if they were taken off the air, either.
My quck review . .
By Chris Dowd
Tue, 03/01/2011 - 10:22am
. . . of all three of these guys:
Limbaugh- a tired Beltway owned hack and he sounds like it. He sounds like he's reading a rote script from memory every day.
Hannity- a stupider and less nuanced version of Limbaugh.
Beck- A kook- and its sad that he is on teevee- sad for him. He's the victim in my opinion. Dude needs help- obviously- but no one is gonna give it to him because this insane man is making them money. Beck is gonna be the ultimate victim of his own show.
Talk Radio?
By Othemts
Tue, 03/01/2011 - 11:23am
They don't really talk though, do they? They yell, they lecture, they whine, they issue orders. Not much talking at all.
By Dan Seitz
Tue, 03/01/2011 - 1:11pm
Is this the radio station CREDO Mobile sent out a whiny email about demanding that I sign a petition that they drop Glenn Beck? Because before that email, I had no idea they existed. Then again, considering the wattage, that's probably because I don't get them in Somerville.
Rush can't carry them?
By Kaz
Tue, 03/01/2011 - 3:13pm
It's probably due to all of the muscle relaxants and painkillers...
I LOLed.
By Anon²
Tue, 03/01/2011 - 4:15pm
I LOLed.
By anon
Wed, 03/02/2011 - 1:17pm
you have to hire more paid callers to make outragious statements screen your calls so that they can call from multiple phone numbers. bleep out a few cuss words and accidently let a swear slip through and you get the ratings numbers. you saw and heard that on the oscars . the show was moving too fast so they stuck billy crystal in to slow it down. to get more ads in. wake up it is show bid ness you all.
Group Think
By coldeld
Thu, 01/26/2012 - 8:16pm
Seems like most of the bloggers here want to act superior because Rush Limbaugh didn't take off in Massachusetts. More likely what this is a reflection of is group mind think. No point of view is any good but there's and anyone who looks at things differently must be inferior. Bostonians want to think the lack of success is a reflection on Rush Limbaugh but what is really is a reflection of intolerance to any view but their own. Try to mention Rush Limbaugh in Massachusetts and they automatically want to label you an idiot but ask for any actual reasons they have for this and they list the standard junk, saying he's a blow hard, a hater, etc. but many have never seen the show or can even offer examples of when he was wrong. I grew up in Massachusetts with the same mind think, left the state, and finally had my eyes opened to just how much censorship exists in the state, things liberal politicians did wrong that never hit the press, reasons for Republican stances that were left out to make it appear that they were obstructing things out of ignorance when in reality there were very valid reasons, etc. Since leaving Massachusetts I must admit that I started leaning to the right, much of it was probably as a result of resenting how biased the news and opinions around me had been, the unwillingness to concede that even in a few rare instances conservatives may have been right, and the sheer hubris of a group that always thinks they are right and more than half of the people in this country who don't agree with them always wrong.