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June 17 now the triple threat of Boston holidays

It was already Bunker Hill Day (which is why I wouldn't have felt guilty about taking the kidlet to the Bruins parade if they'd held it then - BPS kids already had the day off) and the feast day for St. Botolph, for whom Boston is named. And now it's also officially Six One Seven, as declared by the City Council in recognition of the contributions made by rappers in the 617.

Thanks to Liam Sullivan for the St. Botolph info.



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Yes, let us declare a holiday in honor of rappers. Seeing how 'aspiring' rappers always seem to be catching bullets or otherwise finding themselves dead "just as they were turning their life around" perhaps the 'holiday' should in fact be changed to a 'memorial' day.

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"Always seem". That's a great phrase. Let's just all make broad, sweeping generalizations about people who we've never met. You could have just as easily written this off as a fluff piece, about a meaningless act, done by people with little to no true power. Instead you chose to take the opportunity to let everyone know how much it bothered you, especially since rappers seem to upset you so. You had such a bee in your bonnet, you decided to click Comment, write up the whole thing, make sure your grammar and spelling were all correct. That's how much you hate that group of people. Good Job!

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