Lap dance bites Combat Zone club in the ass
The Boston Licensing Board today ordered the Glass Slipper to shut down for two days as penance for the horizontal lap dance a police detective found a dancer giving a customer early on Oct. 27.
The club, one of two strip clubs left in the Combat Zone, gets to pick when it wants to shut down.
At a hearing on Tuesday, a club manager said he was as surprised as anyone to discover the customer was lying on a couch pawing the dancer as she ground on top of him, in direct violation of a city ordinances against customer/dancer contact in general and butt grabbing in particular. The customer paid $300 for the performance in one of the club's third-floor private-party rooms; the dancer lost her job over the extra work.
The manager was "surprised"
Not that I'm opposed to lap dances, but I call b.s. on that.
I'm shocked, shocked! find that gamboling is going on in here!
Butt-grabbing ordinance?
Is there really a separate ordinance regarding butt-grabbing?
That's what he said
The detective who testified on Tuesday mentioned one regulation against patron/dancer contact and another one that specifically mentioned the buttocks, Adult Entertainment regulation 1C, I believe he said it was.
it's not totally separate...
but it is specifically mentioned.
adult entertainment regulation 1(c) reads:
interestingly, the next regulation, 1(d) forbids you from wearing a merkin:
Thanks for the clarification
So I guess that's why the people who work at Dick's in Quincy Market never wear the hats they make for patrons :-).
Wow. I hope that the Herald picks up this headline.
They should be shut down for
They should be shut down for charging so much for a lap session. Maybe if the city had better tittie bars, they'd get more convension business.