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Court rules you probably shouldn't rely on your dentist for tax advice

A federal appeals court today upheld the 3-year prison sentences given a Cape couple who stopped paying their federal taxes on the advice of their dentist.

The US Court of Appeals for the First Circuit in Boston ruled today that Frederick and Kimberlee Allen not only got a fair trial in 2010 on charges they didn't pay any taxes between 1999 and 2008 despite annual income of more than $100,000, but that the judge in their trial made a point of telling the jury it could not convict them if they really believed they were acting in good faith, despite warnings from the IRS and the conviction of the alleged financial planner who later took on advising them on tax matters after they agreed their dentist knew what he was talking about when he said they didn't owe the government a dime:

In this case, the Allens claimed that, in general, ordinary wage earners were not subject to tax on their income because the Internal Revenue Code did not say they were liable. Improbable though their profession of belief may seem, the jury was instructed up, down and sideways that they were entitled to be acquitted if they held this belief in good faith. The jury did not credit them on what is an issue of fact, namely, the sincerity of their professed beliefs.

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What is it with dentists? My childhood oral surgeon went to prison for not paying the IRS for several years.

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Maybe they want to show the tax code has some teeth.

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For their punishment.

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Is punishment enough.

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My pediatric dentist got busted abusing painkillers that he prescribed for himself.

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I recall hearing/reading a report DECADES ago about how dentists are more likely to have emotional issues because they continually have to deal literally face-to-face with people.

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gotta love em'

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GTFOOH! You make money, the government gets some of it. And they WILL get it, no matter what Dr. Teeth tells you. I don't see how that could elude any sentient adult.

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is allowing the senseless to gather and reinforce their delusions, while allowing them places where people smarter aren't always there to tell them to knock it off.

National Sovereigns
Green Rainbows
Flat Worlders

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Well, I'm going to guess you meant anti-vaccers, so maybe that's a mulligan.

But even if you think the Green Rainbow Party is too strident and lefty (ie if you're nearly anyone not in the Green Rainbow party), it's a stretch to put them into the same box with the other three groups you mentioned, all of whom have beliefs which require the explicit rejection of at least a couple hundred years of empirical, historical and/or statutory evidence.

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For sure.

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birthers, 9/11 truthers, moon-landing conspiracy theorists, etc.

Actor Wesley Snipes spent some time in jail because he believed an accountant who sold him on one of these "tax protestor" scams.

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...and I think their tax beef with the government is legitimate.

I'd say more, but this correctional facility limits my connect time.

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