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Not just moshing: City cracks down on couch dancing


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If we criminalize couches only the criminals will have couches.

Do we want to go down that slippery road?

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I mean, couches are only a problem if they are out and about after 10:00. Once the curfew is in place, any establishment open after 10:00 with a couch will need to shut down.

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A bar manager apologized, said the staff who allowed the people to get footloose were reprimanded and that he's put up signs all around the place that clearly state "No Dancing."

I understand WHY certain licenses don't allow dancing. But reading sentences like that just makes me feel sad for Boston.

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Boston is becoming Bomont...

Soon they'll ban rock and roll too and then next is pool...

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You let people dance on couches, next thing, they'll be going out with their knickerbockers buckled above the knee....

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..."swell" and "so's your old man."

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Libertine men and scarlet women!

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Did we suddenly get teleported to Tehran?

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This term supposedly is usually used to describe a variant form of lap dancing. Was the offense here less salacious?

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Although the club claims that, the second time, they weren't dancing so much as just standing on the couches.

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Obviously, the way to solve this problem is to require all clubs to be baby-proofed. No furniture or ledges to stand on, no electrical outlets, safety latches on all cabinets.

God forbid anyone have any...you know...fun.

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... between rowdy "dancing on couches" and tawdry "couch dancing". ;~}

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They got a citation?

Aren't the police just a little bit embarrassed when they enforce a rule like this?

The silliness of this regulation is just going to give people the idea to hop on any seating arrangement at a club just to have a little fun.

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Many of them became cops in the first place because people picked on them and embarrassed them when they were kids. Note the large number of gay state troopers. Victim of gay bashing as a kid = pissed-off adult with authority with a hair-trigger temper.

Not only are they not embarrassed to enforce this rule, I guarantee you the cops involved here got hard upon encountering a scenario in which they could assert their authority without dealing with a gun, knife, or crackhead.

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I think the issue is drunk people standing on the back of a couch are likely to fall over and smack their head or bust a wrist, etc. If I read it right, the police told people to everyone to get down and then one asshat jumped up on the newly vacant spot. He's the one who got in trouble with the cops. Plus the establishment.

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and their insurance underwriters should reflect this in the policy premiums. I'm not sure why tax payer resources should be used to protect people from self-harm due to stupidity.

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is a joke.

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But who cares! It's obviously more important for Menino to ensure that the Applebee's code of conduct is the rule of law in the rest of Boston.

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But a big city with a decentish municipal treasury can devote resources to more than one thing at a time.

That BPD has two detectives dedicated to ensuring we don't have another repeat of Coconut Grove or trying to limit the damage inebriates do to themselves or others doesn't mean police are missing vital clues to solving crimes of violence. If BPD responded to every couch-surfing incident with a massive show of force (bringing in officers from other districts, say), you might have a case. But right now, that's limited to situations that really demand it - like, say, multiple people getting stabbed or shot at closing time.

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How many clubs, let alone establishments are not up to fire code in this city Adam? Why are they going after low hanging fruit and enforcing "No Dancing" rules rather than inspections of sprinkler systems, fire exits, the things that matter?

Haven't heard anything in a while, but last I remembers there were some mentions in the news that quite a few places in Boston we not up to the new codes. Dates being pushed back, ect.

My biggest problem is give people low hanging fruit issue to go after, and they'll take that least path of resistance over the harder stuff. It's just human nature.

If we want to make sure Coconut Grove doesn't happen again, the last thing on the list would be scolding establishments for dancing w/o a license.

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I have no clue.

But just because I don't write about them doesn't mean places aren't getting written up. BFD does inspections and BPD looks for things besides nefarious dancers on their inspections. But BFD (and, I assume ISD) inspections don't tend to wind up before the licensing boards. It's probably one of those quirks of Massachusetts law that results in police citations forcing bar owners before the boards, but BFD and ISD inspections forcing them to explain themselves before inspectors, who don't hold public hearings.

The Boston Licensing Board does take fire-related infractions that come up before it (such as blocked exits) pretty seriously - those seem more likely to result in license suspensions than, say, musicians smoking backstage.

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So long as Patricia Malone continues to run on her power trip, the city of Boston will never attract any young innovation companies or start-ups. That or Menino needs to make the Entertainment Licensing Board an actual "Board" and not one person.

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