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Roslindale is a booming neighborhood

For the second time in three nights, police are investigating a mystery explosion in the area of Zeller Street.

"Seriously! It just happened again! A huge blast in Rozzie," Todd Johnson reported shortly before 9 p.m. Mike Flynn reports he heard it at Centre and Fletcher, a few blocks away.

David reported, "I saw red sparks in the air near Ardale & Selwyn, looked like a firework and sounded like it too." Evan Allen reports, "Just spoke with BPD, looks like it was just fireworks."



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I heard it too, we live behind the post office in Roslindale Square. Very loud and distinct. Husband asked if a cannon was going off!

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This is one of the driest seasons in years. Fireworks are illegal. This has happened several times. What does it take for BPD to get interested? A major fire in a residential area?

What happened to Shotspotter? Not installed in that area? Shotspotter should be able to place it within a house or two...

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It's only in certain high-crime areas, and, yeah, Roslindale is not one of those.

But they had an exact address for Friday's boom and they still couldn't find anything.

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In Allston, typically.

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Much more often from June to August, but there are a few lots and parks near me where it's nearly every weekend and the detritus of spent paper shells litter the basketball court.

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Brett, would you care to illuminate the rest of us as to what the BPD could have done? Several people reported it, two cruisers and a Patrol Supervisor in his own cruiser responded as well as an FD engine and ladder. They conducted a search and were unable to locate any ballistic evidence nor a fire. Are they now supposed to anticipate when someone decides to light off a firework that they just bought from NH?

Adam is right about ShotSpotter.. The sensors are located in areas of Boston that have the highest rates of Shots Fired calls being reported. Places where real guns go off every single night. On a side, shotSpotter is a great tool, but it is not without its faults... It has on occasion directed officers to the exact spot of ballistics and sometimes has been whole blocks off, and occasionally goes off in a strong wind. So yeah, like the average caller, it is 80% right about 50% of the time... Oh and Brett it is called ShotSpotter not FireworksSpotter and should be used as such.

I think there is a LARGE disconnect with many when it comes to perception vs. reality.

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Interestingly enough, Shotspotter would not help identify the location of the fireworks. The technology works on both the bullet breaking the sound barrier (a series of small waves radiating as the bullet moves through the air) and the effect of the muzzle blast (one large sound wave ballooning out from the muzzle).

Random acoustics moment, dumbed down due to my alcohol intake.

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Could be just an M-80. Quarter stick of dynamite. Those things are super loud. Every summer a few go off out here in Dorchester. Last summer one went off, followed by three gunshots. That was a loud night.

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Live a few blocks away from there. I heard it too. Was too deep sounding to be fireworks. It was the first time I heard it....didn't know this was a recurring problem.

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The last one I happened to be standing in my living room looking out when it went off. It was definitely in the Ardale/Zeller area (I was looking Southish from Knoll Street). There was a greenish light shooting into the air and then a loud boom. It was very similar to seeing a large firework shoot off without the resulting shooting lights and patterns in the sky. Also, the light shooting up into the air lasted a very, very brief time.

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there have been huge booms for the past few years - I figured it was the quarry off grove street in west roxbury.

There are also fireworks going off at all hours almost every night in the summer somewhere around Florence street.

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