Harvard beginning to think bigger in Allston again
Maybe not Science Center big anymore, but not just fallow land, either. Banker & Tradesman reports on the U's 10-year master plan for all its land in Allston, including a 200-room hotel, a 3,000-seat basketball arena and a six-to-nine story "Gateway Project" at the old Barrys Corner and either new housing for grad students or an office building.
Over at Allston Brighton Community Blog, Harry Mattison has been analyzing various pieces of the plan, including Harvard's claim a 3,000-seat arena won't affect local traffic at all and its plans for a "grove of trees" where the old Charlesview apartments are now:
Successful plazas support a wide variety of activities including temporary markets, art installations, or performancesBut the IMP has precious few specifics about how this might happen. The word "sculpture" is nowhere to be found. The word "art" is barely mentioned. In the 6 pages dedicated to the Charlesview Grove, there is no mention of a budget. Plans to install art do not exist.
Harvard will, however, let people walk on paths among the trees.
The entire proposal (44M PDF).
Mission Creep...
...shortly, Harvard will be half of Allston.
What'd they do to the roller
What'd they do to the roller hockey court in Smith Playground?!
What no monorail?
What no monorail?
A grove of trees?
Why don't they just stop beating around the decorative bush and say "homeless shelter?"