Man who probably doesn't have Ebola told to wait for ambulance in his car
So it's probably a good thing he didn't take the T to Harvard Vanguard's Braintree clinic.
In an update on yesterday's situation, Harvard Vanguard reports that when the man, who'd recently returned from Liberia, showed up at its Braintree clinic complaining of headaches and muscle pain, clinicians "quickly ushered [him] out of the building and into his own car to reduce any potential exposure of others:"
Ebola transmission requires exposure to blood or body fluids. This patient had no cough or sneezing, no vomiting or diarrhea ,and no bleeding, and therefore was not exposing anyone to blood or body fluids. NO ONE in the Braintree office would have had significant exposure - neither our staff nor other patients present in the building at the time. Patients and staff who were in the building at the time do NOT pose any risk to others. They do NOT need any special disinfection or decontamination or temperature monitoring.
Harvard Vanguard continues:
Staff and patients coming to Braintree are safe. We have reviewed procedures with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and are confident that all is being done appropriately.
The Boston Public Health Commission announced yesterday it was very unlikely the man has Ebola, although doctors were awaiting results of a blood test to completely rule that out.
Google boston logan airport
Google boston logan airport in case you haven't heard yet ;)
No Ebola at Logan
The plane was coming from Dubai and none of those with flu-like symptoms had traveled to Africa.