They were impossibly supine over the long dark haul of the Cheney administration.
But their bigger crime is probably hogging the prime education radio bandwidth with middlebrow horseshit like Fresh Air and rampant mediocrity to the detriment of locally based radio and more imaginative networks like Pacifica.
WBUR was where I learned about jazz in the early 70s. They had a weekend guy, Steve Elman, who was the best.
But once that network ramped up, it took insane resources to maintain which meant a demographic driven audience chase.
And now they are undone by a medium where you can find anything, anywhere, instantly if you know how to look.
When floods happened in Modena this spring I was able to help a friend who lives there by sourcing news and handing it along as links.
As a knowledge driven person, I'm in hog heaven.
But if you want packaging and convenience, the trade off is mediocrity and This American Life neurotics doing their weekend hand wrings until every last person who might ever possibly care about such gruel is finally thoroughly sick of it.
I struggled to find significance somewhere and failed miserably.
When it first showed up I thought,... this is interesting. But once I figured out the formula and noticed it was insipid, that was it. It's like someone dug up old tedious Henry James novel segments and re-purposed them for the Prozac set.
Did Ira move to Boston during the long run of time I've spent ignoring the thing? Chicago wasn't cutting it? So I get to ignore it from across the river instead of midway across the country?
New HD Hybrid Digital AM-FM-HD radio for subcarriers/subchannels most Boston radio stations are broadcasting on HD-1, HD-2, HD-3, HD-4 with display for song names/artist names/album art/weather/traffic in addition to the analog broadcasts
Ask for the ITR-1 a) Quick Start Guide, b) User Guide and c) Repair Manual, email
thoughts at
Table Top Radio/Alarm Clock featuring AM-FM-HD Radio Technology
a) ITR-1 Quick Start Guide
- Package contents
- Installing the batteries
- Connecting the AC adapter
- Turning on your radio
- Setting the time
- Features
- Component Descriptions
- Selecting the sound source
- Volume control
- Tuning to a station (AM and FM Mode)
- Setting a preset station
- Using HD Radio Technology
- To Seek HD Radio stations
- To listen to HD Radio broadcasts
- Playing music from an external sound source
- Using headphones
- Troubleshooting
- Specifications
- Legal Notices
- FCC Part 15
- Warning
- Contact iBiquity, email
thoughts at
b) ITR-1 User Guide
Digital User Manual /User Guide
Table Top Radio/Alarm Clock featuring AM-FM-HD Radio Technology
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION.......................................................6
2.1. Additional Safety Information..................................... 10
3. FEATURES .............................................................11
3.1. Package Contents ..................................................... 12
3.2. ITR-1 HD Radio Receiver – Front View ..................... 13
3.3. ITR-1 HD Radio Receiver – Top View........................ 17
3.4. ITR-1 HD Radio Receiver – Back / Bottom View........ 20
3.5. LCD Information ........................................................ 22
4. SETTING UP YOUR RADIO..................................29
4.1. Installing the Batteries ............................................... 29
5. USING THE CLOCK AND ALARM ......................30
5.1. Setting the Time ........................................................ 30
5.2. Setting the Alarm....................................................... 34
6. USING YOUR RADIO ............................................40
6.1. Understanding Radio Modes ..................................... 40
6.2. Analog (AM) Mode..................................................... 41
6.3. Turning your Radio On or Off..................................... 46
6.4. Adjusting the Volume................................................. 49
6.5. Selecting the Sound Source ...................................... 50
6.6. Automatically Tuning to a Station............................... 51
6.7. Manually Tuning to a Frequency................................ 54
6.8. Setting a Preset Station............................................. 56
6.9. Viewing the Program Guide in HD Radio Mode ......... 57
7. USING THE MENU.................................................59
7.1. Setting a Bookmark ................................................... 60
7.2. Using the Bookmark Option....................................... 61
7.3. Setting the Seek Type ............................................... 67
7.4. Changing the Settings ............................................... 69
7.5. Viewing HW/SW Version ........................................... 74
7.6. Resetting Options to Factory Defaults........................ 76
8. TROUBLESHOOTING...........................................78
9. SPECIFICATIONS..................................................80
10. LEGAL NOTICES...................................................82
Remember when public radio
By anon
Fri, 09/19/2014 - 10:18am
Remember when public radio wasn't a stooge outfit for the government and mega-corporations?
Nowadays they're known as
By anon
Fri, 09/19/2014 - 10:04pm
Nowadays they're known as Nice Polite Republicans.
I'm not sure that's entirely fair but any real progressivism drained away in the Clinton years. Third Way 4 Lyfe, apparently.
Codrescu is a holdover.
By Chris Rich
Mon, 09/22/2014 - 7:10am
It's great to see him make it to you tube
I have no idea if he still gets a berth at NPR but it no longer matters.
And then there is David Greenberger
Great! Now People Can Watch The Radio While Doing Other Things
By Elmer
Fri, 09/19/2014 - 10:29am
One problem
By Kaz
Fri, 09/19/2014 - 11:59am
It only plays This American Life.
Something about being a fan of the host.
It's another autocratic media thing choking.
By Chris Rich
Sat, 09/20/2014 - 5:23pm
They were impossibly supine over the long dark haul of the Cheney administration.
But their bigger crime is probably hogging the prime education radio bandwidth with middlebrow horseshit like Fresh Air and rampant mediocrity to the detriment of locally based radio and more imaginative networks like Pacifica.
WBUR was where I learned about jazz in the early 70s. They had a weekend guy, Steve Elman, who was the best.
But once that network ramped up, it took insane resources to maintain which meant a demographic driven audience chase.
And now they are undone by a medium where you can find anything, anywhere, instantly if you know how to look.
When floods happened in Modena this spring I was able to help a friend who lives there by sourcing news and handing it along as links.
As a knowledge driven person, I'm in hog heaven.
But if you want packaging and convenience, the trade off is mediocrity and This American Life neurotics doing their weekend hand wrings until every last person who might ever possibly care about such gruel is finally thoroughly sick of it.
By Kaz
Sun, 09/21/2014 - 11:28am
His name is Ira Glass and it's Google Glass.
Yes Kaz I'm well aware of the cast.
By Chris Rich
Sun, 09/21/2014 - 12:33pm
I struggled to find significance somewhere and failed miserably.
When it first showed up I thought,... this is interesting. But once I figured out the formula and noticed it was insipid, that was it. It's like someone dug up old tedious Henry James novel segments and re-purposed them for the Prozac set.
Did Ira move to Boston during the long run of time I've spent ignoring the thing? Chicago wasn't cutting it? So I get to ignore it from across the river instead of midway across the country?
If he's still in Chicago, I'm fine with that.
By anon
Fri, 09/19/2014 - 12:25pm
how appropriate.
Cool story, bro.
By Scratchie
Fri, 09/19/2014 - 2:00pm
Cool story, bro.
I confess
By bibliotequetress
Fri, 09/19/2014 - 11:40pm
...I listen to WBUR via stream at work (because nerd) and I've sometimes used the NPR app.
New HD Hybrid Digital AM-FM-HD radio for subcarriers/subchannels
By theszak
Sat, 09/20/2014 - 5:55am
New HD Hybrid Digital AM-FM-HD radio for subcarriers/subchannels most Boston radio stations are broadcasting on HD-1, HD-2, HD-3, HD-4 with display for song names/artist names/album art/weather/traffic in addition to the analog broadcasts
Ask for the ITR-1 a) Quick Start Guide, b) User Guide and c) Repair Manual, email
thoughts at
Table Top Radio/Alarm Clock featuring AM-FM-HD Radio Technology
a) ITR-1 Quick Start Guide
- Package contents
- Installing the batteries
- Connecting the AC adapter
- Turning on your radio
- Setting the time
- Features
- Component Descriptions
- Selecting the sound source
- Volume control
- Tuning to a station (AM and FM Mode)
- Setting a preset station
- Using HD Radio Technology
- To Seek HD Radio stations
- To listen to HD Radio broadcasts
- Playing music from an external sound source
- Using headphones
- Troubleshooting
- Specifications
- Legal Notices
- FCC Part 15
- Warning
- Contact iBiquity, email
thoughts at
b) ITR-1 User Guide
Digital User Manual /User Guide
Table Top Radio/Alarm Clock featuring AM-FM-HD Radio Technology
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION.......................................................6
2.1. Additional Safety Information..................................... 10
3. FEATURES .............................................................11
3.1. Package Contents ..................................................... 12
3.2. ITR-1 HD Radio Receiver – Front View ..................... 13
3.3. ITR-1 HD Radio Receiver – Top View........................ 17
3.4. ITR-1 HD Radio Receiver – Back / Bottom View........ 20
3.5. LCD Information ........................................................ 22
4. SETTING UP YOUR RADIO..................................29
4.1. Installing the Batteries ............................................... 29
5. USING THE CLOCK AND ALARM ......................30
5.1. Setting the Time ........................................................ 30
5.2. Setting the Alarm....................................................... 34
6. USING YOUR RADIO ............................................40
6.1. Understanding Radio Modes ..................................... 40
6.2. Analog (AM) Mode..................................................... 41
6.3. Turning your Radio On or Off..................................... 46
6.4. Adjusting the Volume................................................. 49
6.5. Selecting the Sound Source ...................................... 50
6.6. Automatically Tuning to a Station............................... 51
6.7. Manually Tuning to a Frequency................................ 54
6.8. Setting a Preset Station............................................. 56
6.9. Viewing the Program Guide in HD Radio Mode ......... 57
7. USING THE MENU.................................................59
7.1. Setting a Bookmark ................................................... 60
7.2. Using the Bookmark Option....................................... 61
7.3. Setting the Seek Type ............................................... 67
7.4. Changing the Settings ............................................... 69
7.5. Viewing HW/SW Version ........................................... 74
7.6. Resetting Options to Factory Defaults........................ 76
8. TROUBLESHOOTING...........................................78
9. SPECIFICATIONS..................................................80
10. LEGAL NOTICES...................................................82
c) Repair Manual