Glad to see that the owner of OOTB fired the jerk and didn't fall into the "But what were you wearing and how much did you have to drink?" stance victims typically have to deal with.
“Why don’t you contact the police?” I have no interest in engaging with an establishment that’s built on protecting white male wealth. The police are here to uphold a certain social structure that I disagree with on a basic core level. ...
This happened in Cambridge. The police there will take serious allegations seriously. That site she cites is misleading her in this case.
Someone who's said they're a victim of sexual assault needs unquestioning support, because we don't want to err on the side of not supporting someone who should've been.
And the police and judicial system investigates the other party, on which we also don't want to err the wrong way.
When someone writes something for public audiences, it is supposed to be a part of a dialogue, free for others to respond to, and we're all supposed to be smarter for that.
A situation here is that a presumed victim, instead of going to the police, is writing about allegations for public audiences. We can't at the same time give unquestioning support to the presumed victim, and also participate in critical-thinking public dialogue with her writing.
But if she's looking for public dialogue from her writing, she's not going to get a complete one, because a lot of decent people aren't going ask hard questions like they should in a dialogue, in deference to a presumed traumatized victim.
I predict she's going to get a lot of people with anger and agendas, from various directions, and it's all going to be self-reinforcing to all of them.
Oddly enough...
Guess who the accused, TJ Edson's, brother is? Remember the "performance artist" weirdo who was arrested at the Marathon finish line? None other.
Get out!
Recognized the name, and "hmm, wonder if he's related to...," was my first thought
Troubled family...
Good response from owner of OOTB
Glad to see that the owner of OOTB fired the jerk and didn't fall into the "But what were you wearing and how much did you have to drink?" stance victims typically have to deal with.
Pic of the alleged perpetrator.
She should go to the police
Quoting her post:
This happened in Cambridge. The police there will take serious allegations seriously. That site she cites is misleading her in this case.
A defensive way of saying
"I don't want to have my entire sexual history explicated, be called a whore and a liar in public, and be otherwise tried for being a victim".
Another quote:
This pretty much means she wasn't sexually assaulted, just assulted?
She should go to the police
Someone who's said they're a victim of sexual assault needs unquestioning support, because we don't want to err on the side of not supporting someone who should've been.
And the police and judicial system investigates the other party, on which we also don't want to err the wrong way.
When someone writes something for public audiences, it is supposed to be a part of a dialogue, free for others to respond to, and we're all supposed to be smarter for that.
A situation here is that a presumed victim, instead of going to the police, is writing about allegations for public audiences. We can't at the same time give unquestioning support to the presumed victim, and also participate in critical-thinking public dialogue with her writing.
She should go to the police.
She doesn't have to go to the police.
Although the police have tons of resources, if she isn't interested in pursuing charges, she has the right to do what she did.
But if she's looking for public dialogue from her writing, she's not going to get a complete one, because a lot of decent people aren't going ask hard questions like they should in a dialogue, in deference to a presumed traumatized victim.
I predict she's going to get a lot of people with anger and agendas, from various directions, and it's all going to be self-reinforcing to all of them.
Indecent assault
That's why the language change.
Rape and threats of rape are not about sex.
The victim is young
And very immature.
Apparently so are her Twitter supporters.
She wont do herself any favors by blaming the cops for some perceived white male supremacy BS.
Since Im sure theyll get the blame when the perp isnt punished, because she wouldnt go to the cops.
I need a drink.
So, TommyJeff
When was the last time you sat through a trial where you were victimized again and again by the system that was supposed to protect you?
Take a look at what the victim of that little scumbag Stanford student went through and think it over.
Trust no men
"I haven't commented about OOTB yet because when I'm angry I react poorly. Hold people accountable. Trust no men."