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Globe subscription rates going up by AAAAAH

Monty Python- The Caves of Caerbannog

Just got e-mail from the Globe about our print subscription:

The Globe's newsroom works tirelessly to bring you meaningful, original reporting every day. We are committed to continuing to do so, but we need your help. In order to continue producing the award-winning journalism you know and love, we find it necessary to increase our home delivery rates. Your new weekly rate will be .

The writer must've died while writing it ...

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(I'd say it's equally likely that the mail merge had a hiccup, or that the Globe's 56K dialup connection went down at just the wrong moment)

which is what it will take to keep the globe print edition going

$600/year isn't enough?


Got the same e-mail. The TV news said basically that Sunday Globe delivery will go up $6.00... I got Sunday-only delivery for years and being charged $20/month. I had been pondering about canceling my subscription throughout this year. With this price increase announced, it will make my decision easy.

Yup, I probably read 3 of the 4 sunday editions, but have been too lazy to cancel. This will do it.

After their abhorrent coverage of the presidential campaign.

I didn't know - after only getting maybe 2 Sunday Globs per month and having to demand the rest or get a refund for the other 2-3 weeks, I rarely got to read it.

I just got a rate reduction from them and a $20 Stop and Shop gift card!

Any other subscription agents with better offers/discounts/savings from time to time?

Newspapers, like cable TV companies, will usually negotiate if you start talking about cancellation. For years, you could extend the Globe's half-price "new subscriber" rate indefinitely if you called them every few months when your current deal ran out. I don't know if it's still possible. I call them once a year and get a 35% discount for a one-year subscription, billed every 4 weeks to my credit card. They may only give these kinds of deals to subscribers in or near Boston, because they need print circulation to keep advertisers happy, but that's what I'm now paying for 7 day home delivery.

BTW, I'm not just bargaining by threatening to cancel. I truly would cancel if they insisted on $60+/month for the paper. I'm glad to support them, but there are limits.

The John Henry organizations, Globe and Sox alike, share undesirable traits. Print and online subscription, and ticket prices continue to soars and top their industries range. There seems to be no sense of where the customers' choke points are.

The Globe lost us after over 30 years of home delivery and a try at online. Rates kept shooting or inching up. Content decreased. The best writers quit or were canned.

For online, a few papers make their digital products worth the fare....not so the Globe. The most obvious are two that help people make money. Both the Financial Times and the Wall Street Journal offer the full print content, plus online-only extras that give a business edge. Likewise, some sports sites have expert analysis only available behind paywalls.

The Globe wants premium prices for their very mundane and asthenic content. Ho hum. They charge because they think they can, not because they're worth it.

I see that Dan Kennedy found that after the teaser offer, it's a little over $2 a day for home delivery.

I wonder which house among this modest neighborhood of $3million+ homes is John Henry's?

The one that always gets paper delivery on time, and no Globe Direct.

A successful individual for owning a nice home? I've heard it very homogeneous in N. Korea.

were a major source of revenue for newspapers for a long time, and are now dead, having been replaced by other venues. (Craigslist for items for sale and casual gig-type employment; Monster, Dice, etc., for more career-oriented job listings; and dating websites and apps have replaced personal ads.)

To the FT and WSJ you can add The Economist. I should get a subscription to that again.

Globe editor Brian McGrory has made this point several times. So they're trying to replace that revenue with subscription costs.

Personally, I have an on-line subscription. It's been $15/mo or $180/yr. I found I wasn't reading the print edition and dropped it.

The Herald may be the BG's main competition, but the Springfield Republican (actually, MassLive website) is often better.

$27.72 a month. My first call in the morning is to the Globe, if I can get through to cancel.

Nice one, Centurion, Like it, like it.

Earlier this year, the Globe's primary competition lost my business, was a 33-year home delivery subscriber with 7-day service. The new driver who started last December had no respect for private property. I offered to e-mail pictures to the paper providing the evidence, they said it wasn't necessary.

It also took them a month to send me a check for the unfilled subscription.

After this, they kept calling me, eventually offering 7-day service, but for $4.00 a week. I declined, telling the person who called, what had transpired regarding the driver. She indicated they would call back when there was a different driver in place and all these months later, they have yet to call back.

The Herald, the New York Times, or something else?

And I don't miss it a bit. They were getting $88.00 every two months.

Living outside of Mass, a globe subscription made a lot of sense. Unfortunately the content didn't seem worth the price, especially since you can read all the articles you want if your browser is set to privacy mode. I'm more than happy to pay for the NYT, since they actually seem to investigate stories, does the globe still do that? Watched Spotlight the other night and that was a reminder of how good the Globe use to be.

So the Globe deserves some credit in finding a way to draw attention to its principled if oddly presented case against Trump’s racist demagoguery and rhetorical indulgence of violence, torture, and murder. - Dan Kennedy

Some credit? Will anyone in the media echo-chamber ask The Boston Globe how many subscribers it lost immediately after its absurd fake Trump front page? Trump's nuclear war, stock market collapse, renaming national parks after himself, violence, torture, murder etc. It was published in April but not a word from any other media outlet on reader reaction and cancellations, not even from Media Nation or Beat the Press. It must have been very significant if even they're covering it up.

1,090,893 Trump voters in Massachusetts, not to mention the other states where many Trump voters may have read the Globe. Was I the only one to cancel? It bears repeating, when I called the Globe's fake "617" Dorchester number to cancel, after a long time on hold, a lovely female "Globe employee" in Manila, Philippines told me "many, many" had cancelled that day. The Globe's fake front page received national coverage and leftist praise. It would seem a simple follow-up on reader's reactions is more than appropriate. Crickets.

Pretending that something MUST be true because you believe it and repeat it incessantly, without adding so much as a shred of evidence to support it.

Then asserting that absence of evidence MUST be evidence of absence.

Don't you have a fake hole-watching gig to pretend to be working with your pretend badge and all?

The woman answering the Globe's fake "617" number in the Philippines, after I established a friendly rapport with her during the cancellation process, had direct evidence that "many, many" had called her office to cancel the Globe because of the fake Trump front page that day. Circumstantial evidence would be seeing a drop in subscribers after the fake Trump front page and assuming people canceled for that reason. In this case, we have stronger, direct evidence but the media and even the so-called "media critics" won't mention it.

If there were a trial, I would subpoena all of the Globe Philippine women to testify on what happened at the call center on the day of the fake Trump front page. BTW, no more hole watching me for and the Retired badge works wonders. Happy New Year!

UPDATE: Just called 1-888-MY-GLOBE for fun. Pressed button for home delivery. I was 20th "in the queue" in the Philippines. Doubt that any of the 19 ahead of me were looking for a new subscription. Poetic justice.

For what, exactly?

I am curious about that Fish. I often wonder whose lame brained idea that was and if they are still employed.

She was humoring you. That's an anecdote, not evidence. Not that you would possibly know the difference.

Now that we know that you were probably never a cop, I would guess that you might have been a heavy equipment operator.

One who was fired because he never knew when to stop digging that hole.

Is that you Deval?

Delivery concerns re Globe Direct packet, Globe Savings Central packet, Boston Globe Newspaper, Boston Herald, New York Times, New York Post, New York Daily News, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, Financial Times on pink/light salmon colored unbleached/dyed paper, Barrons, Cambridge Chronicle, Somerville Journal... one of the good go to delivery concerns guys is at
john period mccarthy at globe period com

another good go to delivery concerns guy is at
james period coen at pcfcorp period com

Different subscription agents around may offer from time to time limited term promotions/savings/discounts ! Please do share here at http://universalhub.com any better offers?...

Or check nearby recycling recent stacks!

There are folks who do find the newspapers' ads, the display ads useful.

Not that you give a toss, or are even likely to come back and read this (your MO is generally to make stupid assertions and then never come back to back it up):

1. If it's a Philippines call center you're calling, then it's probably not 100% devoted to the Globe. In fact it's almost assuredly not. Which means that queue of yours is for the general operator staff and not all calls going for the Globe. The phone operator knows what number you called going in so that they know how to answer the phones, but beyond that, nothing.

2. You really have no idea what "direct evidence" is. It's not even circumstantial - as Swirls put it, it's all anecdotal. BTW, I called the number this morning, and was greeted by thirty different individuals who all passed the phone around and told me everyone loves the Globe and you're just a big jerk (they somehow knew I was talking about you). Put that in your evidence report.

3. It's obviously a big grand conspiracy, and any evidence to the contrary is just part of the conspiracy. No way you're just plain wrong. Nope, nosiree.



that "fake" front page. Don't you want to wait until the President-elect is in office for a few months?

That piece was obviously a bit of hard-edged satire -- what, did you really think the "Japanese Emperor Akihito formally censured Ambassador Kid Rock" story was deadly serious? Also, which one of those stories did you think was beyond the pale?

"Deportations to Begin"
"Markets sink as trade war looms"
"US soldiers refuse orders to kill ISIS families"
"New libel law targets ‘absolute scum’ in press"

Trump was promising exactly all of those things to his screaming, gullible rally fans at the time. And you can bet markets will sink if he erects the kind of trade barriers he was promising on the campaign trail. And some soldiers will certainly rebel in good conscience if ordered to commit war crimes.

If you cancelled your Globe subscription over that, I suggest you avoid The Onion: it's really going to make you angry.

Nevertheless, it hasn't been too early for the Left to dump on Trump incessantly, to develop highly detailed plans for their 4 (or 8) years worth of staunch opposition to all things Trump, and to keep a tight grip on their absolute grief.

Such a good use of their time. When will they EVER find time to renew their passports and make "the big move"?

was limiting Obama to one term, and not first focusing on uniting the country, supporting the new President's agenda, working to undo W's Great Recession, or creating jobs, right? I also recall a bunch of righties saying they would leave the country if Obama were elected (that drug-addled hatemonger Limbaugh, for one.)

If "dumping on Trump incessantly" means "pointing out that every second word he utters is a patently obvious lie", then that's something you had better get used to.

In the meantime, take that "It's okay when we do it, but not when you do it" business and GFY with it. The only thing deeper and dumber than righties' hypocrisy is their own obliviousness to their hypocrisy.

Obama had lots of claims about uniting, then kinda went and did the opposite.

And GFY, huh? Funny how our host removes some ad hominem comments, yet lets others stand. Example:

"In the meantime, take that "It's okay when we do it, but not when you do it" business and GFY with it."

Maybe if Slim had spelled it out, his comment would have never been published...

So anyway, GFY...as in "G-d forgives you."

trying to accommodate a Republican Congress that was dead-set against any idea of his, whether it was good for the citizenry or not, simply because Obama was for it. Party over country every time: that's the GOP way.

(By the way, how's that swamp-draining going? What pathetic suckers Trump's poor and middle-class supporters are. He's not even in office yet, and it's clear he and his billionaire cronies are going to ream them savagely for at least four years.)

I will continue to tell any right-winger who exhibits the kind of naked hypocrisy that post did -- "How dare Democrats talk about opposing Trump on everything he stands for?!" -- to take that profoundly obvious hypocrisy and GFY with it.

1) The Universal Hub
2) Spare change news
3) The Dig
4) The Dorchester Reporter
5) The Metro
6) The Herald
7) The Globe

Baystate Banner is good too!

Cambridge Civic Journal

Cambridge Day

Cambridge Chronicle

Any other Boston blogs?... besides http://universalhub.com

It's more "Massachusetts" than specific to Boston, but the MASSterlist daily email is a good compilation of news items. You can sign up on their website.

It will now cost us $6 a week for the Sunday paper.

If so, did they acknowledge the error?

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