the first time i went to HH i was 14, looking for punk band shirts and to buy studs for my jacket. did not know what to expect or if i'd be allowed in the place. not only was my group allowed in, but a patron from the other side of the store's clientele (in this case, a very attractive domme) asked me and my stupid friends to rank the outfits she was trying on. a memorable experience to say the least.
Sadda Sadda
Sadda Sadda
Central used to be so much fun.
Hubba Hubba, ManRay & Campus, TT's, HiFi @ 3am, etc...
When you can get Docs, leather pants, and obscure hardcore music on your phone it lessens the need to seek out others in real life.
Subculture is dead.
First Fridays....
I miss First Friday's to no end. Man Ray, The Ratt, Tar Bar....
We're getting old, the kids have their places now as well that they will remember with nostalgia at some point.
the first time i went to HH i
the first time i went to HH i was 14, looking for punk band shirts and to buy studs for my jacket. did not know what to expect or if i'd be allowed in the place. not only was my group allowed in, but a patron from the other side of the store's clientele (in this case, a very attractive domme) asked me and my stupid friends to rank the outfits she was trying on. a memorable experience to say the least.
"'Mister Suzie' to you."
"'Mister Suzie' to you."
This is so very sad :(
Fne Boston Globe memoriam to the sui generis Susan Phelps:
Hubba Hubba sold me my first motorcycle jacket and skinny black jeans, oh, eons ago. RIP.