School bus driver put on leave after shouting match with motorist in the North End
By adamg on Fri, 01/13/2017 - 4:54pm
A school-bus driver and a motorist got into a "negative verbal interaction" shortly before dismissal at the Eliot School on Charter Street yesterday that required a police officer to break up, according to a note the school sent to parents today.
"Fortunately our students did not witness this incident and no one was injured," the note says.
Officials put the bus driver on leave pending the outcome of their investigation. Police will have extra patrols in the area to deal with any dismissal-related traffic issues in the area around the school.
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Based on next to no info
I'd be inclined to support the bus driver. Just seems like s/he would be more likely to be doing the right thing and less likely to start a "negative verbal interaction".
Subject to change, based on accumulation of actual facts.
Try biking in a bike lane near some of these schools
Might change your opinion about who is capable or likely to start what.