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Pair arrested for attacking 92-year-old in Quincy robbery after trooper spots them on Mass. Ave. in the South End

State Police report the arrest of a man and woman wanted on charges they robbed an elderly woman in Quincy last Sunday after knocking her to the ground and tossing away her walker.

State Police say Trooper Joseph Gray, who normally deals with truck enforcement, spotted Kayla Noel-Brown, 26, of Quincy, and Markell Cruz, 27, of Somerville on Mass. Ave. shortly before noon and recognized Noel-Brown from a Quincy Police social media page listing her as a suspect in the attack - after turning his cruiser around and driving by her for a second look.

Quincy detectives responded to the scene and charged them with unarmed robbery of an elderly person, assault and battery on an elderly person and conspiracy to commit a crime. They are scheduled for arraignment in Quincy District Court on Monday.

Innocent, etc.

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No leniency for crimes against someone this age. they should both get 10 years minimum.

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I'm so happy they got arrested for what they did. (By the way, check out his facebook page - people are not pleased with him). :-)

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that Trooper Joseph Gray unabashedly identifies himself as a Turtleboy Sports reader, and that he purports to derive crime-fighting intelligence from that website.

Could the Staties fall any lower than they are right now?

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That you can't fathom that police look for things where you don't expect it.

I don't read the site on any regular basis, have found it grating and depressing when I have taken a look, but the fact is they posted photos of the two suspects (and, as long as we're discussing such things, it was the site that broke the story of the judge's daughter and the state troopers).

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Just about every acceptable mainstream media website had pictures of the suspects - try searching for pre-arrest articles by excluding the arresting officer's name from the search, and you'll see there were a couple dozen.

For this trooper to give credit first and foremost to Turtleboy Sports as his primary source of information says a lot.

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The MSP report credits "a Quincy Police social media page" and so I've changed the reference. My apology for being unable to read simple English.

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and the MSP.

-above anon

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Nice work Trooper Joseph Gray.

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This sickened me when I saw this on the news. Adam thank you for fixing the thumbs up because I give the arrest of these heartless pair a hundred thumbs up. I hope the poor lady is okay and that the arrested pair get help for their drug addiction which is the root of their evil . Maybe in jail they'll learn.

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Maybe they are just evil?

Plenty of addicts out there, especially in Quincy. They're not all robbing old ladies and breaking their sternums.

They weren't even jonesing enough to run right to the dope man, instead they "help" the old lady. Probably trying to set her up to rob her house later.

Throw the book at them. I'd pay a special tax assessment to see scum like this locked up for maximum sentences.

They need help with being human beings, that's the root of their evil.

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The State Police didn’t say the arrest took place in the South End. Since it was a truck enforcement officer that caught them, my gut says this went down closer to Newmarket. But then again, I have no proof of my theory, either.

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