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Yes, more jets are thundering over Roslindale these days
By adamg on Thu, 05/18/2017 - 9:54am
Alan Wright, who has long repped Roslindale on a Massport advisory committee, reports the recent infusion of jet noise starting around dawn is due to flight-path changes forced by renovation work on one particular Logan Airport runway (4L-22R, to be exact).
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Are they the same jets that
Are they the same jets that start flying over Jamaica Plain every morning starting at 6:00 A.M., flying overhead every seven minutes? Come on, please give me a break. I work my ass off all week and all I ask for is to sleep in a bit on Saturday morning. BUT NOOOOOOOOOO.........................THE JETS.....THE NOISE........THE RUMBLING IN THE SKY......................!!!! AGGGGHHHHH!!! NONSTOP!!!
It's definitely been worse lately
And now it's open window season, so it's even worse. 5:15 was the first one today. There needs to be way to spread the burden around. I can take a few planes now and then or maybe one week on, 2 weeks off.
From Massport's website
Info found there on closure.
So its going to take them 6
So its going to take them 6 months to put down some asphalt? Wow...
I'm going to guess
You don't know much about airports, the FAA and their regulations, passenger safety, etc?
Oh, and general construction practices if you think it's just "laying down asphalt"
Why don't the city noise ordinances apply to Logan?
You can't begin construction before 7:00am and you can't have loud parties between 11:00pm and 7:00am, so I'm asking my naive question .
Because ...
Federal laws and regulation trump state and local laws.
It comes down to the ANCA of 1990 (Airport Noise and Capacity Act).
ANCA comes down to the U.S. Constitution interstate commerce clause
Actually ...
Dear Roslindale,
It's 40 days. Suck it up.
Under 4L and R, Lower Mills, Dorchester
Dear Dorchester
The problem is worse, not new.
Sorry Charlie
In my youth, I used to spend times over at St. Margaret's Church/School (now St. Theresa of Calcutta/St. John Paul Academy.) Now, I live under the Roslindale route, albeit at the bottom of the hill. Dorchester had/has it worse than Roslindale.
Of course, if Dorchester complains too much, Southie and Eastie might notice at chime in.
oh, c'mon.
Temporarily worse.
airplane noise
I could bear almost anything, if I knew it were temporary. So far no one can tell me when the planes will stop ROARING overhead - starting at 5:15 a.m (I live in West Roxbury). I feel like someone moved our house next to the airport in the middle of the night. Sometimes the planes start up again 10 pm - 1 am. I haven't slept through the night in weeks, which is making me crazy. When will this nightmare end?