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MBTA graffiti desperado to spend at least six months behind bars

A judge last week ordered serial T defacer Marc Meadowcroft to six months in jail for getting arrested for graffiti after promising in 2015 he'd never take up a marker on MBTA property following his arrest for blasting his tag all over two historic trolleys at Boylston, the Suffolk County District Attorney's office reports.

Meanwhile, Meadowcroft was arraigned this morning on fresh charges of defacing the Forest Hills and Green Street stations on the Orange Line in July. Judge Mary Ann Driscoll set bail at $200, but that amount won't get him out of the Suffolk County House of Corrections because of last week's ruling. He had been held without bail following his arrest for the Orange Line tagging.

Meadowcroft, who left Boston in 2015 to try tagging up utility poles and street signs in Cheyenne, WY, is due in Boston Municipal Court on Oct. 16 for violating his probation on several other vandalism convictions, the DA's office says.

Innocent, etc.

Free tagging: 


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That might make him look guilty, so maybe he is waiting for the conviction.

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What a great use of tax payer dollars! Feed and house an artist in a cage for 6 months or longer.

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You spelled “vandal” wrong

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What a great use of tax payer dollars! Removing spray paint--art--from publicly funded property and infrastructure.

Is there some way I can kick in a bit more on my state withholding to get the guy an extra three months in the can?

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It's a modern art 'installation'.

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Grafitti is VANDALISM, not "art".

Sad how many people don't understand that.

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Real graffiti artists are actually quite talented.

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If they're honing their skills and building presence by committing illegal graffiti vandalism, their current skill levels don't excuse the vandalism they have done up to this point.

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being an "artist" when he trespassed in the Boylston station and took a dump on historic trolleys?

I have much less concern with random tagging than I do with trying to destroy something that's being preserved.

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The Commonwealth was fine with probation as long as Meadowcroft refrained from defacing more MBTA property. I mean, how hard would it be to not draw on MBTA property. I would seem pretty easy to me. I dunno, maybe Krylon is addictive.

Perhaps this man should have to pay for his room and board. Just a thought.

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What do you suggest for repeat offenders?

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I don't think so.

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It's for agreeing not to do it again, then lying and doing it again.

Judges hate it when you lie to them, especially when you're lying to escape any punishment for the thing you're accused of (the original terms of the 2015 case were that if he stay out of trouble for a certain amount of time, the case would be closed with no punishment).

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He's a flight risk and shouldn't be released onto the street until everything is completely resolved everywhere. He has a pattern of violating terms of release, associates with people involved in narcotics activity and has a means of getting anywhere in the nation on a short notice made evident by his prior behaviors.

When he was in Oregon, he was charged with

Criminal Mischief in the Second Degree; and Interfering w/ Peace/Parole and Probation Officer
on 10/27/2017. He skipped town and there's a warrant out on him:

Bench Warrant: 17CR71304 - Active. Issued 12/22/2017

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Feel free to write it down if need be.

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Mom and dad must be very proud.

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This frees up her basement for at least six months!

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The graffiti vandal Meadowcroft who writes CIGA came through and left a trail of destruction in Portland too. A local graffiti vandal in Portland Marcus Gunther, who writes MOOK who has hung out with Meadowcroft while he was in town is a prolific tagger was just sent to prison for two years for a series of graffiti vandalism. He has convictions for dealing heroin and felony level thefts so those are obviously a factor for the long sentence.

His buddy's bust:


Mook and Cigar tags together:

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