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Registered users: You can now get e-mail notifications (again) when somebody replies to your comments

Time was, UHub had a system for letting you get notified when somebody replied to your comments. Then, that just stopped, weeks, maybe months ago (I didn't notice until somebody asked me about it a few days ago, and I realized I'd somehow deleted the software that handled it).

E-mail notification's back on. I've set the default to "off" (don't want to send somebody e-mail they don't want!). There are a couple of ways to get it back on - and to be notified of posts in certain categories:

First, you need to register an account, and to be logged in with it.

Second, you can do nothing.

In that case, if there's a particular discussion that's going fast and furious and you want to be notified of new comments (you know: Turkey flies into a bicyclist crossing the Green Line tracks just as the mayor is about to dedicate a new skyscraper or something), every UHub post now has a "Subscribe" link at the bottom of the story. Click on that and you'll get notifications of all new replies for that post.

Alternately, if you just want to know when somebody replies to one of your comments (or articles if you post those), you can tell the site to alert you in e-mail - you can do the same thing if you want to be alerted of new posts for particular categories (for example, you could get an alert every time there's a new UHub post about Roslindale or development).

Click on My Account at the top of any page, then the Subscriptions tab and then Settings. Check the box next to "Auto-subscribe to comments." If you ever post an article here, also click on "Auto-subscribe to new content." The third choice is "Auto-subscribe to updated content," but you don't need to check that.

If you'd rather get a bunch of notifications in a single e-mail, rather than getting one for every single reply, check the box next to "Digest mode."

Under Preferences, you can decide when to get notified about replies - as soon as they come into the system, just once a day or something in between (Digest mode would be kind of useless if you pick ASAP for this, would be great for "once a day"). I'd strongly suggest you NOT check "On Updates," because otherwise, you could wind up getting zillions of e-mails when I update my posts (with no copy desk and a maniacal desire to post as quickly as possible, I update posts A LOT with grammatical and factual fixes).

Hit Save Settings and you're done.

To get e-mail notification of new posts in key topics, click Categories at the top of your Subscriptions page. Check off whichever topics you want, and hit Save. It'll use the same settings as above for determining when you'll receive your notifications. NOTE: There are some topics (bicycling and wildlife) that are not yet on the page. I'm working on that.

Finally, if you want to just turn off notifications altogether (you're going on vacation, for example, or you've gotten sick of UHub messages), your Subscription page has a Delivery of Notifications link. Click on it and you can turn all notifications off (or turn them back on again, for that matter).

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Does it also integrate with the "Track" section of "My Account"? I'd love to be able to subscribe to posts without it going to my email.

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So you'd like to be able to mark particular threads to follow, then have a page that lists them and any updates?

If so, let me see if I can bolt anything on that would do that.

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Exactly. You have it for pages we comment on, I think it would be awesome if you expanded that function.

Thank you!

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The main Universal Hub page(s) already shows a count of comments for each story, as well as the number of new comments since you last viewed that particular page:

For this feature to work, all you need to do is be be logged into your account when viewing articles you wish to track.

Of course, if it's a story you're really interested in and want to follow indefinitely, all you have to do is post a comment. It can be just a single word, or; with a couple of tricks; you can post nothing at all:

   ( which, an amazing number of people seem to enjoy! )

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Turkey flies into a bicyclist crossing the Green Line tracks just as the mayor is about to dedicate a new skyscraper

The turkey was on his way to an NRA meeting and the bicyclist was actually riding a moped in the bike lane.

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Turkeys don't normally go to NRA meetings, or other gatherings of organizations that sponsor turkey shoots, but when they do, be afraid, be very afraid.

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>"Home / Boston
>"Privacy policy for Universal Hub, Boston Online and Boston Blogs
> By adamg on Mon, 04/21/2008 - 10:12pm
> https://www.universalhub.com/privacy.html
>"Last update: 7/6/17. Changes information related to Amazon
>"At Universal Hub, we value your privacy. What follows is a description of how we collect information about you and what we do (or don't do) with it:
>"Your name and e-mail address
>"You do not need to register to read posts or replies on Universal Hub, or to post replies on the site.
>"However, if you wish to post an article yourself, or if you wish to have the system keep track of messages for you - you will need to create a free account.
>"To do so, you'll be asked for a user name and an e-mail address.
>"Optionally, you can also add additional information that will be displayed to other users who click on your user name at the top of a posting or comment you make.
>"Once you create an account, you can have the system send you e-mail notifications when people reply to your posts or when people post new messages in specific forums.
>"Universal Hub never makes your address public - although you can let other users contact you, it is done through a "proxy" system on our site - another user fills out a form, which our server then mails to you without revealing your address to the other person.
>"We do not sell or give out our user names and addresses to anybody.
>"If somebody e-mails us seeking to contact you, we will forward the message to you, leaving it up to you whether to reply.
>"Universal Hub, Boston Online and Boston Blogs currently use cookies in a couple of different ways:
>"If you post an article or comment on Universal Hub, or sign up for notification of replies in specific discussions, the software will attempt to put a cookie on your hard drive.
>"This cookie will identify you to the system the next time you connect to it, so that it can tell you which messages are new (i.e., posted since the last time you logged in) and to display them in your preferred form.
>"We do not do anything else with this information.
>"Universal Hub, Boston Online and Boston Blogs have banner advertising.
>"Some of the advertisers may attempt to write a cookie to your hard drive when you visit their sites.
>"Similarly, Universal Hub, Boston Online and Boston Blogs employ tracking software from Google Analytics (Universal Hub also has tracking software from Quantcast).
>"These create aggregate reports on the numbers and types of site visitors, but do not track individual users.
>"If you do not wish to receive a cookie, you can disable them via your browser (each browser has a different way to do this) or with add-on security software.
>"Caveat: Without cookies enabled, you will not be able to have the sites remember your preferences or new-message settings from session to session, i.e., you will have to log in each time.
>"We use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our Web site.
>"These companies may use aggregated information (not including your name, address, email address or telephone number) about your visits to this and other Web sites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you.
>"If you would like more information about this practice and to know your choices about not having this information used by these companies http://www.networkadvertising.org/managing/opt_out.asp
>"Universal Hub is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.
>"Other information
>"In addition to the above, our servers collect certain standard "log" information on each visit - the time of the visit, pages seen, type of Web browser, which site, if any, you came to our sites from and your IP address.
>"We do not attempt to create individual user profiles from this information, but do use the data in the aggregate to help determine our audience's interests, popular pages and the like.
>"If you have any questions about our privacy and cookie polices, please contact Adam Gaffin at adamg at universalhub.com.
>"Neighborhoods: Boston
>"Free tagging: Universal Hub"


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Maybe he's testing the email feature. His comment is guaranteed a few confused replies.

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Any updates planned?

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Ah, I wondered why I had suddenly started getting emails!

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