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Citizen complaint of the day: Snakes alive in Roxbury!
By adamg on Mon, 04/22/2019 - 12:53pm
A worried resident files a 311 complaint about all the snakes on Lambert Street, near Highland Street:
Snakes! Looks like there are multiple snakes in front of this fence on Lambert Street some look all black. one was brown and beige looking but one was larger than the others. Heard a sound could be nothing but it looked like something may have been on its tale not sure if rattlesnakes are in MA though so probably not one! Please send someone animal control to inspect.
Free tagging:
There must be a lot of mice and rats
Due to the renovation. The snakes are a good thing. They are probably harmless garter or milk snakes, they will gobble up all the mice. Mice do more damage than snakes.
Leave them alone and let nature take it's course.
Snakes are our friends!
I don't think it has any thing to do with the renovation, if anything their hiding holes have been blocked off. Actually I love seeing the snakes working the yard and the neighborhood it is a good sign.
I've got a snake
in my boot!
-- Woody
Is this person real or is
Is this person real or is this just a joke? Just garden snakes, more than likely. This person should be thankful they actually SAW snakes given the state of the planet.
Garter Snakes
Most likely Garter snakes coming out of their winter den .
I have two dens on my property very happy to host them. They eat the bad bugs.Q9iW
Snakes ... GRR
Having the same issue. There is a den underneath my front porch / steps. I don't like snakes - it's a ridiculous phobia but then again we can't control our phobias.
I get they are good but they don't need to live in close proximity to me. Friday I went out to get the mail and there was one sunning itself on my porch. UGGH.
100% agree with your comment. I know snakes are good for getting rid of bugs/rodents, but the sight of them just scares the hell out of me, and no lie, even seeing pictures of them in books/online startles me as well. Mowing the lawn near my stone wall, i just close my eyes and get out of there ASAP.
Don't watch this
This is a local clustersnakeball in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCHKKlgy4TA
These have been known to happen in even the most urban environs - I just couldn't find the UHub story about one several years ago!
This is a good time of year to start looking for molts, too - if you have kids, they will love finding them! Snake skins are Show and Tell GOLD!
My milksnakes bring all the boys to the yard ...
Leave my snakes alone
I have lived in the neighborhood for nearly 20 years, and ever since the place started gentrifying we get the damnedest complaints on 311. It's spring, the sun was out and the snakes came out to warm themselves. Happens every spring. I'd be doing the same thing.
I'm waiting for someone
To complain to Bos311 that it's raining out.
But it may have already happened.
"Hello, 311?"
"Yeah, listen, my neighbor cut a real STINKY one while standing out in the yard yesterday. Somebody needs to DO something!"
Footage captured at scene:
The image with the complaint
The image with the complaint looked like a Google Maps image... and I can't see anything that even remotely looks like snakes. Maybe they didn't actually take a picture?
What do they even want animal control to do? Kill the snakes, or just move them to another place where they'll continue being snakes outdoors (like they're doing here)? So confused by this 311 submission.
I noticed a lack of snakes,too
I don't see any snakes in the picture.
I have a snake phobia (even a harmless garter will get a scream out of me) but I hate rodents even more so...snakes: you are welcome in my neighborhood!
Serpentine naughtiness
Last week I saw 3 snakes entwined on a wall. In public! Couldn't they get a room? I had the vapors.
Worse is that I think it was a foursome because one snake was on the sidewalk.
Almost as bad as the folks in
Almost as bad as the folks in Milton who had their windows open last week and couldn’t concentrate bc the plane noise is so awful. Get a hobby
I'll take the snakes in my neighborhood.
Too many rats here.
Now if they were in JP...
We could all yell, "Snakes in the Plain!"
Not much has changed since 1998
When The Weekly Week (Boston's Only Redundant News Source for News) declared that Snakes Are Everywhere.
Again no picture.
What is wrong with these people?
Snakes are totally awesome
and they exist for good reasons.
How appropriate
311 is the app for rats.
Don;t Panic! when you read this
But we do have rattlesnakes in Massachusetts. Timber Rattlers in point of fact. And yes there are plenty of snakes in Roxbury; Always has been, always will be God willing.
There are timber rattlers
in the Blue Hills Reservation, for starters.
Most snakes aren't poisonous, and yes,
rattlesnakes can be found, even in Massachusetts. The only state here in the United States where rattlesnakes can't be found is Maine, where it's way too cool, temperature-wise, for them.
I'll also add that non-poisonous snakes eat rats and mice , but a bite from a non-poisonous snake is not a free lunch, either, because a non-poisonous snake can inject bacteria into the area of the bite, and thereby promote infection.
A bite from any non-poisonous animal can become infected. Just saying.
poisonous vs venomous
they're not the same thing: https://i.imgur.com/ADPq0IS.jpg