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Critically review your favorite libraries, college libraries, public libraries, branch libraries, reading rooms.

Review your favorite libraries critically as reviewers critique restaurants, theater, motion pictures and so forth.

How good are the usability features of your favorite libraries?...

Libraries to be reviewed, critiqued.
Orient Heights Branch Boston Public Library?...

The planning, progress and development of the new Chinatown Branch Boston Public Library?...

Massachusetts State Archives?...

Boston City Council Library?...

Our libraries will benefit by back and forth critique, dialogue about featured services.

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is this saklad's alter ego? is he going to be upset that someone else is getting on the "crazy library post" bandwagon?

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I was wondering the same thing. How many people can there be who are obsessed with library problems and flood post about them in a semi-coherent manner?

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But, yes: If you see semi-coherent ramblings about libraries or the Boston City Council by somebody with a name that sounds like Sak or Saklad, it's our old pal Don.

Don: Have you considered posting all this on a single blog instead of spewing it all over the place?

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Sounds like a good idea, but how do you propose carrying it out?

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Have you tried those messy chemical sprays, scary traps, nothing seems to work? Now try Don-B-Gone!

Yes, your library can be Don-gone nice after just one application of Don-B-Gone.

Not a drug, not a cattle prod, this sophisticated expert system makes Don think he’s actually doing something and that someone cares. Of course he’s not, and nobody does, but it does keep him typing away for endless pointless hours, leaving your library staff and patrons free to be happy and productive.

Similar to the ground-breaking Eliza system the Don-B-Gone randomly generates billions of combinations of library websites, card catalogs, and online forums. It even includes an interactive ‘fake-mail’(tm) system where Don can imagine he’s actually communicating with real Library Board members, who respond in an identical random manner.

He’ll soil himself with joy!

No more incoherent missives to the board. No more creepy guy stalking the stacks. No more bizarre requests for obscure administrivia. Just plug it in, direct Don to it as an ‘exciting new library service’, and let the Don-B-Gone take over.

The Don-B-Gone, enabling a new era of library pest control.

The Don-B-Gone is for entertainment purposes only. Not FDA licensed for therapeutic use. Does not pass Turing Test, but then neither does Don. Purchasers are responsible for maintenance & sanitation of the Don-B-Gone and it’s surrounding area. Not recommended for use more then 16 consecutive hours.

Coming Q2 2008: The Don-B-Gone 3D. With our remarkable new immersive Matrix-Tek(tm) (patent-pending) technology we’ll offer a square mile of Cambridge, MA completely virtualized. Once engaged in the Don-B-Gone 3D the subject won’t do more then vaguely suspect that everyone ignoring or purposely avoiding him isn’t real. Pizza, toppings, soda & salad add-ons will be available at a later date.

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