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Boston snow emergency ends at 7 a.m. Friday, so you have until 7 a.m. Sunday to legally save your parking space
By adamg on Thu, 12/17/2020 - 6:03pm
Mayor Walsh announced the emergency ends tomorrow morning, which means you have 48 hours to save your space, except in the South End, where you weren't supposed to do that to begin with.
You mean they have the next 4
You mean they have the next 4
There's nothing legal about
There's nothing legal about it. It's an informal verbal policy from the mayor.
Legally, the Haystack
Legally, the Haystack ordinance applies. "No person or entity other than the City of Boston and any of its departments or designees shall have the authority to sell, lease, reserve, or facilitate the reserving of any street, way, highway, road or parkway, or portion thereof, under the City of Boston’s control".
How can something that's
How can something that's written on city documents and public facing websites be considered "informal verbal policy"?
It does not exist anywhere in the formal laws of the city or commonwealth.
But it's still a written
But it's still a written policy.
And in certain ways, it became formalized as an official policy of the city when they city recognized the will of the people in the South End to ban the use in that neighborhood.
As Refugee noted, the city established their sole right to regulate parking on city owned streets when they passed Ordinance 1310.
you grew up in East Boston, in which case you own that spot until mid-April. Something something something yuppies something something respect etc. etc. /eyeroll
Thank you, Matt O’Malley...
... for proposing an end to this idiotic practice.
What a joke
I shoveled my spot and some lazy ass thinks that they can park in the spot because they didn’t shovel their car out?