WGBH's "Beat the Press" started tonight with an apology by Emily Rooney for the way she dismissed complaints by media professionals about the lack of minority representation at PBS in general and the way that all the time given over to documentaries by Ken Burns makes it near impossible for other documentary makers to get their work aired.
Rooney particularly went after the Asian-American producers of a documentary on 150 years of Asian-American history that got less air time than a Burns bio of Ernest Hemingway, saying that maybe their work just isn't as good as Burns'.
She also pooh-poohed the notion that the five hours a year Burns gets on PBS is a lot - something the other four panelists on the show, including fellow GBH commentator Callie Crossley, who has worked on documentaries, said then was wrong, because documentaries in general get very little airtime, so five hours is, for them, significant.
Tonight, Rooney acknowledged she hadn't seen any of the work on the Asian-American experience and admitted she went too far in defending PBS and Burns.
"I crossed the line," she said, admitting her remarks were "uninformed, dismissive and disrespectful."
She added, "I want to sincerely apologize for my offensive remarks."
Rooney's on-air apology, which was recorded before the show aired, came two days after 21 documentary makers and film-festival organizers in New England wrote the station asking it do something about "Rooney's demeaning and racist commentary" on April 2:
Many of us have produced for GBH, which is known for its fact-based reporting and integrity. Rooney is a longtime presence there, touted in her bio as someone with “deep knowledge of media, politics and culture.†The program we reference was about access to airtime and funding from PBS – which concerns all of us. Instead of showcasing her understanding of the subject, Rooney relied on derision, racist tropes and more ignorance than fact.
Yesterday, GBH General Manager Pam Johnston wrote back that she agreed:
We acknowledge and share the concerns you have raised about the April 2 edition of Beat the Press, which did not meet GBH’s standards for opinion journalism, or our commitment to being an organization that respects all people. We have taken steps with Emily Rooney, and she has recorded an apology, which will be broadcast at the beginning of the next edition of Beat the Press, on Friday, April 16.
Like you, we are committed to growth and change within the public media system. This episode is an unfortunate reminder of the continuing work GBH must do, and is doing, to meet our commitment to advancing understanding, tolerance and justice.
The original episode, in which you get the feeling Crossley is being more restrained than she really wanted to be:
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I have enjoyed her
By Whit
Sat, 04/17/2021 - 7:18pm
I have enjoyed her cantankerous views on many things over the years. This, however, unlike so many things she has commented on in the past, she hadn’t even thought about.
Edit: I should have said thought through.
Respectfully disagreeing
By William Dawes 18
Sat, 04/17/2021 - 10:23am
Though it’s clear that Rooney failed to make a coherent point at the end of the little round table discussion I’m disheartened that she’s been labeled a racist for questioning the notion that race should factor heavily into every programming decision made at PBS. For many of us liberals, the current tendency to boil every question down to race is not progress but a return to tribalism. I would hope that we could at least discuss and argue the merits of the ideas in our public forums.
She apologized for having an opinion
By StillFromDorchester
Sat, 04/17/2021 - 11:40am
On an opinion show.
She apologized for being ill-informed...
By tblade
Sat, 04/17/2021 - 11:54am
...on a show that criticizes the medium that informs the public.
By Whit
Sat, 04/17/2021 - 7:17pm
Agreed, William Dawes 18
According to the head of PBS, as reported in the Globe
By Section77
Sat, 04/17/2021 - 10:49am
55% of their programming is done by POC. It's not that only Ken Burns gets a chance to create documentaries. It's just that the public at large care about them more, and everyone makes a big fuss when a new one comes out every 5 years or so. So looks like we are all horrible people by supporting this system of oppression by watching excellent shows by leftist documentarians (who are white!).
Not all of their programming is documentaries
By lbb
Sat, 04/17/2021 - 6:05pm
And if all of their content was documentaries, then 55% of their documentaries would be done by POC. As it is, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to show your work.
Simple answer
By SatansFist
Sat, 04/17/2021 - 11:48am
Why is there so much Ken Burns? Because a ton of people watched his Civil War documentary. This gives him name recognition. People liked most of his other stuff, so when he puts out something new people are likely to give it a shot.
Basic answer: they choose programming that people watch. It is not that hard.
Ken Burns documentaries are tedious.
By StillFromDorchester
Sat, 04/17/2021 - 11:53am
He is definitely talented but they should be spreading the money around to other talented filmmakers.
Put Ken on the shelf.
By anon
Sat, 04/17/2021 - 12:59pm
Give me more Bruce Lee. That's some real film making.
By BostonDog
Sat, 04/17/2021 - 3:57pm
Had Rooney just said that as opposed to implying the other programs weren't as worthy of watching she wouldn't be forced to apologize.
PBS airs lots of Ken Burns because it results in favorable press and brings in donations/underwriting. That is a truthful and not insulting statement.
By anon
Sat, 04/17/2021 - 1:46pm
I found his Vietnam War documentary very riveting also, covering all sides of that complex situation.
Rooney is an out of touch moron.
By Brian Riccio
Sat, 04/17/2021 - 7:54pm
Whose only claim to fame is essentially being the daughter of a famous misanthrope.
On a show with useless talking heads opining on their fellow useless media members partially sponsored by Trump lover Ernie Boch Jr.
Note to WGBH White Leadership
By anon
Sun, 04/18/2021 - 11:53am
Time for Emily to go. Don’t know what the station’s contractual obligations to her are, but GREATER BOSTON and the company (tax-exempt GBH foundation) must put some Asians in management (only one Asian now in the C-suite) and on-air anchor jobs.
How white we are:
Wow that's some serious white
By cden4
Mon, 04/19/2021 - 10:55am
Wow that's some serious white fragility coming from Emily Rooney in that original clip. She twisted the message and put forth a bunch of totally uninformed opinions. No one is saying that Ken Burns isn't an amazing documentary creator. They're simply saying he gets too much time and money from PBS when others who are equally deserving should probably be getting a share of that as well.
Double standard?
By Perry Jameson
Mon, 04/19/2021 - 11:31am
Hmmmm? WGBH finally presses for an apology from one of its news crew?
Case in point -- a couple of years ago when the Merit Ratings Board at the Registry scandal hit the fan, along with the seven fatalities and additional injuries in New Hampshire as well as how many more accidents caused by drivers who should have had their licenses pulled by the RMV, Greater Boston's Jim Braude went off on one of his usual screeds and in which he blamed EVERYTHING on Governor Baker.
As is all too usual, Braude was variously and often mistaken.
In turn, knowing all manner of inside information, I wrote into WGBH management complaining about Braude yet again talking up his mistaken beliefs rather than properly and responsibly reporting on the tragedy.
The only response was that Braude selectively took my comments out of context and then harangued me in what can only be described as a mean-spirited ad hominem attack on the air.
Again I wrote to WGBH to complain of Braude's bullying and ask for it to act.
I got zip back. So much for proper review by an internal ombud per typical news media practice or at least provide of a format to duly criticize Braude over his petulance.
In time, however, and even as Braude kept on for time pressing his false narrative, hard information eventually come out on this tragedy and so proved my knowledgeable criticisms of Braude valid and his screed of me thus without any merit whatsoever.
Now, however, Ms Rooney has had to issue a mea culpa over what were charitably at best sloppy statements with a racial angle.
This old white guy, however, is still waiting to see the over-the-hill, bombastic, cranky and even older white guy bully that is Braude fade out to black, sign off into the sunset or comparable.
In the meanwhile, I pretty much only watch Greater Boston when Adam Reilly is substitute hosting.
That and find Ken Burn's documentaries a great antidote whenever I am suffering from insomnia.
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