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Vigil in Brighton Friday morning for rabbi who was stabbed repeatedly

Residents will gather for a vigil at 10 a.m. on Friday in Brighton Common, the Chestnut Hill Avenue park where Rabbi Shlomo Noginski was stabbed today.

Combined Jewish Philanthropies, the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Boston and the ADL are organizing the vigil to support Noginski, his family and Shaloh House, the school across the street from the park where he works.

An attack on one of us is an attack on all of us. If one of us feels vulnerable, we all are vulnerable. We will not be silent, and we will be there together.



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And the room went suddenly quiet.

The Rabbi is a lucky man. The guy had a gun.

For those unfamiliar with this section of Brighton, there's a mosque right up the street and a large Conservative Jewish population, basically living side by side. They wear (pardon my lack of religious knowledge) hats with brims, dress in black and white, beards, the whole thing. They are also very friendly people and seem to lack hate.

The Muslims? Some of them dress very distinctly, reminiscent of the Middle East. They seem fine, they are friendly. This attack is out of character for them, I believe.
It's almost like both sides see the Middle east as something they want no part of in this country.

My prediction and hope is that the Mosque and its patrons will reach out to the Jewish community, express solidarity to try to overcome this solitary attack.

JB must be so disappointed that it's not a 'MAGA hat wearing neckbeard'. Patience, UHub haters, a swastika will appear somewhere. You'll get your chance.

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No one went silent. I don’t recall anyone here stating that they thought it was a MAGA-hat person who did this.

If there is one pernicious aspect of anti-semetism it’s that it is multi-pronged and not limited to the alt-right “Jews will not replace us” Charlottesville crowd, and anyone paying the slightest attention knows that.

But you had to come here with an anti anti-Trump straw man to gloat. Come on, man.

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Adam I'll never understand how you decide which comments to post

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People who have taken the time and effort to register for an account here have their comments go up automatically. Over the years, I've found that most of the time such comments are not spam and not insane racist/fascist/meds-forgetting type comments.

Comments from people who don't have accounts? Many of them are fine and interesting, so I still think it's worth the effort to scroll through the vast heaps of stuff that there is no way I'm ever going to approve. This story, for example, has brought out the worst in Muslim haters, Black haters and, yes, even Jew haters. There's a certain satisfaction in marking them all on the page that lists unapproved comments and then clicking that big ol' Delete button.

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We do enough self censoring to also endure adamg's whims on what to post.

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...you consistently pick salty.

If you don't like the flavor, maybe go elsewhere.

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... there was absolutely no reason to bring them into the picture here at all.

There are other local places where Jews and Muslims live happily side-by-side, Cambridge being one of them.

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This ain't about Cambridge, where 'Jews and Muslims live happily side-by-side'.

This is about outreach. Sometimes outreach is good.

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You managed to offend both Jews and Muslims without using any of the traditional slurs. And probably everybody else who is actually concerned about what happened yesterday.

Also, as long as you're putting yourself out there as an expert on the Jews of Brighton, a correction: Although there may be conservative Jews in Brighton, this was specifically Brighton Center, and the folks you're referring to are orthodox, not conservative. Probably makes no difference to people like you, but it'd be sort of like declaring Trinity Church the largest Methodist church in Boston. Kinda detracts from your experthood. Might want to work on that.

As for MAGA neckbeards, don't worry, we have that guy up in Winthrop (who was headed for a temple, or haven't you heard?). I could go on, but really, what is wrong with you?

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Many orthodox Jews are conservative, but by definition Orthodox Jews are not Conservative. These days, Conservative Jews tend to be liberal, but some of them are conservative.

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"You managed to offend both Jews and Muslims without using any of the traditional slurs. And probably everybody else who is actually concerned about what happened yesterday."

I'm impressed. You can claim that I 'offend both Jews and Muslims' by not only not using slurs, but by actually calling them decent people, the kind of folks that would abhor such violence. Impressive twisting there, AG. Also, I acquiesce to your superior knowledge of the Muslim community in Brighton. I've been, well, not stabbed, but technically 'impaled'. It's not fun. The Rabbi was stabbed four times in the arm. Little asshole had a gun. He could have used it. Am I concerned about what happened the other day? Yup. You are in no position to judge me.

"Also, as long as you're putting yourself out there as an expert on the Jews of Brighton..."

Actual quote by me, "(pardon my lack of religious knowledge)"

" a correction: Although there may be conservative Jews in Brighton, this was specifically Brighton Center, and the folks you're referring to are orthodox, not conservative."

As I said, I'm not an expert. Didn't graduate BU with a degree in theology.

"Probably makes no difference to people like you, but it'd be sort of like declaring Trinity Church the largest Methodist church in Boston. Kinda detracts from your experthood. Might want to work on that."

Again...actual quote by me, "(pardon my lack of religious knowledge)"
As I said, I'm not an expert. I'll try to work on that.

"As for MAGA neckbeards, don't worry, we have that guy up in Winthrop (who was headed for a temple, or haven't you heard?). I could go on, but really, what is wrong with you?"

Oh, the guy married to the Bernie Sis that stole a plumbing truck (rational), drove it into a house after hitting an SUV a bit earlier (so far so good), then headed up the street carrying a pistol? That guy? Shot two people in an incident that as far as I'm concerned is a powerful argument for making this a 'shall issue' state, if you care about Black lives at all.

"...really, what is wrong with you?

Nothing, actually. I stated, "My prediction and hope is that the Mosque and its patrons will reach out to the Jewish community, express solidarity to try to overcome this solitary attack."
I still hope that. Now would be a good time for that type of healing.

I also mentioned JB. Poor guy, I feel bad for him. He's so messed up that he cannot bear the re-opening of a hundred year old bar named "Red Hat". Such hate.

We need less of that.

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Nailed it.

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"Show me you're a racist without telling me "i'm a racist"..."

Um, religion's not a race, but I'm a total chump compared to this expert...


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Do you live in Brighton?

If not, on what planet do you spend most of your time?

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This commenter was prolifically pro-Trump here and repeated the big lies of voter fraud, insecure elections, and, through December, propagated the deranged idea that Trump was the legit winner. To say nothing of the other bigoted posts like long screeds defending the use of “China Virus” to refer to COVID, denying that the obviously racist words and deeds of Trump were racist, and derailing other posts by changing the subject and sh**posting anti-China rants.

In other words, basically a Ben Shapiro/Tucker Carlson parrot, but without the sophistication.

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But thankfully they do a pretty good job of outing themselves with their posts!

Shapiro just speaks too fast for his viewers to grasp how little substance he actually has.

Although Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson was somewhat smart dropping parts of his name.

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Since you choose to attack me personally, rather than what I wrote, I shall respond accordingly...
"This commenter was prolifically pro-Trump here and repeated the big lies of voter fraud, insecure elections, and, through December, propagated the deranged idea that Trump was the legit winner."
"...long screeds defending the use of “China Virus” to refer to COVID..."

All lies.
I put you to your proof.
First, I have been almost non-existent here, because this place has become a cesspit of virulent (old word, but whatever) hate for anything not far left of center. It was called the Wuhan Virus by, drum roll...China. Most of the words attributed to Trump were either taken out of context or just fabricated by the Democrats or their media allies.

Anti China? Nope, sorry bladed one. I hate Communist China's government. I hate the murderers at Tiananmen Square. I hate what those commie assholes are doing to Hong Kong. I am no fan of American (multinational, really) corporations that act like whores when it comes to Chinese communist profits. They have no honor. Since you brought it up...
"In other words, basically a Ben Shapiro/Tucker Carlson parrot, but without the sophistication."
I'm honored to be compared to those folks, even though I lack the sophistication.

So tell me, how's that New York Mayor's race going? Oh. Shitcanned.


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2 essay-length responses to comments? Seems like a nerve was struck. Thank you for the totally cogent, nuanced, and definitely-not-unhinged replies; point made.

I am not wrong in my characterization of you and my claims are supported by your own comments that you’ve writen in the past, which are still up. I mean, we can seem them.

Furthermore, if you find UHub too virulently anti-MAGA (MAGA being a virulent mindset in and of itself), I hear Patriot Front is recruiting; they seem more your speed.

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is here

(Adam, how do I embed a Facebook video here?)

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