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Finally: An answer to a question posed by the New York Times in 2022

NY Times headline in 2022: Does the Democratic Party Want Swagger? Or Does It Want Michelle Wu?

Eric Adams and Michelle Wu both won election in 2021. About a year later, the New York Times posed the question of which leadership style Democrats wanted. Given events of the past couple days, you think the Times would ever ask that again?

To be sure, Boston has had some questionable mayors. As mayor, James Michael Curley was indicted, convicted and thrown in federal prison for accepting wartime bribes (and then he got out, insulted the acting mayor and ran against him for re-election - and lost).. And Andrew James Peters was accused of far worse, involving a young woman (and distant relative) whose body washed up on a Long Island beach. OK, NYC had Jimmy Walker.

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Says The Onion

Worth noting that we exported a couple of mayors to New York from, if not Boston, nearby (Medford and Cambridge) and they managed to suck, but less than this clown.


Boston got the Mayor who Never Sleeps. Or so it would seem.


The thing about Wu is that she seems so normal, especially for a big city mayor. I don't picture her working all night, I picture her stopping at the supermarket on the way home to buy normal food and cook her family a normal dinner before going to sleep in her house like a normal person.


taking a normal break by hopping up on stage with the BSO and playing a Mozart piano concerto, like a normal person. I do that too. A great way to brighten up your normal day.


I'll take the mayor who doesn't say "I commend their restraint" after the police shoot four people because one of them didn't pay his subway fare.