Students at both Curry College in Milton and Stoughton High School received text messages today telling them they've been selected to pick cotton "at the nearest plantation."
The Currier Times reports students at Curry and across the country got the texts.
Hateful and racist text messages sent to Curry College students overnight has led to increased vigilance on the Curry campus. Administrators said that other colleges were hit with the same, disturbing, messages.
Stoughton school officials report students of color at Stoughton High School received them as well.
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Stoughton High School, too
By brianjdamico
Thu, 11/07/2024 - 8:39pm
All 50 states
By MyManMyMelo
Thu, 11/07/2024 - 9:32pm
Mas text sent to black people. Even used our first names.
Pardon my langauge here
By brianjdamico
Thu, 11/07/2024 - 10:01pm
but what the fuck? And how the fuck?
Now that I'm paying attention to this, I see that there is a growing number of news articles about this happening nationwide, to Black people, by name.
It should go without saying that this is completely unacceptable and that anyone with any shred of basic human decency would agree with me. But here we are.
White people just elected a white supremacist sympathizer
By MyManMyMelo
Fri, 11/08/2024 - 10:10am
To federal office.
People saying we gotta go get food now before they switch the stores to whites only.
White folks said this type of sentiment isn't a big deal and decided Black People will be fine and should endure it.
With DT and his ilk running the country. Rest assured this is only the beginning.
If there's a silver lining
By Plen-T-Pak
Fri, 11/08/2024 - 11:44am
It's maybe the youngest voters can connect a culture of hatred to trump being elected and for once the young folks will step up and vote. It certainly did not happen this time around.
It sure didn't
By lbb
Fri, 11/08/2024 - 12:08pm
It sure didn't. They voted -- for the other side.
My Democratic Party has long
By Frelmont
Fri, 11/08/2024 - 5:39pm
My Democratic Party has long been elitist and a good and prosperous home for the wealthy, but more recently has come into opposition with the First Amendment, democratic principles, liberty and truth, and is on a positively reinforcing path of coercion, exploitation, sophistry and manipulation and false narratives.
The dam has broken and no amount of performative soul searching by the corporation that owns the Party will get them to release the Party from their grip. Whether Moulton stood up, or was marched forth matters not. Whatever roiling and movements we see in the Democratic Party in the coming days, months and years are all false so long as certain dynamics and fundamentals call the tune. One thing we can be sure of is the winning narrative, no matter how satisfying will preserve the elite class and owners of the Party. Among the more than half of the country who voted Republican, be they Republicans, or Democrats, a broad swath of them see the Democratic Party far more clearly than most Democrats. As long as we Democrats only see racists, sexist and fools beyond our pointed fingers we will continue to provide cover and exoneration for the self-serving elite in what should be our Democratic Party.
I'm curious about your 1st Amendment claim
By merlinmurph
Sat, 11/09/2024 - 5:55pm
Where? Did I miss something?
Some see the First Amendment
By Frelmont
Sat, 11/09/2024 - 10:45pm
Some see the First Amendment as pathological, as something that needs reimagining in order to gain purchase over the redistribution of wealth. The Founders were wise enough to know that the First Amendment is the most potent force of liberty and not subject to “activists” whatever their station, or stripe.
Sorry, kids
By Michael
Thu, 11/07/2024 - 9:15pm
It sucks but t this is the path America has chosen
By Camberville
Thu, 11/07/2024 - 11:04pm
It's the path that the most vile, hateful, ignorant Americans have chosen.
it’s amazing to me
By berkleealum
Fri, 11/08/2024 - 6:51am
that people are still trying to make this distinction
a plurality of americans just elected donald trump despite …everything he’s ever done
According to surveys
By BostonDog
Fri, 11/08/2024 - 7:33am
Many of the people voting for him did so only because they are angry with Democrats, not because they like Trump's racism. (Not to say some don't love his racism.)
Democrats need to be more than the Not Racist party to win. There are many things Democrats and those further left have done to alienate a majority of the country.
the old economic anxiety chestnut
By berkleealum
Fri, 11/08/2024 - 7:59am
doesn’t really hold up for me considering the totality of donald trump as a candidate. this isn’t mitt romney or whatever, this is a convicted felon whose platform nearly exclusively consists of racism, sexism, xenophobia, etc.
ETA: likewise, i’m not going to entertain the idea that moving to the right on social issues is a viable strategy for a party who claims to champion the marginalized. it might be true in terms of realpolitik or whatever, but for me it’s a morally repugnant thought experiment.
more practically, it would seem to me that a move to the right would only serve to exacerbate the appearance of hypocrisy among democrats.
You're missing the point
By BostonDog
Fri, 11/08/2024 - 8:18am
Democrats don't need to move to right on social issues, they need to make the case that their policies are good for everyone irrespective of race and identity.
Inflation and C19 fucked people over. Myself and most UHub readers know these were the lesser of two bad situations but a majority of the country feel like they got shafted. A whole lot of those people voted for Trump.
It's not good enough to be morally superior. People -- including growing numbers of people who are normally the victims of racism (!) -- felt like they were better off under Trump. They might be wrong to think that but Harris and Biden did a lousy job proving they'd be better.
i mean
By berkleealum
Fri, 11/08/2024 - 8:43am
the Biden administration oversaw one of the greatest economic recoveries in the history of the country. like you said though, people are still suffering.
sure, Harris could have tried hammering the arguments that inflation is now lower than it was during the Trump admin, that we have full employment, that gas prices are quite low, etc, but those all feel like academic reasoning. we know that “academic” repels the voters you’re talking about.
so what to do? you can’t tell people you’re going to fix the economy that 1) you were in charge of for four years 2) you actually did fix.
on the other side, what did Trump campaign on? fixing the economy?
bear in mind, i’m not saying the DNC is perfect or couldn’t have fielded a better candidate, or whatever else. i’m saying that knowing that Biden really did fix the economy, we can’t pretend people voted for Trump primarily because of economic anxiety.
but hey, there are a million opinions out there as to why Harris lost and most of them are correct.
This is the bizarre part for me
By cinnamngrl
Fri, 11/08/2024 - 10:14am
The Biden administration fixed inflation that was caused by COVID (and Trump). But no one acknowledged it. Biden brought chip manufacturing back to the US but no one acknowledged this. Biden spent money but he lowered unemployment to zero and temporarily ended child poverty.
Right or Left, Trump is the laziest, most disorganized president we have known. He has no friends. He accomplished nothing that turtleboy McConnell didn't hand to him on a silver platter. The Tax cuts and Supreme Court was designed by establishment republicans. The evacuation from Afghanistan was a disaster because trump set a deadline with zero plans.
Harris was a great candidate, and I hope that she will be our president someday if this country survives.
Look, I agree
By BostonDog
Fri, 11/08/2024 - 11:06am
Biden has been a great president. America's economic recovery from the pandemic has been better than anywhere else in the world.
But the perception is that Biden is responsible for inflation, even if that's not true. The perception is that Democrats wrongly asked the public to don masks and stay home for nothing even if it wasn't for nothing and it was under Trump anyway.
Trump painted Harris and Biden as unsympathetic to the plight of the common American. Honestly, had Biden not originally run for a second term and had a Democrat not linked with Biden administration been the candidate, they'd probably be the president elect right now. When you're viewed as the party of the elite, you loose. Nothing else matters.
So basically, the common
By anon
Fri, 11/08/2024 - 11:21am
So basically, the common white American is stupid.
White America voted for a racist, facist rapist, criminal POS - that's the bottom line. If you believe it's b/c of the cost of groceries, and the Dems don't do this or that, you are also part of the problem.
This was an election of morals, plain and simple. White America doesn't want to lose their status (as long as we have our foot on someone's neck - amiright?) and white men felt their balls shrink due to a smart, accomplished, overqualified woman. White women? Well, they're a special kind of misogynist.
Oh, I'm white, I just have the capability to not only care about myself.
Fox disagrees
By merlinmurph
Fri, 11/08/2024 - 1:01pm
I place almost all the blame on Fox for their supporting trump's lies and total misinformation.
This isn't 2016
By HenryAlan 2.0
Fri, 11/08/2024 - 9:59am
Anybody who voted for Trump in 2020 or 2024 should have known exactly what he represents. I don't see a distinction between voting for him because of the racism and voting for him despite the racism. Either way, that voter is saying they aren't bothered by a white supremacist government. These people are beyond the pale in every way possible.
They still get a vote
By BostonDog
Fri, 11/08/2024 - 12:14pm
If Democrats and liberals disregarding Trump voters as nothing more than racist idiots they are going to keep loosing elections. These people are the majority now.
There's a difference...
By lbb
Fri, 11/08/2024 - 7:18pm
...between a majority and a plurality.
That difference matters.
Trump has a majority as of now
By deselby
Sat, 11/09/2024 - 11:44am
50.6% right now according to NYT
A majority of what?
By lbb
Mon, 11/11/2024 - 9:59am
A majority of what, exactly?
These distinctions matter.
Republicans rejected disenfranchisement.
By Frelmont
Sat, 11/09/2024 - 1:04pm
Many of my fellow Democrats presumed wrongly is that Republicans would choose disenfranchisement by not voting for Trump. There’s a hierarchy of considerations for millions of Republicans and however many Democrats who voted for Trump that patently rose above his problematic aspects and that is what we all must look upon soberly.
The First Amendment and a host of other rights and principles have been greatly eroded by the owners of my Democratic Party and if unchecked will lead further and further away from liberty.
By lbb
Mon, 11/11/2024 - 10:01am
Nonsense. How exactly did they "erode" your First Amendment rights? Think carefully, and read the thing before you answer.
Does it matter?
By lbb
Fri, 11/08/2024 - 10:06am
If you kill me, does it matter if you did it because of my race or because of my political party?
Oh people didnt admit they
By anon
Fri, 11/08/2024 - 1:37pm
Oh people didnt admit they were voting for Trump because they are xenophobic racists but because they are so angry at democrats they are OK with an islamaphobic racist billionaire? Sure.
By Michael
Fri, 11/08/2024 - 6:52am
And more of them showed up Tuesday than we did
I hate it too but we can't ignore it or pretend it isn't real.
Black people All over the country
By MyManMyMelo
Thu, 11/07/2024 - 9:32pm
Black people all over the country received this text today. People I know in Florida, Maryland, everywhere. On social media I saw it then in real life.
Thanks white people.
By anon
Thu, 11/07/2024 - 11:17pm
No hate over the past year? Nothing on college campuses?
This is someone using a program to mass text people. We have no idea if that person is even located in the USA.
This is happening much wider than just a local college.
FBI investigating
By deselby
Fri, 11/08/2024 - 7:10am
according to CNN.
Nationwide spread and scale of the messages raises the possibility of a foreign operation to incite discord and disorder, so cool your jets about domestic "hate" "white people" and "vile, ignorant Americans."
If it was domestic, it would be first amendment protected and thus no crime, so why would FBI be looking into it if they didn't suspect foreign operations?
Adjust to the world of global hacking and AI we are now living in. Question everything. Funny that Old Man Deselby is more hip to it, but he's got a lot of time to read.
By berkleealum
Fri, 11/08/2024 - 7:27am
i’m sorry but i don’t know know how else to say this: shut the fuck up, honestly.
one month ago, the president elect told us that haitian people were eating cats, based on fuck-all. stop fucking telling people what they are seeing isn’t actually what they are seeing.
"shut up, he reasoned"
By deselby
Fri, 11/08/2024 - 8:35am
thank you for your contribution. it's going to be a long four years for you.
Your attitude, spread widely, is literally what brought a Trump victory.
meaningless drivel
By berkleealum
Fri, 11/08/2024 - 9:14am
what attitude are you referring to, specifically? racism is bad ?
that you would put forth the idea that my calling out your willful blindness towards the obviously racism-driven election of Trump is somehow what elected him in the first place is god-tier irony
Intolerance of disagreement
By deselby
Fri, 11/08/2024 - 9:38am
The "shut the fuck up" unless ultra-woke attitude.
It's what delivered Musk, Joe Rogan and many others to Trump. Influential or even decisive.
Ah, yes, the famously woke, non-racist Joe
By MC Slim JB
Fri, 11/08/2024 - 9:44am
Rogan and Elon Musk were finally brought over to Trump's brand of across-the-board bigotry by ultra-wokeness.
Where can I buy your brand of genius pills?
I guess you're like the genius
By deselby
Fri, 11/08/2024 - 12:38pm
who advised Kamala and Tim Walz not to go on Rogan and reach 30 million voters in a demographic they were trying to persuade. 'Cause he's racist and transphobic - as they said when Bernie went on Rogan and got his endorsement. If you miss the sarcasm, that was actually moronic.
Anyways to return to the subject at hand, shitlibs would rather believe this nationwide messaging operation requiring sophisticated databases and covert messaging origins was the product of the KKK rather than Russia or China, even though the Russians were calling in bomb threats to voting locations in black precincts this week.
They believe that because despising other Americans and labeling them racists is a shitlib's #1 priority. I've despised that type since the busing days, when they tsk-tsked the Southies and Townies from Wellesley and Cambridge.
As Tsk Tsk, you shouldn't
By cinnamngrl
Fri, 11/08/2024 - 12:56pm
As in "Tsk Tsk", you shouldn't throw rocks at children?
this isn’t even true lol
By berkleealum
Fri, 11/08/2024 - 1:56pm
Rogan himself said the disagreement was over where to hold the interview, not whether to do the interview
why should i believe any of what you’re saying if you can’t get your facts straight
so what? you want to go on Rogan?
By deselby
Fri, 11/08/2024 - 5:09pm
You go to Rogan's studio and do three hours, not some place in DC and one hour.
and that doesn't apply to Walz, why couldn't he go to Austin?
anyways, she missed a chance to make her extended case to 30 million
Are you claiming that Rogan
By cinnamngrl
Sat, 11/09/2024 - 11:41am
Are you claiming that Rogan has never traveled?
Harris needed Rogan more than
By deselby
Sat, 11/09/2024 - 4:12pm
Rogan needed Harris. Bottom line. She squandered a chance to talk to tens of millions of young men she needed to persuade.
She is the Vice President.
By cinnamngrl
Sat, 11/09/2024 - 7:14pm
She is the Vice President. Rogan was playing games and it makes no sense to cater to him.
Again, are you saying that Rogan never travels for an interview?
Made no sense but she lost
By deselby
Sun, 11/10/2024 - 8:03am
again, she needed Rogan more than Rogan needed her. And why didn't Walz go on, at least?
Stupendous error.
What would have made you happy?
By lbb
Mon, 11/11/2024 - 10:39am
What would have made you happy? If she'd licked his shoes you Red Hats would still say that's not enough.
Give up, we know misogynoir when we smell it.
keep dodging my question. I
By cinnamngrl
Mon, 11/11/2024 - 11:38am
keep dodging my question. I don't know anything about Rogan. Does he travel or not?
By ElizaLeila
Fri, 11/08/2024 - 9:52am
Who made the "Eff your Feelings" paraphernalia?
I mean
By Michael
Fri, 11/08/2024 - 9:57am
"I want most of, and can live with, everything that Trump is offering but I musn't be made to feel bad about it" is certainly an opinion, but it is a shit one.
Oooh, he said "paradox of tolerance"
By lbb
Fri, 11/08/2024 - 10:12am
Invoking the paradox of tolerance is not the trump card you think it is. If you view tolerance as an abstract moral virtue with no special connection to reality or consequences, then sure, you can try to argue that: you state an intolerant opinion so you're bad, I say your intolerant opinion is shit and under this abstract, above-it-all-and-beside-the-point definition of tolerance, that makes me equally bad.
But tolerance is not an abstract moral virtue. It's a social contract. And those who breach contracts thereby forfeit all claims to be covered under them.
tl;dr: go pound sand with your smarmy, facetious, DARVO bullshit.
By cinnamngrl
Fri, 11/08/2024 - 10:16am
Its just greed. Musk and Rogan get paid by this hate.
One thing about white people
By MyManMyMelo
Fri, 11/08/2024 - 10:06am
They never gon take accountability for racism!
Let alone actually work to end it
By Oxenfree
Fri, 11/08/2024 - 11:39am
They'll talk a very good game, but it's so they can feel like "one of the good ones" and keep on doing the racist shit they've been doing. And I'm not talking about one of the states that went red - I mean /here/, in Boston (although I'm sure you know this).
If it was domestic, it would
By Muerl
Fri, 11/08/2024 - 3:31pm
I am going to humor this. The FBI is investigating because clearly this cross state lines, and likely constitutes either a massive violation of FCC rules around mass messaging or a Hate Crime, or a Criminal Conspiracy to Commit a Hate Crime.
That being said, I would not surprise me THAT much that this is a psych op from some kind of Nation State Actor. But, there is likely a huge pile of privacy violations here as well.
So at a minimum someone is getting sued for a lot of money.
Get real.
By deselby
Sat, 11/09/2024 - 3:12pm
What's the hate crime? Cite the statute and describe how this violated the elements of the crime, please
If "mass messaging" based on databases is a violation of FCC rules, both parties violate it all the time, plus all those auto warranty etc spammers.
Also, we don't live in Europe with the GDPR. You waived all your privacy rights in so many ways with all those apps you use. Your data is collected and sold.
By lbb
Mon, 11/11/2024 - 10:41am
It's been quite a year but honestly this is some of the most pathetic, self-excusing, DARVO bullshit I have encountered yet. You fart in elevators and complain about the stink.
By Frelmont
Sat, 11/09/2024 - 1:16pm
1. A racist?
2. A foreign agent?
3. Someone scorned by the loss?
Rapey frat boys and their Tori Burch girlfriends.
By J.R. Dobbs
Fri, 11/08/2024 - 8:28am
This is now the way forward for the Trümp Caucus because it WORKS.
Boomers will be gone soon (Trump even sooner) and they'll need a new crop of middling IQ goons to protect the Elite and their lifestyle going forward.
I really wish I did not know this
By Luke Warmer
Fri, 11/08/2024 - 8:51am
but the vileness of the human animal is universal. The more modern pretense that some people, were they better people morally, would follow the lead of the less vile, is a disastrously destructive position to take, and enormously counter-productive; because, once you take that position, you have totally abandoned any real way of successfully managing the vast ocean of vile morons though real political means. When I say 'more modern position' I mean the profit motives of the 24 hour news cycle, and political affiliation selling you the idea that 'virtue' is going to, in actual fucking reality, have any standing politically; something it appears almost everyone who votes democrat believes, presumably because there are career pipelines that make believing such bullshit seem important, and, buying into liberal certainties in college feels a lot better than having to think, for both students and teachers. By now, if you have any ability to discern, you know that only a moral eunuch would view virtue, by itself, as a viable political position.
Obama won over many of these extremely dangerous fools because he had something to offer them that would keep them occupied and slightly hopeful, just like sea monkeys are occupied by those little granules they toss around. Obama also knew that the democrats were going to fuck this up by not having a convention, but the whole damn charade went so fast he had no choice but to roll up his sleeves and pretend that the cool kids had a chance or he would have been accused of fucking it up himself. There was no place in anyone's mind for the reality we now face. Even worse are the people who still have hope; do some fucking math first before you start talking about hope; game out how bad this could get, at least prove you can make you mind function like an adult, before you starting shooting up the hopium. There MAY be a slim chance for hope, but it would seem a lot more credible if the 'h' word were invoked by people who could tell you actually how sideways this whole thing could possibly go. Once Trump destroys the economy through his deportation chaos, an entire generation of young males needing jobs become even more vulnerable to whatever sorts of training the Regime of Murderous Clowns offers them.
This was fucking preventable. Democrats blew it. But what do you care, eh? Just have another alcoholic cider and offer your banal one-liners.
By MyManMyMelo
Fri, 11/08/2024 - 11:16am
The first 250 years Black people were here and we asked if we could not be white peoples property. Please?
Most white people said “no.”
and then the minority of them said “I hear you but, we’ll have to slow walk that.”
So this is just a continuation of that.
The Sender probably isn't who
By anon
Fri, 11/08/2024 - 2:34pm
Some people think
And who...
By lbb
Fri, 11/08/2024 - 7:20pm you think most people think the sender is?