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Citizen complaint of the day: Rats running rampant on one Allston street

A rat-averse citizen submits a photo of a pile of dead baby rats. He says he found all the rats in his car on Farrington Avenue (only click link if you wish to see a photo of a pile of dead baby rats):

There are so many. I have to kill them. They are nesting in my car. Someone needs to fix this so I don't have to keep murdering baby rats.


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Large whale carcass washes ashore in Rockport

Good Morning Gloucester has numerous exclusive photos, should you have the desire to see a dead whale on rocks; wonders if somehow it's the same whale body that briefly washed ashore on a couple of islands in Boston Harbor. WBZ reports that yes, that is the former Boston Harbor whale carcass.


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'Don't blame me, I'm from Massachusetts'

George McGovern, the Democratic presidential nominee in 1972, has died, age 90. Of course, he had a unique tie to Massachusetts - we're the only state that voted for him then (as did the District of Columbia).

George McGovern in Post Office Square, for a rally on Oct. 3, 1972.

McGovern wins the Massachusetts primary in April, 1972.

McGovern with a Bud Light at the 2006 Mass. state convention.

Globe: George McGovern’s indelible mark on Massachusetts politics.

Charles Pierce: The Forgotten Legacy of George McGovern.

How he almost picked Kevin White to run for VP - until Ted Kennedy stepped in.

When McGovern ran for president again in 1984, his Massachusetts campaign manager was Jim McGovern, now a Congressman from Worcester.


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Jeff Tamagini took in the first day of the Head of the Charles.

Copyright Jeff Tamagini. Tagged as universalhub on Flickr.


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Shocking: Locke-Ober bites the dust


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Either it really flooded along the Charles this morning or Jesus drove a Mini Cooper

Mini Cooper in water

Photographynatalia took this photo along the Head of the Charles route this morning. She writes:

It was some kind of modified Mini Cooper that was out on the Charles River during Head of the Charles. I'm assuming it was some kind of promotion for the company.

Allston monsoon.

Copyright Photographynatalia. Posted in the Universal Hub pool on Flickr.


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Dot dog disappears

UPDATE: Logan the labradoodle back with owners, safe and sound.

Missing dogLogan, a year-old mini labradoodle, was last seen around 3:45 p.m. yesterday at Tenean Beach.

He has an olive drab collar with a neon orange stripe. He's small, maybe 20 lbs., and dark brown.

Also: " He spent the night outdoors in the rain, and we're not sure how he's doing. He's pretty skittish, and at this point, is most likely terrified."


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Unconscious man with head injury downtown dies; police investigate

UPDATE: The Herald reports police now think the guy died from falling, not from being attacked.

Boston Police report they are investigating the death of an unconscious man found around 2:15 a.m. with a head injury at Franklin and Broad streets downtown.

The man, pronounced dead at Mass. General, was white and in his twenties, police say.

Sat, 10/20/2012 - 02:17


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Wellesley: Den of Iniquity

First that 50 Shades of Wellesley book, now massage-parlor contretemps. What's next in this burgeoning sex capital of the western suburbs?


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Group to try to deliver binders full of women's issues to Romney HQ today

Should be a fun time on Commercial Street, especially if they're met by these guys.


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