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Somerville gets noisy this weekend

Honk parade

Greg Cook watched the lantern parade around Davis Square tonight that kicks off the annual Honk activist street-band festival.


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Man shot on Homestead Street

A man was shot in the shoulder or chest around 7 p.m. at 59 Homestead St.

Fri, 10/05/2012 - 19:00
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Another armed robbery on the Brookline/Boston line

Boston University Police have sent out an alert that somebody was robbed at gunpoint by three teens around 5:15 p.m. at St. Paul and Thatcher streets in Brookline - not far from where BU students were robbed at gunpoint last month.

The suspects are described as black and between the ages of 13 and 18. One had a gun. All wore sweatshirts, one white, one gray, one red, BU Police say.

Brookline Police report the victim, "a recent college graduate," was not physically harmed.


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Pit bulls rampage in East Boston, kill cat, bite teen, one is shot

The Globe reports the teen is expected to survive, as is the dog a police officer shot this afternoon in Maverick Square.


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Mattapan massacre suspect will have case heard by Worcester County jurors - bused into Boston

A Suffolk Superior Court judge today agreed with Dwayne Moore that it might be difficult for him to get a jury of unbiased peers in Suffolk County for his retrial on charges of slaughtering three adults and a toddler in 2010.

But Judge Jeffrey Locke said Moore's request to have his trial moved to the extreme western part of the state would be unfair to both the tiny courts out there and to all the witnesses, lawyers and family members in the case who would be forced into daily round trips of up to six hours - or to pay for lodging over the course of his trial. And because they're so small, it might be hard to find 16 unbiased jurors - 12 who will decide Moore's fate and 4 alternates - Locke ruled.

Locke's solution: Moore will get jurors drawn from Worcester County, but who will be bused into downtown Boston for trial at Suffolk Superior Court.

In a ruling on Moore's request, released today, Locke agreed the massacre has gotten "intensive and sensational" coverage from the local media, enough for him to consider a change of jury pool. Worcester County's current jury pool is large enough to allow for selection of a jury and busing would make it easier to ensure jurors are not exposed to "extraneous influences" by shipping them out of town at the end of each day.


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Domino's slices plan for Roslindale Square outlet

The owner of a Domino's franchise on the Roslindale/West Roxbury plan has decided against plans to open up shop next to the Subway franchise on Washington Street, across from Adams Park, Roslindale Village Main Street reported this afternoon.

The announcement is a victory for Roslindale merchants - led by Roslindale Village Main Street - and residents opposed to the chainification of the square. Some 200 people attended a meeting at the community center last month to voice their opposition - and many were planning to attend a Boston Licensing Board hearing next month on a request for a food-serving license. In an e-mail today, Roslindale Village Main Street said:

According to Anthony Ross, an attorney for Domino's, they decided that given the issues raised by the community they are considering other locations outside of Roslindale Village.

Domino's had originally said moving from the outskirts of Roslindale to its center would help it better serve the 2,000 or so people in Roslindale it says already buy pizzas and related food items from it.

In the e-mail, Roslindale Village Main Street added:

Roslindale Village Main Street will continue to offer assistance to Chris Kotsiopoulos, the owner of 4238 Washington, to find tenants for his building that will add vitality to Roslindale Village. Over 30 people from the September 10th meeting signed up to find independent businesses for the building and RVMS is waiting to hear back from Chris about ways of collaborating.


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Short-lived freedom for alleged Dookhanated bail jumper

Marcus Pixley, who had his bail lowered because the cocaine he was charged with wanting to distribute was tested by alleged disgraced state chemist Annie Dookhan, was arrested last night in Quincy and is scheduled for arraignment this afternoon in Suffolk Superior Court, the Suffolk County District Attorney's office reports.

A judge last month reduced the convicted rapist's bail on the coke charges from $5,000 to $1,000, which he made. He failed to appear in court for a scheduled appearance this week and a warrant for his arrest was issued.

Innocent, etc.


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Could somebody alert the New York Times that even in Boston it's no longer 1974?

The Gray Lady reports on the current school-zone issue as if it's all still about racial desegregation in a system that's now 87% minority instead of the fact that it's really in reaction to the fact that too many of our schools still aren't anywhere near as good as they should be, at least not until down near the end of the story.


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Man shot to death in Roxbury

Boston Police report a man was shot several times around 2 a.m. at 10 Trotter Ct. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

Fri, 10/05/2012 - 02:02
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How do you like them apples?

Iseut reports on a couple of apples she picked from a tree at the corner of Comm. Ave. and Mass. Ave. Yes, our Comm. Ave. and Mass. Ave.

We ate these in a yummy compote with local garden plums and quince.


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