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Court: Guy may be a disgusting perv, but that doesn't mean he's dangerous

The Supreme Judicial Court ruled today authorities can't keep a serial North Shore exhibitionist locked up past the end of his sentence because there's no proof his behaviors trend toward the "sexually dangerous."

Essex County prosecutors wanted to keep Donald Suave away from the public even after he finished his latest sentence, something they could do with a declaration that he posed a sexual threat. Several months before Suave's latest sentence ended, in March of 2010, they filed a petition to keep him in custody; Suave has been held since then as the DA's request wended its way through the court system.

The state's highest court said that even though Suave seems unable to stop masturbating in front of women - he's been convicted eight times since 1986 and has admitted he's been doing it since he was 13 - he has never touched or gone after his victims:

Where the judge found no evidence that the defendant had ever stalked, lured, approached, confined, or touched a victim, that there was no reason to believe he would target children, and that there was no reason to believe the defendant's future sexual offenses would escalate into contact offenses, the judge should have concluded that, as a matter of law, the manner in which the defendant would likely commit a future "sexual offense," i.e., open and gross lewdness and lascivious behavior, would not render him a "menace to the health and safety of other persons." G.L. c. 123A, § 1 (definition of "[m]ental abnormality").

We do not suggest that all sex offenders who have committed only noncontact sexual offenses and who are likely to commit only noncontact sexual offenses in the future are not menaces to the health and safety of other persons. Each case is fact specific. We can easily envision a case where the outcome might be different, based on the specific behavior of a particular defendant. We hold only that the findings made as to the manner in which this defendant has behaved historically, and the findings as to his predicted criminal sexual behavior, do not support a finding that he is a "menace" within the meaning of G.L. c. 123A. Because of the result we reach, we do not need to decide the constitutional question. The defendant is entitled to a judgment that he is not a sexually dangerous person.


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In his house at F'enway, dead Shaughnessy waits dreaming

Dan Shaughnessy Watch reads today's gleeful, error-riddled column so you don't have to.


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But they're just so darn comfy!

Stoner bank dude

Scituate Police are looking for a man who robbed a bank yesterday while dressed in a Cape Cod hoodie, a black and gray winter hat with earflaps - and medium-blue pajama pants.

Police say stoner bank dude ran out of the bank and into a waiting tan, full-size pickup, driven by an accomplice. The pickup then hauled ass out of the area.


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MFA's new contemporary-arts wing signals intent to compete in non-old stuff arena, but gaps remain

Greg Cook takes a tour of the MFA's new Linde Family Wing for Contemporary Art, which has more gallery space than the ICA, says the MFA has found made "an elegant effort" to deal with its "deserved reputation for being slim in its contemporary art offerings and holdings."


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Place your bets: East Boston vs. Milford

The Herald reports the mayor continues to back plans for a resort casino at Suffolk Downs, but that he'll have to fight off Milford, which is also expected to put in a bid for a gambling emporium.

Ed. question: The Herald actually says the racetrack's owners want to build a "resort-style casino." How is that different from a plain old "resort casino?"


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Sunrise over the Charles

Sunrise over the Charles

Steven Ganeles took this photo around 6 a.m. today from the top floor of 10 Buick St. on the BU campus.


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Squeegee man arrested in Back Bay

Boston Police report arresting a man for attempting to make money by going up to cars stopped at Arlington and Boylston streets and cleaning their windshields with a squeegee.

Officers on patrol nabbed Patrick Walker, 34, on a charge of "aggressive panhandling" after spotting him washing a van's windshield around 11:25 a.m. yesterday, police say:

Officers immediately recognized this individual as an individual who has been warned on several occasions about washing the windshields of cars in traffic. This action is in direct violation of the City Ordinance drafted against Aggressive Solicitation. The individual in question could not claim ignorance of the law given the fact that he had been issued both verbal and written warnings about his actions in the past.

Walker was also charged with possession of the crack pipe police say the officers saw him toss to the ground when they moved in.

Innocent, etc.


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Somebody at the Dept. of Conservation and Recreation has quite the sense of humor

Walk/Don't walk

At the brand-new crosswalk installed by the DCR on the Jamaicaway at Jamaica Pond, Carol Garfield ponders how, exactly, the state wants her to get across the road.

Photo by Steve Garfield posted under this Creative Commons license. Tagged as universalhub on Flickr.


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Another Roxbury brothel shut

This time on Quincy Street, the Herald reports. It's part of a city crackdown on drugs, prostitution and rats along Blue Hill Avenue.


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Honda owners in Roslindale would do well to invest in some wheel locks

Ed Grzyb reports the wheel thieves of Roslindale have returned to the Brown Avenue area:

The police showed up to take a report. I briefly talked to the officer and he said that the tires thefts had gone done recently but now it appears that they are back. Another neighbor thought she heard something around 3am so that was likely the approximate time of the theft.

Actually, how about Honda owners everywhere invest in some wheel locks?


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