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Citizen complaint of the day: Carmageddon refugees should stay out of Boston

Vigilant smartphone-wielding citizen snaps a shot of a car with California plates in a resident-only space on Pembroke Street in the South End:

Nice guy with a nice BMW. Deserves ticket.


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In battle of wits, this burglar was only half armed

The MetroWest Daily News reports that when a trucker getting something at a Framingham Dunkin' Donuts went outside to discover his truck had been broken into, he went back inside, asked to use the phone and called his cell phone. Which then began ringing in the pocket of the guy who took it - standing just a few feet away because he apparently didn't realize America runs on Dunkin', not into it.


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Sometimes, it's OK to talk to a stranger

Liz Dolin recounts her time at the JP Licks in West Roxbury last night with the 3-year-old kid of some woman she'd never met. She reports both had a grand time.

It would have been all too easy for J's mom to admonish her child to not bother the solitary woman eating her ice cream that evening. Instead, she encouraged her child to interact with a stranger, albeit under her watchful eye.

We are teaching our children, heck we even behave ourselves, that strangers are not to be trusted. On a Saturday evening, a child was taught to talk to a stranger and that it would be okay


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Guy with visible belly sought for armed holdup at Somerville gas station

Somerville Police have released this video of a guy they say robbed the Sunoco station, 541 Broadway, at knifepoint around 8:40 p.m. on July 12.

The store surveillance video shows the suspect arriving in a black sedan, possibly a Nissan Maxima, with a towel covering it’s license plate, then entered the store and walked up to the counter, where he spoke briefly to the clerk. The suspect then went back to his car briefly. He then came back into the store where he calmly walks behind the counter, pulled out a knife and demanded cash. The suspect fled the store with an undisclosed amount of cash, jumped into the car and fled toward Medford.

The suspect is described as a white male, heavy set, over 6 feet tall, with a visible belly, wearing a distinct red and white color baseball cap, dark red jersey with black lines with a black or blue color trousers. The suspect was also wearing sneakers.

Via Davis Square LiveJournal.


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The true location of Hogwarts revealed


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Missing JP woman found alive in Mexico City, now back in Michigan hometown

Boston Police report that Amber DeVoe, reported missing on June 27, was found in Mexico City on July 12. The Holland Sentinel reports DeVoe is now back in her hometown of Zeeland, MI:

"She's in a little bit of rough shape, but hopefully with some time, she will get better," [her father] said.


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Cable ties help hold up some Big Dig lights

That plastic must be pretty tough. At least they won't rust.

UPDATE: Apparently, the fact that plastic doesn't rust is just why they're in place.


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Germy mosquitoes found in Dorchester and again in West Roxbury

The Boston Public Health Commission reports the latest sampling of mosquitoes shows West Nile Virus in one sample taken in Dorchester and three in West Roxbury - following the detection of the virus in other West Roxbury locations a few days earlier.

To date, nobody has been diagnosed with the mosquito-borne virus, which typically does not seriously affect otherwise healthy individuals, the commission says.


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Maybe his martini was stirred, not shaken

BondBoston Police report arresting James Bond on an OUI charge in Hyde Park last night.

Bond (James Bond) was arrested around 9:40 p.m. on Dana Avenue after he was stopped on suspicion of being involved in an earlier domestic dispute, police say. Police say Bond smelled of alcohol, had glassy eyes and slurred speech and was unsteady on his feet when asked to exit his car. Police did not say if they asked Bond if he only drank twice.

Bond was released on personal recognizance at his arraignment today in West Roxbury District Court, the Suffolk County District Attorney's office reports. He is due back in court Sept. 2.

Innocent, etc.


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Citizen complaint of the day: Enough with the trailer outside the Hyatt already

Hyatt trailer

A concerned citizen says enough's enough and it's time to move the trailer that's been sitting outside the Downtown Crossing Hyatt on Avenue de Lafayette for ages:

This trailer has been here for 2 years much of the time including now it has not displayed a permit. I support the msg. being sent. The treatment of the maids was shameful. This is an eyesore and is taking up two meter spots. Its time to take this down. At 25 cents per 12 minutes, this protest has cost the city $45k in lost revenue. Point made.., let's give the space back to the citizens of Boston.


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