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So how cold was it?

Lisa reports it was so cold today her iPod stopped working while she was cross-country skiing (at Sandy Beach in Medford).


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You can always tell a Harvard man - you just can't tell him much

Mark discusses the difference between practicing medicine in his native UK and here:

... I always say the same thing, at home if you say you went to Cambridge or Oxford (which I didn't), on the whole people look at you as if you are a smug bastard.

Over here when you tell people (ok especially girls) that you work at Harvard (this actually has a name - H bombing) they love it. In America people respect you doing well; at home the green monster just wont stand for it. ...


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Scorsese in the Hub

John ducks out of the office for a bit only to come back to hear that Martin Scorsese showed up while he was away:

... I wasn't expecting any legendary directors today and there didn't seem to be raw material there for a practical joke, so I dismissed it as just a weird mistake. But I found out later that he was in fact in the building snooping around for ideas for a film he's planning and that he did stop by ...


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Broken again


The Cooperative Bank thermometer on Centre Street in West Roxbury was malfunctioning again this morning - it was missing a digit. Had the same problem earlier this week; they really should do something about it!


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No, really, cut that out

Just watched the NECN weather forecast and the map showed a truly frightening prediction for much of eastern Massachusetts this weekend:


As Dan asked a few days ago, WTF does that mean? I suppose we should be grateful we're not getting


But what other kind of snow is there? Even in the Blizzard of '78 (kids, I ever tell you how we survived that; 16 of us trapped in a dorm suite with no food and then the power went out?), the snow proved plowable.


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Goodbye, Filene's

Ron notes that a merger of the companies that own Macy's and Filene's could mean the end of Filene's:

Everyone in New England should be praying for this deal to fall through. Nothing good can come of it.


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Hummer-driving thug

So a dolt in a Hummer allegedly reacts to a parking ticket by whipping scalding hot coffee at the meter maid.

Carpundit, who lives in the neighborhood, says:

I know her by sight from the neighborhood, and I've never seen her giving anyone a hard time.

He also suggests appropriate punishment for the guy, if he's an immigrant (he's described as "a native of Lebanon") and he's found guilty:

a two-year state prison sentence, followed by a referral to ICE for deportation processing. We don't need immigrants like him.


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Enemy sighting

No, not one of the Four (Fourteen?) Chinese Nationals, but Joe Torre - maybe - at the North Billerica commuter-rail stop:

... Or at least, somebody who could have been his identical twin. Although, I have to say, it wouldn't surprise me to see the man himself waiting on a train into Boston. You know, to hit the Fens and get a few pointers from the only baseball team that matters.


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Boston drivers? Try BU drivers

Michael gets pulled over near his BU office for running a yellow light and gets an earful from the cop:

... First he told us that BU was pressing the Boston Police to write more tickets on campus, and bigger fines, in order to instill a sense of automotive respect for the laws of a civilized society. It seems that the privileged rich kids in their BMW's and Mercedes act like that the traffic laws were written only for the rest of the peons, and write off parking and traffic fines as one more cost of doing business, the business in this case consisting of using Daddy's money to get through college with the least amount of physical and mental effort possible. ...

However, he was just getting warmed up in his oratory. He immediately launched into a diatribe against FOREIGN STUDENTS who he said were the worst of the worst, both because they were uniformly ignorant of local traffic laws and regulations and because they were so rich and spoiled that they practically laughed in his face when he wrote them up. ...


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T and sympathy

David takes the T today and is repeatedly reminded why he doesn't like taking the T:

... Then, before we could pull out of Park Street, the T driver got up suddenly, came out from behind her curtain like the Wizard of Oz, looked at the car full of people, said something unintelligible and then walked off - only to be replaced by 2 MBTA cops. They surveyed the crowd, talked to a few people and stayed on board until the hysterical driver returned 3 or 4 minutes later. Did she think she'd spotted a suspected terrorist in her rear view? ...


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