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irregahdless's blog

Hottest Boston News Women - 2007

It’s awards show season, and you know what that means! Time for me to pick the nominees for the Hottest Boston News Woman of the year, and for you to vote on them. We have a good crop this year, so scan/ogle them all closely, and then vote for your favorite at the bottom of the page.

As usual, this year’s winner will receive nothing more than the slightly creeped-out feeling, that people actually vote on things like this.

Free tagging: 


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Students In Boston: For or Against?

I have often opined that the large student population here in Boston is a driving force behind what makes this city so great. From the indie rock scene, to the cheap-o food and drink options, to the nerd-hungry companies that set up shop here, I have long felt that I am fortunate to live in a city with such a heavy college and college student presence.

But this weekend, as I was held hostage in my apartment, blocked in by 16 rental trucks and piles of trash, and later awakened by drunken college students screaming at 4am, I began to question how much these co-eds really bring to the city.


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