What this woman needs (and others of her ilk) is a copy of the Discovery Channel show (produced in conjunction with 'Discover' Magazine) attempting to piece out what J.C. might have looked like, if he really existed. (Take that Flavius Josephus!) It turns out that he might have resemble a more Semitic type than Aryan, sort of like Yasir Arafat (nothing invidious meant).
Lord help us.
By 02132
Fri, 11/27/2009 - 5:50pm
Oh, the ironing...
That's one good excuse ...
By SwirlyGrrl
Fri, 11/27/2009 - 6:02pm
for not doing all the ironing! What, are you crazy? That's sacrilegious! It might ruin it for e-bay!
Is there no end of Rorschach material for the faithful? On the other hand, I see the flying spaghetti monster in my bowl every time I eat pasta.
By Kaz
Fri, 11/27/2009 - 6:21pm
He truly is everywhere!
because if Jesus Christ wanted to reveal himself to us
By Anonymous
Fri, 11/27/2009 - 6:33pm
he would do it with ironing stains, on toast, and with moisture between two panes of glass in a thermal window.
Looks like Muhammad ibn
By anon
Fri, 11/27/2009 - 6:38pm
Looks like Muhammad ibn ‘Abdull?h to me.
This is surely going to test
By East Cambridge
Fri, 11/27/2009 - 8:16pm
This is surely going to test our mettle!
Just opening up another market
By JhC
Fri, 11/27/2009 - 9:01pm
With the development of these the toast market on EBay was being overrun...
Fred Holy Toast Stamper
Iron of Turin
By david_yamada
Fri, 11/27/2009 - 9:18pm
Maybe she can open a museum.
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
By adamg
Fri, 11/27/2009 - 9:20pm
After all these centuries, the Shroud might be a bit wrinkled and could use a good ironing.
Let's hope the iron has...
By david_yamada
Fri, 11/27/2009 - 11:18pm
..different settings. Else we may have one of those picture-within-a-picture deals.
Give This Woman A DVD Of Discovery Channel Show
By Laurence Glavin
Sat, 11/28/2009 - 3:26pm
What this woman needs (and others of her ilk) is a copy of the Discovery Channel show (produced in conjunction with 'Discover' Magazine) attempting to piece out what J.C. might have looked like, if he really existed. (Take that Flavius Josephus!) It turns out that he might have resemble a more Semitic type than Aryan, sort of like Yasir Arafat (nothing invidious meant).
A friend of mine suggested it
By anon
Sat, 11/28/2009 - 4:22pm
A friend of mine suggested it looks more like Cher. I agree.