City thinks post-Celtics rioters more likely to toss plastic Phoenix boxes than metal Globe, Herald boxes
By adamg on Sat, 06/12/2010 - 11:33am
Earlier this week, you may recall, Boston Police asked newspaper distributors to remove their boxes from areas where hopped-up Celtics revelers/mourners might be tempted to use them to put holes in plate-glass windows. The Phoenix reports the Boston DPW apparently thinks plastic boxes for free papers are more of a risk, because it sent crews out to remove them while leaving the potentially more lethal metal Globe and Herald boxes alone:
Can't people throw them through windows, as well? In fact, aren't their metal boxes more fun to throw through windows than our plastic ones?
Free tagging:
Is this even constitutional?
I see a First Amendment issue when the city government unilaterally (without a public hearing or even City Council approval) decides to remove newspaper sales boxes from a neighborhood.
newspaper boxes
are highly regulated in terms of rules, regulations and permits.
Basically items on public property that might cause harm to others on public property can be regulated.