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Developer wants to change proposed complex off Baker Street in West Roxbury from condos to apartments


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"Apartment" is a physical configuration, as distinct from, say, "freestanding house" or "townhouse".

"Condo" is an administrative category, as distinct from, say, "rental," "co-op," or "individually owned."

An apartment can be a rental, a condo, or a co-op.

Saying that they want to change from condos to apartments doesn't really make sense. What they want to do is change from units that would be sold as condominiums to units that would be rented.

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Lower quality construction, the kind that doesn't sell "luxury condos"

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At least in Boston, as long as I've been covering this sort of thing, "condos" have been things you buy and "apartments" are things you rent, so I'm going to stick with that.

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Seems to prefer "home-ownership units" and "rental units" in multi-unit buildings, but applicants themselves who are building "rental units" prefer "apartments" in the names of buildings with units for which you pay rent (we can leave "co-ops" out of the discussion because, unlike a certain city to our south, Boston has very few of them).

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It really is region dependent.. sure Condo is used everywhere in the US.

But try to tell someone who isn't from the US what a condo is. There's really no equiv for a "owned unit in apartment building". The British say "flat" but that can be either or.

And I've yet to find a spanish word that describes it best when talking with my neighbors.

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next to Home Depot - are those rentals or owner occupied units?

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The new building next to Home Depot is rentals.

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is just a formality.

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