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Man rents U-Haul van to drive fireworks to Grove Hall, only to have them confiscated by police, at least the ones he didn't shoot off first


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I know we are trying to come up with ways to discourage bad behavior without it resorting to arrests and jail etc.

One thing I thought about was if there was a way to attach penalties to the vehicle if one is involved. If you are driving a uhaul full of fireworks maybe that should mean you forfeit your security deposit? I bet Uhaul doesn't want their trucks filled with explosives. I also know if I'm speeding and get caught my insurance premium goes up. If you are caught with explosive devices in your car in MA and especially if you are lighting them off shouldn't that show the insurance company you are a risky driver? I'd imagine the same could be said of home insurance as well. This is high risk behavior and I think it's more worthwhile for the insurance companies than half the stuff they ding you for.

That is only a portion of the fireworks going off but you can't fix all problems with one solution.

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I'd be happy if these people had to spend 40 hours over the course of the next year picking up trash and dog poop from public roadways and parks.

Jail is overkill for these offenses and fines either aren't a deterrent or just create other problems.

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and setting them off at all hours of the night when people are trying to get a decent night's sleep so they can go about their daily lives and business or whatever, but what about if the setting off of illegal fireworks by anybody, regardless of age, or the setting off of fireworks by people who are underage? Okay maybe they should get at least a fine for illegal possession of Fireworks, but what about if an innocent bystander ends up being seriously injured (i. e. the loss of one or two fingers, or even an eye. for example)? People have sustained such injuries while setting off fireworks.

Having said all of the above, the best thing to do, if one wants to have a fireworks display in their back yard, they should hire and pay a professional who knows what the hell they're doing to provide the fireworks performing display for them.

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They should suspend their drivers license for at least a year. Same if a driver is transporting other illegal things.

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Too many Idaho stops or just blowing through red lights, going the wrong way down a one way street, failing to yield to pedestrians in a cross walk, all should have the possibility of having your right to bike taken away.

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Under what authority would you confiscate and keep a bike and ban someone from using another one?

Without a bike licensing system your ability to do this is not really there

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Who would enforce all these new UHub enacted laws? We would need some sort of enforcement bureau to make sure the fines are paid and people abide by these new restrictions.

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I've seen plenty of bicyclists around here just blow through red lights and STOP signs, and go the wrong way down one way streets, and bike-ride against the traffic, instead of with the traffic like they're supposed to.

The first time or so, an offending bicyclist should be fined, and then if he or she persists, then they should be booked and have their bicycles taken away from them for awhile, especially downtown.

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In an article about fireworks and the transportation of fireworks in a rental van, somehow the comments have come around to complaints about bicyclists.

Is this some sort of corollary to Godwin's Law? Someone more creative than me can surely come up with a name.

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Confiscate the fireworks and put a large dent in the fender. They’ll think twice about the fireworks and never rent from U-Haul again after all the fees that get charged.

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Long-ago U-Haul employee here - long enough ago that some of the trucks were still wood bodies, all of them were beat to hell, and the only appropriate comment is that some of their rolling stock would be improved by a fireworks explosion. Today, they might actually care about the fate of their stuff.
Is that photo just a sample of the confiscated goods or did they only bust the guy after he sold 90% of his inventory? That's barely enough to fill the back of an SUV.

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"A selection of seized fireworks."

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Thank you

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But he already lost all his fireworks that he had to drive up to NH to get. That's plenty of time and money. And certainly discouraging.

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here is a petition that I started to help change the law about fire works. I know its a bit harsh but it has some teeth to the petition.

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...with near constant air bursts from 8pm to well after 2am. I have a strong dislike for the ones that just sound like half a stick of dynamite, rattling the windows.

There’s no way this abates magically after 7/4 - I fear our summer evenings will be the sounds of continual firecracker gunfire interrupted at random by massive explosions. Toss in a few MedFlight choppers headed to BMC, and it really feels like you’re living in a nightly war movie.

Time to up that Xanax dosage....

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A group of middle-aged urban residents, including veterans, join forces for a stealth cross-border raid to blow up all the fireworks stores on the NH border.

Much diverse group bonding, facing of fears, and reclaiming of youth ensues.

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National Lampoon’s Karen and the Urban Folk go to New Hampshire. Break out the popcorn.

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Thank you, BPD. This has been going on for weeks and I have had to adjust my bedtime because of the noise. There are two senior building, each one block from Dove and Dacia and I live in one. Last night they were going over the roofs of some houses and I thought a fire might start. Also, 7
If this person is a tenant they should be evicted.

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"Thank you, BPD"?

This method of dealing with the fireworks problem is about as effective as the PD arresting the local pot dealer and people thinking that's going to solve the drug problem.

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Check out ‘VFW’ - throwback to 1980s cheese action/horror with loads of B-actor cameos.

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Friends who live in tightly packed Savin Hill do not know if there gun shots or fireworks. Kids on dirt bikes/mopeds shoot fireworks off while driving by directed at residences. Also they light up intersections with fireworks. ..sleep is impossible and it sounds like one lives in a war zone. Glad you think its funny though.

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