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Would-be Canadian votes in Massachusetts election

You may recall David Drucker as the Cambridge resident so disgusted with the state of American democracy that he moved to Canada last year. Despite the fact he doesn't intend to come back, he's still registered to vote in Cambridge; he reports he recently sent in his absentee ballot:

... It's not as my vote is going to make a big difference, but I am intrigued with the prospect of Deval Patrick becoming the next Governor of Massachusetts. What's more there was even a State Ballot Question that would pave the way for the sale of wine in Grocery stores in my former state. ...


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I hate America!

I'm moving to Canada to become a Canadian!

Here's my absentee ballot.

I dunno. Seems kinda weak to me.

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This is the first time I think I've ever agreed with you! :-)

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seems like that should be kind of illegal or something.

It just shows how easily elections can be stolen when we have NO standards as to how we do things. Why can't we vote using our social security # or some other form of ID.

I always encourage people to vote, especially young people who say "it doesn't matter..." Well it really seems like it doesn't matter when the system is so open to corruption.

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I guess he didn't "move" to Canada then, more like a really long vacation.

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I'm one to talk.

I'll be moving out of state soon after casting my ballot. Believe me, if I could cast my ballot in NH instead, I would do so in a heartbeat.

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So, does he have a vehicle still registered in Cambridge? Does he have an address there? Property? Is there anything, I wonder, that would demonstrate that he is a resident of Cambridge?

Not that Cambridge cares to check up on anyone's legal (or not) residency status, mind you. Just askin'.

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In Somerville, I periodically receive a City Census form that I have to fill out if I want to remain a registered voter. Does Cambridge not also do this?

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