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City councilor, son injured in Jamaica Plain car crash

Live Boston reports City Councilor Kendra Lara and her young son were injured when she drove into the house at 803 Centre St. in Jamaica Plain this afternoon.

The Globe reports both she and her son required care for cuts and that the councilor said she swerved to keep from crashing into another car.

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I wonder what the excuse is here.

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Was the fence wearing a helmet?

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And by the force of the impact, she might have mistaken the gas pedal and the break pedal.

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Lara was unlicensed, the car was unregistered, uninspected, uninsured.... the accident is entirely her fault, even if it happened because the car was not functioning properly, because she did not follow the basic laws that are supposed to keep us all safe on the roads. Her kid is injured because she is a bad driver, a bad citizen, and a bad parent.

She's been driving without a license for almost a decade, breaking the law on a daily basis. This is a flagrant abuse of public trust. She should be thrown out of the City Council for her moral turpitude, and if she is found to be driving another car, ever, she should be arrested.

The report said the car was unregistered and the driver was operating with a revoked license, no insurance, and an expired inspection sticker.

The child should have been riding in a booster seat but was not, police wrote. The child suffered a “deep laceration on the left eyebrow” and also had “bruising around the left eye” and was taken to Children’s Hospital, the report said.

Because the child was not in a proper car seat, the state Division of Children and Families was notified, the report said.

She's unfit to be a City Councilor. The only question is whether she's unfit to be a parent.

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The answer to your last question is a resounding yes.

There are also a multitude of other issues which the media is widely ignored. Like living in an income restricted apartment with an annual salary in excess of $100,000. Or receiving free gifts such as an electric bike.

Another counselor in the same chamber this week accused all of her colleagues of being racist, white supremacists, and including the mayor, and the media also ignored.

Boston’s city council is in shambles.

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Boston’s city council is in shambles.

In other words, the same as has been true for all the decades I've lived here and many before that.

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for the housing and gifts allegations? Or a link to that ‘widely circulated video’? She’s definitely made controversial/objectionable statements, but what you are claiming is outright criminal fraud.

I looked online but couldn’t find anything much. That doesn’t necessarily mean your accusations aren’t true, but an anon account dropping little bombs like that is pretty sketchy and smells like a political/ideological adversary taking advantage, more than a concerned citizen.

At this point i’m inclined to believe the worst about the councilperson (imo her crash exposes a level of criminal culpability), but i like to base my opinions on real data, not rumor.

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Per the public MassRMV registration status checker, the vehicle's registration and inspection were both expired, and therefore it is uninsured.

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...there was a City Councilor behind the wheel.

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With an uninsured car, with a child out of a booster seat. Driving with a donut on the car.

Yet her spokesperson asks “for privacy”.

If you come out and slander the BFD and call them liars, yet you as a public official ask “for privacy”, we call that being two faced.

How’s your vote against Mary Tamer looking now folks?

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She was slandered so this bozo could take office.

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Tamer is a racist. Her campaign was clearly racist. There was no slander involved in saying so. That she has gone on to work for Democrats for Education Reform, which despite its name is funded by billionaire reactionaries, only illustrates she would be worse in all the ways that actually matter.

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As opposed to the billionaire reactionaries who are underwriting The Great Divide in the Globe? The ones trying to wreck the success of the three exam schools. The billionaire who already used the Globe to take out one headmaster at Latin?

The Globe is more slanted than a 350lb. person on a see saw when it comes to taking a billionaire's money to advance their ideas and their sense of control.

They have even gone back and "carefully worded" their follow up stories on this crash because they can't have any more of their local political pics look bad. Even though those political pics have played like the 2012 Sox.

Rollins has been already Designated For Assignment, Lara is going on the 60 day IL, and Arroyo is batting 0.106 and is riding the pine but I guess Tamer is a "racist" for opposing what you think is right even though you are throwing around the word racist in a manner that would make some members of the Boston City Council blush.

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when you don't live in Boston, John? Move back or stop telling us how to vote.

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Boston has one city councilor who last winter posted a picture on twitter praising Ho Chi Minh despite the reason her district has a huge Vietnamese population was because the Viet Minh killed a lot of their relatives. I can't believe she was that dumb.

Boston has a city councilor who had her own JP Porchfest (Demolition Derby Edition) whilst breaking enough laws to have been arrested many times over. Not so smart.

Do you know the person who first posted the crash to Adam deleted the tweet? Why? He was a city employee. Probably because he was scared of retribution. Retribution which still exists in city politics, it just has a "progressive" label.

There is another city councilor who just paid a $3,000 fine just this week because he couldn't figure out that representing your brother against the city where you are a lawmaker doesn't pass the smell test. If Frank Baker was doing this, you would have torched his house.

Mary Tamer (who I remember as being a smart person in HS with a good fashion sense and a great smile) was smeared by the crowd who so wanted Crash Car Kendra into the City Council no matter what her competence level was.

If Erin Murphy had hit a porch on Friday with her car you would have been like Amanda Plumer on top of the table in Pulp Fiction calling for her head.

Get over yourself. Income taxes to to the state get spread out on the Cherry Sheets. I have just as much interest in Boston Politics as you do. Boston is the engine that runs the state.
You should vote for competency not stupidity and flagrantly breaking the law.

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John - I so not always agree with you but you make some valid point here IMO.

The same mentality that gave us Donnie the Red, and continues to push for that, is also happening on the left. It seems no matter what the transgression, stupid or legal, people are willing to hoist their hero to the top of the parapets to be seen and worshiped by all.

Flawed ideology has replaced legality in many areas, and laws are changed by pressure in social media at the whim of those tied to it at the hip and can never put their phones down.

Speaking truth is not always being a right-winger or conservative. Sometimes truth is just pointing out the reality of a situation. Often truth is not popular, and in today's society it has to fight it's way to be seen.

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Is there one comment here excusing Lara’s actions? I don’t think so.

John and his ilk continue to gin up strawmen for the purpose of propping themselves up as reasonable commentators.

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What sad desperate lives they seem to lead.

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Do you know the person who first posted the crash to Adam deleted the tweet? Why? He was a city employee. Probably because he was scared of retribution.

Not only that, but he refused requests from local media outlets to use his photo. He's also one of the city's top Styrofoam Hat People.

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Allegedly driving an unregistered vehicle on a revoked license. Her son was not secured in a car seat.

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If the Herald article is correct, she's unlikely to have car insurance, which is additional bad news for the homeowner.

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The house had taken out the extra non-insured/underinsured rider on its auto policy.


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If true she should do serious prison time. There is no excuse for driving over a sidewalk and into a building. It’s beyond ridiculous that people on sidewalks and In homes are under attack by local drivers.

They should have kept Centre Street pedestrian only after last sundays open streets event. Drivers have proven they only ruin it.

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That wouldn't have helped in this case. This leg of Centre Street was not closed for Open Streets.

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She's your city councilor.

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I hope they get the best city hall press release possible.

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And the trend continues. Anyone can have an accident, but the details... Jeez.

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When elected officials break laws, the fine or jail time should be automatically double what it would be for someone who isn't a lawmaker.

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I don't know about a role model, but this councillor is a perfect reflection of their constituents.

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To very few constituents maybe.
She gives off a very grifter vibe to me, so politics suits her, but driving around in an uninsured unregistered automobile with no license and a child not in a secure seat, is too much.

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Lara has been one of the voices on city council most willing to openly challenge the dominance of the car and push for improvements that benefit people walking and rolling and yet here she is driving in such a way that a curb and metal fence aren’t enough to slow her down when she lost control on a street with a 25 MPH speed limit. That she’s about the best we got on these issues really shows how far we have to go in rein in cars on our streets.

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With logic like that sounds like you will fit in on the council.

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I don’t care about bike and pedestrian improvements because a city councilor said so. I care about them because I walk and bike in the city. A city councilor being a hypocrite does nothing to emphasize the necessity of those improvements. Like I said, if anything the fact that people who nominally know better still cause harm on our streets should be all the more reason we need to redesign them.

On the other hand attempting to use a car crash to discredit bike infrastructure on a street without bike infrastructure because the person involved spoke favorably about bike projects would be utter nonsense. That’s the type of logic that has dominated city council for too long.

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There's no way she wasn't messing with her phone which is why she didn't see the other car and overreacted to the point of driving off into a house.

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How is this possible going less than 25 miles per hour??? All these politicians keep lowering the speed limit and making all these rules that they don't follow themselves.

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Accidents happen. Knowingly driving with a revoked license is criminal. She was only caught because of the accident. How many additional time has she knowingly broken the law.

Resigning is the only acceptable next step.

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Revoked license
Unregistered vehicle
Her child wasn’t in a booster seat
Crashed into a house

At least when she does something, she does all of it! Bye bye Councilor Lara

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Looks like she was coming from the Aborway rotary and crossed the incoming lane before crashing into the house.

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Gives a big sigh of relief that the attention is on someone else for now.

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Now you've blown that.

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Accidents happen. It takes criminal intent to drive without a license and uninsured.

Not to mention maintaining the kind of recklessness that got your license revoked.

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It looks like The Boston Globe left out some significant information in 'reporting' this story. It's similar to pertinent details left out of the recent Old Harbor project horror story.

I think if the Globe did their job and actually reported the facts in story's like these, they'd have some credibility. Pages like Turtleboy wouldn't be needed, but here we are. Again.

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You are a buffoon spreading bullshit as gospel.

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In the prior story the Globe waited and didn't reprint the stupid speculation of some random BFD guy.

Not to say BPD is always right but it's worth waiting for an actual police report and offical statement.

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Althea is a national treasure. Give her credit for making the effort.

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Gracious, modest, hard-working, and appreciative of the voters putting her in office

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This accident puts the spotlight on BPD/BTD over how she managed so long without a license or registration. City Councilors get a reserved parking spot right in City Hall itself. Councilors also routinely drive to events and are free to park wherever on city streets while on the job. I assume the councilor took advantage of those perks.

It's improbable that for the past 18 months no plate scanner caught Lara's license plate and flagged it as unregistered, and that no officer or parking attendant noticed the expired inspection sticker. Those city employees who gave her a pass failed to do their job and should be dinged for it.

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